
xiàn zhì jiě shì
  • confined interpretation, delimiting interpretation, restrictive interpretation
  1. 对构成抢劫罪加重犯的严重情节应该作严格的限制解释。

    The serious circumstances of the aggravated offense of crime of robbery should be strictly interpreted .

  2. 限制解释的根据不是有利于被告人的原则,而是正义原则的要求。

    The base of limited interpretation is not the principle beneficial to defendant , but the requirement to justice principle .

  3. 因为在体系解释、当然解释和部分扩张解释、限制解释中,司法人员都在自觉或不自觉的运用类推,这不仅是必要的,也是无法禁止的。

    Because in the systematic interpretation , natural interpretation and a part of extended interpretation and limited interpretation , judicial officer are consciously and unconsciously using analogy , which is not merely necessary , but also can not be prohibited .

  4. 最后得出结论,应当对国有单位委派到合资、合作、股份制等非国有单位中从事公务的人员是否属于国家工作人员作适当的限制解释,不能一概以国家工作人员论。

    Finally , it reaches the conclusion whether the personnel appointed by the state-owned enterprises to non-state-owned enterprises of joint venture , partnership , joint-stock engaged in official business can be seen as state personnel should be under the appropriate restrictions .

  5. 第二小节对其他危险方法的各种学说和内容进行了梳理和界定,并提出对刑法条文中规定的其他危险方法所应采取的解释方法,应该慎重实质解释,严格限制解释,注重体系解释。

    The second section introduces and defines various theories and details about other dangerous means . The writer puts forward the interpretation of other dangerous means to be taken , which should be interpreting prudently in real terms , strictly limiting the interpretation and paying attention to systematic interpretation .

  6. 请包括在范围内有关任何限制的解释。

    Please include an explanation of any limitation on my coverage .

  7. 能够被定义、限制或者解释。

    Capable of being defined , limited , or explained .

  8. 第三,加强立法解释,限制司法解释。

    Thirdly , strengthen legislative explanation and limit judicial explanation .

  9. 刑事古典学派主张严格解释主义,其经历了从禁止法官解释刑法到严格限制法官解释;

    Its experience develops from forbidding the judiciary interpretation to the strict restriction .

  10. 向保险公司索求一份保险范围的书面证明和有关限制的解释。

    Ask the insurer to give you a written verification of coverage and an explanation of any limitations on coverage .

  11. 标题仅供参考,不是定义、限制、解释或者描述范围、程度。

    Headings are for reference purposes only and in no way define , limit , construe or describe the scope or extent of such section .

  12. 盗窃注重数额认定是对法律法规的限制性解释,会导致部分情节恶劣的盗窃未遂行为无法处罚。

    It is unfair to judge the larceny only according to larcenous amount and it would lead to remit a punishment for disgusting attempted theft .

  13. 计算得到的辐射寿命比直接能隙GaAs中激子的长得多,说明量子限制不能完全解释多孔硅的高发光效率。

    The calculated radiative lifetime is much longer than that of excitons in the direct-gap GaAs , suggesting that the quantum confinement effect cannot completely explain the high radiative efficiency of porous Si .

  14. 适用与限制:法律解释中的目的解释方法

    The Application and Restriction of Teleological Method of Legal Interpretation

  15. 这种现象我们可以通过量子限制效应来解释。

    The phenomenon can be explain by the effect of quantum confinement .

  16. 语境在交际过程中,具有限制功能、解释功能、确认功能、信息矫正功能和信息补充功能。

    Factors of context function in explanation , affirmation , rectification and replenishment .

  17. 最起码这一建议不违背德国宪法更具限制性的解释。

    At least this proposal would be in line with the more restrictive interpretation of German constitutional law .

  18. 但是,偶尔会超过硬限制,后面解释这一现象。

    However , you see occasional overshoots above the hard limit , which will be explained later in the article .

  19. 我国政府放松外资在华并购限制的经济学解释

    An Economic Explanation of the Loosening-up of Chinese Government on the Limitation of Merger and Acquisition by Foreign Enterprises in China

  20. 使用该原则,并结合一个限制回指解释的句法条件即右边界限制条件,可以对搭桥推理做出新的解释。

    Attempts are made by the proponents of the principle to explain bridging inferences through MDC combined with the right-frontier constraint .

  21. 在语境的八个功能中,限制功能与解释功能是其最重要的两个。

    There are eight functions of context of which restrictive function and interpretative one are the two most important ones among them .

  22. 符号情境是人们运用符号进行认知和交际的具体情境,它在交际中主要起限制作用和解释作用。

    The signifying situations refer to the particular situations of human 's cognition and communication by various signs that have restraining and explaining functions .

  23. 多孔硅与硅材料相比,有明显的可见光致发光特性,其原理可用量子限制模型给予解释。

    Compared to silicon material , porous silicon has obvious characteristic of visible photoluminescence , and its principle can be explained by quantum confinement model .

  24. 第五章,各个格式之间进行横向的比较分析,并对这些格式的特点及其限制条件进行解释。

    Fifth chapter , between each form carries on the crosswise comparative analysis , and carries on the explanation to these forms characteristics and its the limiting condition .

  25. 在遵循这一价值的基础上,构建我国当前刑事司法的操作方法和规则,提出严格限制法官刑法解释权、自由裁量权。

    Based on this principle , the operation rule of criminal judicature shall be formulated and Judges shall be restricted in interpretation of criminal law and usage of discretion .

  26. 紫外可见光光谱分析表明,这类纳米结构薄膜具有1.0~2.9eV的光学带隙蓝移,并可用量子限制效应来解释其起源。

    Spectrophotometric measurements were performed for these samples in ultraviolet , visible and near-IR region , and show obvious blue-shift of the optical band gap as large as 1.0-2.0 eV in comparison with the bulk , which can be explained by quantum confined effect .

  27. 通过建立势垒限制复合模型,解释了立方相GaN的持续光电导现象的物理过程,并对光电导衰减过程的动力学作了分析。

    A barrier-limited model is developed to analyze the decay process , and the decay kinetics is discussed .

  28. 1990年,英国科学家Canham首次观察到室温下多孔硅强的可见光致发光,并用量子限制效应进行了解释使多孔硅迅速成为世界范围内的研究热潮。

    It is reported firstly by CanHam in 1990 that porous silicon can exhibit visible photoluminescence at room temperature .

  29. 不过,对第二个命题,必须施加一些限制并作一些解释。

    This second proposition , however , must be taken with some limitations and explanations .

  30. 然而,其反演解释技术相对落后,限制了其资料解释的水平。

    However , the inversion method is lag behind which restricts the level of data interpretation results .