
xiàn zhì sù dù
  • Limit speed;critical velocity
  1. 在建立以上配电网网架优化模型的基础上,本文在原始粒子群优化算法(PSO)中设置动态最大限制速度基础上,提出一种速度自适应粒子群优化算法。

    In the establishment of the above optimization model for distribution network structure , based on the article in the original particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) is set dynamically based on the maximum speed limit , proposed a rate of Adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm .

  2. –建议总是用流量控制器限制速度。

    It is always advisable to limit speed with flow controllers .

  3. 针对主要风险因素制定和实施法律,包括限制速度;

    Developing and enforcing legislation on key risk factors including limiting speed ;

  4. 机制线面羊毛里手套这里有一个限制速度。

    Machine-made cotton string gloves with wool lining There is a speed limit here .

  5. 这里有一个限制速度。

    There is a speed limit here .

  6. 可变限制速度标志的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Changeable Speed-Limit Sign

  7. 横风对列车通过曲线限制速度影响的数值研究

    Numerical Study on the Limit Speed when a Train Negotiates Curved Rails under Side Wind

  8. 可变限制速度标志(以下简称可变限速标志)是高速公路上进行速度限制,保障交通安全的重要设施。

    Changeable speed-limit sign is an important device on freeway to limit driving speed and improve traffic safety .

  9. 在选用公路等级、设计速度和限制速度时,以公路功能定位;

    When deciding the rank of highway , designed speed , and speed limit , they must comply with the highway function .

  10. 例如,很多踏板电动车配置了骑行功能不好的脚踏,并有限制速度的附加装置。

    Lots of electric scooters , for example , are outfitted with nonfunctioning pedals and with speed-limiting devices designed for easy removal after purchase .

  11. 进一步研究了加速常数、最大限制速度与惯性权重之间互相协同对粒子群优化算法的控制的优劣问题。

    In addition , it studies on the priority problem of algorithm controlled by accelerating constants , the maximum limited velocity , and their coordinate with inertia weight .

  12. 对高速列车必须进行噪声设计,才能分别按环保要求决定高速通道不同区段的最高限制速度。

    The " noise design " must be carried out to determine the maximum limited train speeds in different sections of the high-speed corridor according to the requirements of environment protection .

  13. 提出了一种解水平轨道的列车节能控制问题的算法,该算法考虑了无限制速度和有限制速度两种情形,并基于模拟退火算法、动态罚函数法。

    In this paper , we present an algorithm for solving train control problem on a level track with speed limits . The algorithm is based on simulated annealing algorithm and penalty function method .

  14. 阐述了设计速度、运行速度和限制速度等多个速度相关概念之间的关系,从人、车、路、环境和管理五方面分析了车速的影响因素。

    Then the relationships between design speed , operating speed , limited speed etc. are expatiated . At the same time , analyzes the speed affected factors from the point of view of human , vehicle , road alignment , environment and management .

  15. 最近的情况有利用GPS技术来限制最大速度或驾驶特定区域。

    Recent conditions have utilised GPS technology to limit maximum speeds or driving to specific regions .

  16. 一个解决办法是限制交易速度。

    One solution would be to limit speed .

  17. A组9例术后心率增快时限制输液速度为30~40滴/min;

    Group A : transfusion speed was limited at 30 to 40 drop per minute .

  18. 我正以限制的速度行驶。

    I was running with regulation speed .

  19. 那位司机收到了一个违章通知单,因为他在车辆多的地方没能限制开车速度。

    This driver received a ticket because he failed to limit his speed while driving in heavy traffic .

  20. 在电机的额转速范围可以任意限制最大速度。

    The brushless motor controller with great current can restrict maximum speed at will in the rated range of rotation speeds of motors .

  21. 我正以限制的速度行驶。这只船仍在大海中行驶,可好像正向海港驶来。

    The ship is still a long way out to sea , but she seems to be standing in towards the the harbour .

  22. 现行各种制式的驼峰速度控制系统,都基本属开环控制,限制了速度调整的品质和当外界因素变化时的随机适应能力。

    The institution of all the humping speed control systems basically depends upon open loop control which restricts the character of speed regulating and random adaptability to the circumstances .

  23. 为了保证高速道路上述功能的实现,通常会采用限制行车速度的方法对高速道路进行管理。

    In order to guarantee realizing above function of freeway and urban expressway , the method of setting speed limit is usually adopted to manage freeway and urban expressway .

  24. 虽然绝大部分轿车的发动机控制器都会有意限制最高速度,但汽车最高时速的终极物理限制在于空气阻力。

    While most passenger cars have some kind ofartificial speed limits imposed by the engine computer , the ultimate physicallimit to a car 's top speed comes from air resistance .

  25. 在锁相环设计中,双模前置分频器(dual-modulusprescaler)是一个速度瓶颈,而D触发器是限制其速度的主要因素。

    In PLL design , dual-modulus prescaler is one of the bottlenecks in achieving a higher operation speed , and D flip-flop is the key factor limiting the speed of prescaler .

  26. 高速公路主线速度控制是通过设置可变速度标志来限制行车速度,实现车辆在高速公路上高效、安全运行的控制目标。

    The speed control for freeway traffic is to limit the velocities of vehicles by using variable speed signs in order to realize the control aim of freeway traffic effectively and safely .

  27. 在选择转发节点时考虑了多种约束条件,比如能量限制、速度限制、超时限制等,尽量不选择容易造成网络拓扑经常变化的节点作为转发节点,从而以最节能的方式来转发广播消息。

    In choosing forwarding nodes consider a variety of constraint conditions , such as energy limit , speed limits , and overtime limits , not to choose the node easy to cause the network topology changes .

  28. 利用并联机构的动力学模型,对机构在笛卡儿坐标中基于驱动器空间限制的速度规划算法进行了研究,提出了基于驱动器空间限制的S形速度规划算法。

    The velocity planning algorithms based on limits of actuator space in Cartesian space was studied using the dynamic model of parallel manipulator . An S-curve velocity planning algorithm based on the limits of actuator space was presented .

  29. 由于船在浅水中航行,较在深水中多了一个有限水深的限制,速度参数也较深水中多了一个水深佛氏数,使情况更为复杂。

    Ships running in shallow water are affected by the restricted water depth , and a speed parameter-depth Froude number , which is not occurred in deep water , but important in shallow water . This makes the comparison more complicated .

  30. 但由于RBF拟合的计算量大,限制了重建速度和可处理的点云数据规模。

    Because of the computation and storage complexity of RBF fitting , the speed of reconstruction and the scale of point-cloud data are restricted .