
  • 网络sympathetic magic
  1. 上古的求雨仪式是“交感巫术”的生动展现。

    In ancient times , the ceremony of praying for rain was a vivid display of a " Sympathetic Magic " .

  2. 第二部分:《诗经》植物的文化内涵的生成,主要从生命崇拜和生殖崇拜、交感巫术、生活实践和审美观念三方面进行论述。

    Part II : The culture of plant production in the Book of Songs , mainly from the worship of life and reproductive life of worship , practice sympathetic magic and aesthetic concepts discussed three aspects .

  3. 巫术小说的叙述逻辑一般遵循禁忌&禳解和交感巫术原理。

    The narrative logic of the ancient wizardry novels usually follow taboo-exorcise and sorcery principle of each other induction .

  4. 原始民族在生育过程中所施行的饮食禁忌,特别是父亲的饮食禁忌是原始民族利用交感巫术给予妻子心理上的安慰和鼓励,籍巫术的感应力以求母婴的平安、种族的繁衍。

    During the processing of breeding , primitive nationalities especially the fathers would follow some food taboo to comfort and encourage the wives by using sympathetic magic , so that the mothers and the newly born babies could be well and the race got to be prospect .