
  1. 论文依托福建省科技计划重点项目水上交通安全保障系统关键技术的研究(项目编号:2008H0022)(下面简称,水上安保系统)而确定的。

    The thesis was funded by " Research on the key technology of waterborne transport security system " of the Fujian Science and Technology Key Project ( item number : 2008H0022 ) .

  2. 海上交通安全保障评价技术的研究

    Research on Evaluation Technology of Safety Support for Marine Traffic

  3. 道路交通安全保障技术应用研究

    The Research on the Key Technology of Traffic Safety

  4. 高速公路隧道交通安全保障系统的研究

    A Study on Tunnel Traffic Security System of Expressway

  5. 在农村公路中实施交通安全保障措施的探讨

    An Approach to Implementation of Guaranteeing Measures for Traffic Safety in Rural Highway

  6. 高等级公路交通安全保障体系的初步研究

    Initiative Study of High-class Highway Traffic Security System

  7. 城市轨道交通安全保障系统设计

    Urban Mass Transit Security Guarantee System Design

  8. 驾驶员交通安全保障设计思路

    Design Considerations of Driver Traffic Safety Guarantee

  9. 海上航标系统是海上交通安全保障体系的重要组成部分。

    Maritime Navigation Aid System is an important part of Maritime Traffic Safety Guarantee System .

  10. 构筑城市道路交通安全保障体系

    Constructing Road Traffic Safeguard System

  11. 并且参考我国海上交通安全保障系统特点,运用未确知综合评价模型,建立完整的海上交通安全保障系统的适应性评价模型。

    Then using the uncertained comprehensive evaluation model , the integrated adaptability comprehensive evaluation models on safety support system for marine traffic were established .

  12. 进而有助于了解我国海上交通安全保障系统的现状,为国家完善海上交通安全保障系统规划提供参考。

    The results of this paper will be reference for the authority to perfect the safety support system for marine traffic of our country .

  13. 尽管轨道交通安全保障技术在不断发展,但铁路运输过程中事故仍不断发生,有的事故性质还非常严重。

    Despite the rail traffic safety technology in the development process of railway transportation , but still happening accident , and some properties are very serious accidents .

  14. 在认真研究既有成果的基础上,本文采用大系统的理念,运用定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法和现代信息技术,研究建立城市轨道交通安全保障系统。

    On the basis of investigating present outcome , this paper uses ideology of big system and modern information technology , combines methods of quality and quantity to construct urban mass transit security guarantee system .

  15. 本论文所研究的数字匹配滤波器已经应用在水上交通安全保障信息系统中(交通部科技开发项目)。

    [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 10 ] This DMF has been used by the traffic safety information system in inland waterways ( the scientific and technological development subject of the Ministry of Communication ofChina ) .

  16. 随着高速公路管理水平的提升,交通安全保障工作愈发受到重视,而各种类型的高速公路应急预案被视为处理重大突发事件的重要手段。

    With the level promotion of freeway management , traffic safety maintaining job has already been increasingly highlighted . All kinds of freeway emergency plans are considered as one kind of important means to deal with serious emergency event .

  17. 本文在系统分析以上三个典型问题的基础上,从规划、设计、管理三个方面提出了相应的交通安全保障技术和管理对策。首先,提出了西南地区一级公路路线安全规划方法。

    This paper systematically analyzed these three representative issues , and discussed first-grade highway traffic safety technology and management strategies separately from planning , design , and management . Firstly , the southwest area first-grade highway route safety planning method was put forward .

  18. 四川交通线路安全保障系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of transit lines safety guarantee system for Sichuan Province

  19. 城市轨道交通行车安全保障信息系统的研究

    Study on Operation Safety Information System of Urban Rail Transit

  20. 对高速公路改扩建过程交通运输安全保障措施进行研究,总结出可行有效的安全保障措施。

    Research the extension process transportation safety control of the highway , summarizes the feasible effective safety control .

  21. 这些现象都对城市轨道交通的安全保障提出了更多的需求,使其安全面临着新的挑战。

    These phenomena need more demand of the urban rail transport security , so that the security is facing new challenges .

  22. 这是解决我国当前道路交通安全、保障交通事故受害者合法权益的有效途径之一。

    It will be an effective measure to improve road traffic safe driving at present and ensure the interests of traffic accident victim in China .

  23. 公路车辆限速是确保公路交通安全、保障公路畅通以及提高公路通行效率的重要措施。

    To limit the speed of automobiles on the highway is an important measure to ensure the traffic safety , to guarantee the clearness of the road and to improve the traffic efficiency .

  24. 本文介绍了欧亚测量系统在轨道交通施工和安全保障中的应用。

    The role of Euro-Asia surveying systems of Shanghai Euro-Asia surveying systems equipment co. , Ltd in urban mass transit construction and security safeguard was introduced .

  25. 另一方面为提升我国高速公路在雾天低能见度条件下的交通安全水平,保障高速公路干线运输的畅通、安全方面也具有极其重要的现实意义。

    On the other hand , it also has the very important realistic meaning on guaranteeing unimpeded and safe trunk line transport of expressway in order to promote traffic safe level in low visibility on our country 's expressway .

  26. 最后,从人、车、公路技术和管理等四个方面建立公路交通安全可持续发展保障体系,以达到减少公路交通事故,提高中国公路交通安全水平的目的,实现公路交通安全的可持续发展。

    Finally , in order to reduce highway traffic accidents and improve the overall traffic safety levels , this paper gives a safeguard system for sustainable development of highway traffic safety from " person , vehicle , highway technique and management " .

  27. 可是,尽管有一些人把这事看成是一个待解决的纯粹科学问题,但另一些比较注意实利的人,特别在美国和英国,这类人很多,他们主张把海洋上这个可怕的怪物清除掠,使海上交通的安全获得保障。

    Yet if some saw it purely as a scientific problem to be solved , more practical people , especially in America and England , were determined to purge the ocean of this daunting monster , to insure the safety of transoceanic travel .

  28. 咸阳地区农村公路交通安全现状分析及保障技术研究

    Analyse and Ensure Technical Research on Traffic Safety in Rural Highway of Xianyang

  29. 高速公路交通安全设施系统在保障高速公路安全行车,提高公路服务水平等方面具有重要作用。

    Freeway traffic safety facilities system has vital function on the aspect of ensure freeway safe-running of vehicles , improving highway service level and so on .

  30. 充分的应急预案为世博园区大客流环境下园区内外交通有序疏导和安全保障提供了保障。

    Adequate contingency plans for both inside and outside the park in the Expo area provided a guarantee for passenger environment traffic orderly grooming and security of the safeguards .