
  • 网络transportation building
  1. 地铁车站属交通建筑的一种,服务广大乘客。

    Metro station belongs to a kind of the transportation building , and serve all the passengers .

  2. 本文以北京前门火车站的近况为引子,以宾夕法尼亚老火车站的相关资料为结尾,阐述了交通建筑在物质性和人文性方面与城市景观的关系。

    Taking the introduction of Beijing Qianmen railway station and the f inality of old Pennsylvanian railway station , this paper expatiates the connection between transportation building and urban landscape from the aspects of corporality and humanism .

  3. 这条由中国交通建筑公司建造的大桥,会连接Malé市与Malé国际机场所在地Hulhulé岛。

    The bridge , being built by the China Communications Construction Company , will connect Mal é with the island of Hulhul é , where the Mal é International Airport is located .

  4. 另外,高品质的空间享受,也是国外交通建筑普遍呈现的特点。

    In addition , high-quality spaces are shown as the traffic building features .

  5. 现代公共交通建筑室内设计

    The interior design of modern public traffic architecture

  6. 分析我国交通建筑的特点

    Analysis on characteristics of traffic architecture of China

  7. 在协调与融合中精明增长&国外交通建筑的规划与设计

    Smart Growth in Coordination and Assimilation : Planning and Design for Transportation Architecture in Abroad

  8. 新交通建筑的挑战

    The challenge of new transportation architecture

  9. 从单一功能到复合空间的整合探讨介入城市生活方式的重庆轨道交通建筑

    From Single Function to Integration of Complex Space Chongqing 's Urban Rail Transit Intervenes with People 's Daily Life

  10. 铁路客站作为一种交通建筑类型,其设计受到的制约因素较多,因此有一定的难度。

    As a type of traffic building , the design of shape of the railway station is restricted by more constraints .

  11. 吸声体作为重要的吸声结构之一,在公共交通建筑、电影院、剧场等建筑中得到广泛的应用。

    Absorber is used broadly in public transport buildings , cinemas and theaters , as an important sort of sound absorption .

  12. 另一方面,城市建筑功能多元化与集约化的发展趋势还体现在城市交通建筑的设计理念的变革。

    In the other hand , the trend of multiple and intensive building function is also embodied in the reform of urban traffic building design .

  13. 机场候机楼建筑近些年来作为一种独特的公共交通建筑在各中心城市中日渐兴起。

    In recent years , more and more air terminals which are a new sort of public traffic architecture style are built in many centre cities .

  14. 当代交通建筑设计的主要变革就在于将单一功能的交通站房概念转变为多种功能的、整合有多种交通工具的综合换乘中心。

    The main reform of contemporary traffic building design is to change the single function traffic stops into the multi-function transfer center with variety transportation facility .

  15. 随着公共建筑、交通建筑以及大型工业建筑对大跨空间结构需求量的逐渐增加,各类大跨空间结构得到了广泛的应用。

    Nowadays , with public buildings , traffic construction and large industrial building to the large span space structure demand increasingly , all kinds of large span space structure has been widely used .

  16. 本文探讨在高明汽车客运站的设计中,如何运用现代设计理念、材料与技术来传达新的人文精神、展现新型交通建筑的风貌。

    This paper discusses how to express the spirit of new culture and reflect the style o new traffic building applying modern design idea , material and technique in Gaoming Bus Passenger Station design .

  17. 航空港作为一种特殊的交通建筑类型,无论是在形象上,还是在城市区位上,都是一个城市的门户和标志。

    To be a special style of traffic architecture , airport is the door and the mark to a city not only on the surface but also on the inter borough locations of the city .

  18. 作为新中国第三代铁路客站的代表,南京站将现代技术、环境特色、城市文化、交通建筑空间特质在设计上高度融合,具有鲜明的时代特色。

    As the representative work of the third genera - tion railway passenger station in China , Nanjing Station , marked with distinctive epochal character , highly integrates modern technique , environment features , urban culture and the spacial nature of transportation building into a whole .

  19. 铁路客运站做为一种交通建筑的类型,有着独特的功能要求和技术要求,再加上我国地区差异较大,形成了不同的地貌和气候,因此在设计时应充分结合实际情况。

    Railway passenger station building as a type of transportation , has a unique functional requirements and technical requirements , coupled with our regional differences , the formation of a different landscape and climate , so the design should be fully integrated with the actual situation .

  20. 以原平大营服务区规划设计实践为例,探讨交通建筑公共空间人性化创造的设计思路,指出从人性化设计理念出发,塑造富有地域特色的公共空间,是服务区持续生长与完善的关键。

    Starting from the ideals of humanized design to develop traffic public space of local features is the key to activate space , taking the planning for Yuanping Daying service area as example , this paper explores the train of design thought on developing service area public humanized space .

  21. 在21世纪,移动机器人(MobileRobots)将在工业、交通、建筑与航天等领域发挥越来越大的作用,同时也对移动机器人的智能导航控制技术提出了更高的要求。

    Since mobile robots will be widely applied in industry , transportation , construction and aerospace in the 21st century , much higher requirements have been placed on the intelligent navigation technologies for mobile robots .

  22. 目前,RTM已经被广泛应用于航空航天、交通、建筑、通讯、卫生、体育器材等领域。

    RTM is widely used in aviation , mobile , construction , communication , sanitation , sports fields and so on .

  23. 共性与个性的追求&上海浦东国际机场轨道交通车站建筑设计

    Pursuit of Generality and Individuality : Architecture design of railed traffic station of Shanghai Pudong International Airport

  24. 随着我国现代化进程的加快,交通、建筑事业的日益发展以及运动损伤、意外事故和自然灾害等致伤因素的存在,颅脑外伤的发生率逐年增加。

    The incidence of brain injury was increased yearly with the development of the economy and transportation .

  25. 随着交通及建筑业的快速发展,脊柱骨折的发生日益增多。

    Along with the fast development between traffic and building industry , the occurrence of the spinal vertebral fracture increases .

  26. 以建筑的使用功能划分,主要分为:居住建筑、宗法建筑、交通类建筑、社会公益建筑。

    By construction features , they can be divided into : residential architecture , religious architecture , traffic architecture and public welfare architecture .

  27. 工业、交通和建筑是节能的重点领域,而换热网络是过程工业的重要组成部分,换热网络能耗的降低对提高过程工业的能源利用率具有重要意义。

    Industrial , transportation and construction are the priority areas , while the heat exchanger network is an important part of the process industry .

  28. 为汽车、电子、机械、能源、交通、建筑等提供优质满意的产品。

    For the automotive , electronics , machinery , energy , transportation , construction , and so satisfied with the quality of the product .

  29. 随着我国经济建设迅速发展,城市交通、建筑等基础设施成倍增长,城市规模日益扩大,城市经济活动日益加快,人口高度集中。

    With the development of the economy , urban traffics 、 buildings and other utilities are under continuous growth . Urban areas are progressively expanding .

  30. 一要以工业、交通、建筑为重点,大力推进节能,提高能源效率。

    First , we will energetically promote energy conservation and raise the efficiency of energy consumption , especially in industry , transportation , and construction .