
  1. 盐度是影响浓缩系数的敏感因素,pH值则是盐度影响的限定因素。在温度和pH值恒定条件下,浓缩系数与盐度呈明显负相关;

    When both temperature and pH were kept constant , however , a negative correlation existed between the concentration factor and salinity .

  2. 读者图书借阅权利限定因素的多维思考

    The Multi-Dimensional Considerations to the Factors of Readers ' Borrowing Authority

  3. 一个值得注意的问题是是否有限定因素。

    A notable question is whether there is parameter in it .

  4. 你没有的那一项就是限定因素。

    The one you 're missing is the limiter .

  5. 即便考虑了这些限定因素,2500亿美元这个数字也经不起最起码的核查。

    Even with those qualifiers , the $ 250bn figure fails to stand up to minimal testing .

  6. 但它取决于执行细节,而且就算是最开放的排班制度,也需要作为一个系统去运转,要有限定因素,有清楚的沟通。

    But it 's all in the details , and even the most open scheduling system still has to function as a system , with parameters and clear communication .

  7. 在高功率微波辐射技术中,馈源系统是天线系统的最终功率容量限定因素,因此高功率馈源系统的设计成为关键。

    In the HPM radiation techniques , the design of HPM feed system becomes the key , because the feed system is the ultimate power limit factor of the antenna system .

  8. 当然,在论证这个观点时,我们必须注意到其中的一些限定性因素。

    Indeed , we should observe some of the restrictive factors when proving this point .

  9. 最终,科学革命得以发生,范式传统的限定性因素孕育出新范式。

    At last , science revolution emerges , the limitative factor of paradigms could midwifery a new paradigm .

  10. 在这些限定性因素中,人们可以将文学过渡空间的两种最基本的功能界定为抵制作用与推动作用。

    Within these parameters one could define the two most basic functions of the transitional literary space as resistance and emergence .

  11. 不同于其他潜在的建设项目,一座新的博物馆建筑需要我们考虑一系列的多样性以及相矛盾的限定性因素。

    More than almost any other potential construction , a new museum building requires that we take into account an array of very heterogeneous and sometimes even contradictory parameters .

  12. 该方法在对查询选取扩展词时充分利用了语言成分以及自然语言词汇具有多义性和歧义性,并且考虑了上下文对语义的限定等因素。

    When select the expansion term for query term , we full use of the language component , the polysemy and ambiguity of natural language words , and consider the limited of context of semantics , and so on .

  13. 与此同时,东北地区春秋两季季节短且干旱多风沙,而冬季却漫长寒冷,这样恶劣的气候环境也成为东北地区校园景观建设的一个限定的因素。

    At the same time , the Northeast region in spring and autumn seasons are short and dry and more wind , and winter is long and cold , harsh climate and environment that has become the construction of campus landscape in Northeast a limited factor .

  14. 从读解的整个过程和基本情况看,文本是基础,作者是参考背景,读者是有限定的不定因素。

    According to the whole process and basic condition , we know that text is base , author is reference background , reader is definite indefinite factor .