
  • 网络Washington National Zoo
  1. 今天,华盛顿国家动物园里引人注目的明星享受了一段室外时光。

    Star attraction at national zoo in Washington got a bit of outdoor time today .

  2. 华盛顿国家动物园的熊猫幼仔得名“宝宝”,代表珍宝或宝贵的意思。

    The baby giant panda at Washington 's National Zoo now has a name , Bao Bao , it means treasure or precious .

  3. 在华盛顿,国家动物园为刚出生的熊猫仔仔庆祝了生日。

    And in Washington , the latest panda cub at the National Zoo celebrated a birthday .

  4. 在华盛顿的国家动物园出生后成为主要角色的一只年轻的大熊猫将在明年初动身去中国进行繁殖。

    A young giant panda who became a major draw after his birth at Washington 's National Zoo will leave for China early next year for breeding .

  5. 在美国,一些动物园有拍摄大熊猫活动的摄像头,包括圣地亚哥、亚特兰大、孟菲斯,还有华盛顿的国家动物园最近刚刚升级的熊猫馆。

    In the U.S. , panda cams can be found at several zoos , including San Diego , Atlanta , Memphis and the recently upgraded feed at the National Zoo in Washington , D.C.

  6. 中国首次在1972年向美国送熊猫,它们生活在华盛顿特区的美国国家动物园,自此国家动物园里一直不少熊猫的身影,其中还包括去年八月在那里出生的熊猫宝宝。

    China first offered pandas to the U.S. in 1972 and they were housed in the National Zoo in Washington , D.C. , and Chinese pandas have been present there ever since . This includes the panda cub Bao Bao born there last August .