
  • 网络Limited Purchasing Order
  1. 住房限购令的出台对公民的合同自由产生了极大的限制。

    The house-purchasing limitation order limits freedom of citizens contract extremely .

  2. 随着,“沈阳版”“限购令”正式实施,房屋租赁需求将迎来旺季。

    After regional home purchase restrictions issued , housing rent is in hot demand in Shenyang .

  3. 这是继京沪杭等城市出台住房限购令后,又有一线城市出台限购令。

    It is another Chinese first-tier city rolled out house purchase ban after Beijing , Shanghai and Hangzhou .

  4. 对此,本文认为应针对限购令中存在的问题,对症下药。

    In this regard , the authors believe that the problems should focus on the purchase order , give the right medicine .

  5. 学校饮食中心主任表示,限购令不是针对学生,而是因为常有校外人到学校购买大量鸡蛋和馒头。

    The university said the order coming because there are often some people outside buy eggs and bread from university dining hall .

  6. 很多海外房地产公司认为,中国大陆的楼市限购令给了他们一个促进其房地产发展的机会。

    Many overseas property agents think the housing restriction policy on the Chinese mainland gives them an opportunity to promote their real estate .

  7. 房产税试点、热点城市的限购令使房地产行业面临的资金压力剧增。

    The experiment of property tax and the limited purchase of the hot city make the real estate industry suffer lots of huge financial pressure .

  8. 限购令的出台及其内容在广义上看既有其合法性,又有其合理性,但是它也不是完美无缺的。

    The purchase order is both legitimacy , and rationality from its introduction and content in the broad sense s. But it is not perfect .

  9. 周日有报道称,中央政府将把“限购令”范围扩大至二、三线城市,进一步为房地产市场降温。

    The central government will expand property-purchasing limitations to second-and third-tier cities as it steps up efforts to cool the real estate market , a report said on Sunday .

  10. 限购令接二连三的出台,导致房地产企业资金回笼速度放缓,对房地产企业的资金链来说更是雪上加霜。

    The limitation of the purchase comes up one after another , leading to slower returns of real estate companies ' investment , real estate business face more difficult capital chain .

  11. 近几个月出台的支持措施包括,对农村贷款机构下调存款准备金率,放松各地针对购房的限购令,以及让房地产开发商和中小企业更容易获得资金。

    Previous supportive measures in recent months include RRR cuts for rural lenders , an easing of local home purchase restrictions and easier access to funding for property developers and SMEs .

  12. 面对如此严峻的市场环境,研究房地产项目,特别是被限购令影响巨大的别墅项目的营销策略显得尤为重要!

    Faced with this difficult market environment , research on real estate projects , in particular , was a restriction order affect the marketing strategy of large Villa project is very important !

  13. 房地产业一直是学者们讨论的热点话题,近期国家政府的限购令和价格调控政策进一步引起了社会各界人士对房地产业的关注。

    The real estate industry has been a hot topic of discussion within scholars . Recently the property-purchasing limitation and price control policies attract the concern of the community in the real estate industry .

  14. 笔者认为,这就是为何在政府调控房价的背景下,会出现住房限购令侵损公民合同自由的原因所在。

    The author believes that this is why , in the context of the government to control prices , will be housing , the purchase order undermined citizens freedom of contract , the reason .

  15. 沈阳一家房地产开发有限公司王经理认为,沈阳出台限购令短期内会使房产的交易量变少,但房价的变化不会太大。

    Property deals will shrink in short term if local authorities issue purchase curb , a manager of the development firm in Shenyang said , but there believed not to be big decline in housing prices .

  16. 但是这种限制必须符合宪法与法律的规定,必须符合现代法治理念,这是笔者剖析住房限购令的一个基本立足点。

    However , this " limit " must comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the laws must conform to the modern concept of law , which is the author analysis of housing , the purchase order is a fundamental position .

  17. 沈阳是一个经济中心,同时也是中国北方省份辽宁省的省会。本周,有房地产顾问和中介称沈阳已取消限购令,允许购买多套房。消息在本地媒体和网络上传开后,沈阳成为了关注焦点。

    This week , Shenyang -- an economic hub and the capital of north China 's Liaoning province -- grabbed the spotlight in local news and online , after property consultants and agents said that the city had revoked restrictions on multiple home purchases .

  18. 销量下降和政府实施严格的限购措施令国内房地产开发商面临越来越大的压力。

    China 's property developers face increasing pressure from falling sales and stringent government limits on home purchases .