
  • 网络The Washington Times;washington time;The Washington Post
  1. 新的所有者团队的出现加强了信心,这将使华盛顿时报复苏。

    The new ownership group appears confident that it can revive The Washington Times .

  2. 然而,国务院副发言人黎克否认华盛顿时报二十二日的报导。

    However , State Department deputy spokesman Philip Reeker denied the 22nd report in Washington Times .

  3. 山姆迪利,华盛顿时报的执行的编辑,与美联社确认销售。

    Sam Dealey , executive editor of The Washington Times , confirmed the sale with The Associated Press .

  4. 今天我们来看吉姆·加纳(他为保守的《华盛顿时报》画时政漫画)是如何构思爱德华兹的。

    Today we see how Jim Garner , who draws editorial cartoons for the conservative Washington Times , envisions John Edwards .

  5. 在给《华盛顿时报》的一篇声明中,谷歌一位发言人说“谷歌自动补全功能并没有偏向任何候选人或事件。”

    In a statement to the Washington Times , a Google spokesperson said " Google Autocomplete does not favor any candidate or cause . "

  6. 像许多报纸一样,华盛顿时报在经济衰退期受到严重打击,其主要收入来源的广告近几年一直减少。

    Like many newspapers , The Washington Times has been hard hit by a downturn in advertising that has depleted its main source of income in recent years .

  7. 在星期二新闻网站的报导,乔以及麦克德维特立誓吸引更多的订阅者,同时扩展华盛顿时报的活动在广播及互联网。

    In Tuesday 's story on the newspaper 's website , Joo and McDevitt vowed to attract more subscribers while expanding The Washington Times'activity on the radio and Internet .

  8. 华盛顿时报的加力·阿诺德高度赞扬了这部电影的演员:“这部电影因为演员而吸引眼球,弗里曼是一位老道的警察,而皮特是一位散发着青春活力、固执的警察。”茜拉·乔思顿在独立报上的评论高度赞扬了弗里曼的演技:

    Gary Arnold of The Washington Times praised the cast : " The film 's [ winning formula ] is the personal appeal generated by Mr Freeman as the mature , [ thinking ] cop and Mr Pitt as the young , headstrong cop . " Sheila Johnston , in her review for The Independent , praised Freeman 's performance :

  9. 他是一位传统派作家,还有华盛顿邮报和纽约时报著名的新闻记者阿尔特•布克沃尔德和拉塞尔贝克。

    He belongs to a tradition that included distinguished journalists such as Art Buchwald in the Washington Post , and Russell Baker at the New York Times .

  10. 因此,1951年在乔治华盛顿大学毕业后,杰奎琳在《华盛顿时报先驱报》做起了出出镜调查员,只为赚钱维生。

    So when , after graduating from George Washington University in 1951 , Jackie took a job as the Inquiring Camera Girl for the Washington Times-Herald , she did it because she needed the salary .

  11. 因此,1951年在乔治华盛顿大学毕业后,杰奎琳在《华盛顿时报先驱报》做起了出“出镜调查员”,只为赚钱维生。

    So when , after graduating from George Washington University in 1951 , Jackie took a job as the " Inquiring Camera Girl " for the Washington Times-Herald , she did it because she needed the salary .