
  • 网络time-limited service
  1. 单片机程序的限时服务策略及设计

    Policy of time-limited service and its application in MCU software design

  2. 单片机多任务架构软件的限时服务设计

    Application of Time-Limited Service in Multi-Task Architecture of MCU

  3. 此前柏林一家妓院推出了一项不限时享受性服务的促销活动,但之后由于政府担心妓女的权益和健康受损,该活动被叫停。

    One Berlin bordello offered a flat-rate for an unlimited time before officials'concerns over prostitutes'rights and cleanliness in the club forced them to rescind the offer .

  4. 办事公开、首问负责、限时办结等服务承诺,醒目地立在工商局的窗口前。

    Things open , person in charge and , within specified time and other pledges , Trade and Industry Bureau prominently stand in front of the window .