- 网络Washington National Zoo

Star attraction at national zoo in Washington got a bit of outdoor time today .
The baby giant panda at Washington 's National Zoo now has a name , Bao Bao , it means treasure or precious .
And in Washington , the latest panda cub at the National Zoo celebrated a birthday .
A young giant panda who became a major draw after his birth at Washington 's National Zoo will leave for China early next year for breeding .
In the U.S. , panda cams can be found at several zoos , including San Diego , Atlanta , Memphis and the recently upgraded feed at the National Zoo in Washington , D.C.
China first offered pandas to the U.S. in 1972 and they were housed in the National Zoo in Washington , D.C. , and Chinese pandas have been present there ever since . This includes the panda cub Bao Bao born there last August .