
  • 网络Restrictive competitive behavior;anti-competitive practice
  1. 国际航运业的垄断豁免制度有其自身的特点,如属于集体豁免,是对限制竞争行为的豁免等。

    The antitrust exemption of the international shipping industry has some particular features . Such as , it belongs to block exemption , and it is a kind of exemption to anti-competitive practice .

  2. 因此在本部分笔者主要通过对标准化中的限制竞争行为反垄断法判断的基本原则进行分析,提出一般要使用合理原则进行考察。

    Therefore in this part I analyze the basic principles by judging the anti-competitive practice in standardization through Anti-monopoly law , and put forward the theory that inspection shall be made following the rational principle .

  3. 豁免的联合限制竞争行为是该豁免制度的核心内容,它决定着豁免标准的具体内容。

    The acts determine the specific content of the exemption criteria .

  4. 本文仅就联合限制竞争行为进行剖析研究。

    This paper carries on a research in consociation-limit competition behavior .

  5. 第八节协议许可证中对限制竞争行为的控制

    Section 8 : control of anti-competitive practices in contractual licences

  6. 对我国行政性垄断与事业单位限制竞争行为的理性思考

    On the Analysis of Administrative Monopoly and the Restrictive Competition of Institutions

  7. 第一章介绍行业协会的内涵及其限制竞争行为。

    Chapter one introduced the concept of trade association and its anti-competition .

  8. 联合限制竞争行为研究

    A Study of the Behavior of Jointly Limit the Competition

  9. 论我国行政性限制竞争行为的司法审查

    On China ' Judicial Review of Administrative Restriction on Competition

  10. 完善我国公用企业限制竞争行为民事责任

    Improving the Civil Liability of Restricted Competitive Behavior by Public-Service Corporation in China

  11. 论纵向限制竞争行为规制之必要性与措施

    On the Necessity and Measures of Vertical Restrictive Competition Behavior Regulation Vertical Limit

  12. 特许经营限制竞争行为法律研究

    Research on the Restriction Terms of Competition in Franchising

  13. 不正当竞争行为与限制竞争行为是有其自身法律特征的行为。

    Unfair competitive behavior and restricted competitive behavior have their own legal characteristics .

  14. 经济学理念对限制竞争行为两面性的论述,赋予合理分析以经济学的意义。

    Economics endow the reasonableness test new implication .

  15. 企业集团限制竞争行为反垄断法规制

    Research on the Corporate Groups ' Competition-restricting Conduct from the Angle of Anti-monopoly Law

  16. 论反垄断法中联合限制竞争行为的主体界定

    Definition of the Entity of the Associated Restriction on Competition in the Antimonopoly Law

  17. 特许经营限制竞争行为反垄断法适用的若干问题

    On Several Problems About Application Of Antimonopoly Law For Limited Competitive Hehavior In Franchising

  18. 第二,行业协会限制竞争行为的表现形式。

    Secondly , I analyze the manifestation of the trade association limit competition behavior .

  19. 我国反垄断法将联合限制竞争行为以垄断协议命名,其豁免制度是反垄断法豁免制度中内容最庞杂的部分。

    Its antitrust exemption system exemption system is the most heterogeneous part of Anti-monopoly law .

  20. 国际技术许可贸易中限制竞争行为的法律规制

    The Legal Rule Carried on the Limiting Competition Behaviors of the International Technical Permission Trade

  21. 对于这些垄断及其相关限制竞争行为的禁止,只能仰仗于反垄断法和反垄断法中的各项法律制度。

    Only those legal items of anti-monopoly law can forbid the monopoly and competition-limiting acts .

  22. 公用企业限制竞争行为的规制

    Regulation of Public Enterprise Restricting Competitive Behavior

  23. 第六章在介绍国外经验的同时给出了应对跨国制药企业排除与限制竞争行为的可行措施。

    Gives deal with multinational pharmaceutical enterprise exclude and restrict competition behavior of feasible measures .

  24. 反垄断法应以垄断和其他限制竞争行为作为规制对象;

    The target of anti_monopoly law should be to contain monopolizing behavior and various restrictive practices .

  25. 掠夺性定价是现代市场竞争中的一种典型的限制竞争行为。大多数国家对掠夺性定价行为均加以规制。

    Predatory pricing is a kind of typical restriction competition behavior in the modern market competition .

  26. 滥用行为主要表现有滥用市场支配地位和联合限制竞争行为。

    Intellectual property abuses mostly occur in abuses of dominant market position and collusive restriction of competition .

  27. 为此,有必要对公用企业限制竞争行为进行规制。

    So it is necessary for our country to regulate the behavior of public enterprises restricting competition .

  28. 需要国家干预说的制度例证&从经济法规制纵向限制竞争行为的角度

    System example of needing state intervention & angle of from economy legal regulation to limited competitive behavior

  29. 联合限制竞争行为是市场经济条件下普遍存在、危害严重的反竞争行为。

    Collaboration of restricting competition is a universal anti-competitive behavior with severe harm in market economy condition .

  30. 相关市场是竞争法中的基础性概念,对所有限制竞争行为的讨论都必须以界定相关市场为基础。

    Relevant market , a basic conception of the antitrust laws , is the beginning of antitrust analysis .