  • Jun;monarch;gentleman;sovereign;supreme ruler
  • 封建时代指帝王、诸侯等:~主。~子(a.旧指贵族、统治者及其代言人;b.指品行好的人,如“正人~~”)。~王。~上。国~。~权。~临。~侧。

  • 古代的封号:商~。平原~。信陵~。长安~。

  • 对对方的尊称:张~。诸~。


(君主) monarch; sovereign; supreme ruler:

  • 国君



[书] (对人的尊称) gentleman; Mr.:

  • 张刘二君

    Messrs. Zhang and Liu;

  • 诸君



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 君畴

    Jun Chou

  1. 楚国君位继承制研究

    Research on Location Succession of Monarch in the State of Chu

  2. 对君的态度也有很大变化。

    As the attitude of monarch also has greatly , changes .

  3. 请君一试,何如?

    How about you having a try ?

  4. 听君一席话,胜读十年书。

    I profit more from one consultation with you than from ten years of reading .

  5. 君将何之?

    Where are you bound for ?

  6. 与君暌别多日。

    It has been some time since I saw you last .

  7. 君若求成功,请买帽一顶。

    If you want to get ahead , get a cap .

  8. 故曹小国也,而迫于晋、楚之间,其君之危犹累卵也。(《韩非子》)

    Cao was a small state hemmed in between Jin and chu , and the safety of its ruler was as precarious as a pile of eggs .

  9. 例句:上天降灾,使我两君匪以玉帛相见,而以兴戎。

    Heaven has struck disaster , bringing our two sovereign lords to face each other , not with jades and silks , but with the instruments of war .

  10. 不可能实现自己的目的,依赖别人的人也长久不了。君主要想治好国家,只能靠自己。”

    Gu Juanzi gave him a negative answer and explained one by one , " Yao was noted wants to govern his country well , he has to depend on himself . "

  11. 然而这不会给你的生活带来任何价值。如果八卦君们试图接近你,可以肯定他们也在跟别人谈论你的八卦。

    However , this doesn 't add value to your life , and if the gossiper will talk to you , you can be sure that they 're also talking about you to someone else .

  12. 霍光的妻子霍显,是个贪图富贵的女人,她想把自己的小女儿成君嫁给刘询做皇后,就乘许娘娘有病的机会,买通女医下毒害死了许后。

    Hankering after wealth and rank , Huo Guang 's wife Huo Xian tried to make her youngest daughter Chengjun the queen of Lin Xun . So , taking the opportunity of the queen 's illness , Huo Xian bribed4 a woman doctor who poisoned the queen to death .

  13. 良久的思考后,B君说那是一种感觉。

    B told me that it was all about feelings , after a long pause .

  14. 名古屋市H君住宅,日本

    Cartoon City Mr. H 's Housing , Nagoya , Japan

  15. 夕少了动君己己pv.多PV节点的不平衡配电网潮流故障分析方法

    An approach to power flow and fault analysis of unbalanced distribution system with multi - PV nodes

  16. 君迁子的3种保护酶活性和相对生长速率最低,MDA的含量和相对电导率最高;

    The activity of protective enzymes and relative growth of Diospyros lotus were the lowest , but the content of MDA and relative electric conductivity were the highest ;

  17. 以HPLC法测定君药麻黄中有效成分的含量作为成品定量控制的指标。

    Determine you medicine effective composition in the Chinese ephedra with HPLC ( regard content that the hydrochloric acid of Mahuang are counted ) as finished product index that ration control .

  18. 10月28日日记君又有好消息了哦我和Portia又添了个侄女叫Perry

    October 28th , Journal . I have great news.Portia and I had a new niece name Perry

  19. 10月19日日记君我刚刚买了有Siri功能的iphone4s

    October 19th , Journal , I just got the new iphone that has siri

  20. 2005年,当黄哲伦来到中国时,他就在上海参观了一个这样的艺术中心。黄哲伦之前的作品包括1988年上演的获奖剧作《蝴蝶君》(MButterfly)。

    On a trip to China in 2005 , Hwang , whose previous works include the award-winning 1988 play M Butterfly , visited just such an arts centre in Shanghai .

  21. 采用SIP算法,对离散方程进行了求解。比较了考虑和不考虑地球红外辐射对电池阵温度分布的影响。夕少了动君己己pv。

    The solution of discrete equation was obtained by the method of SIP with and without the effects of earth radiation on temperature distribution of the solar PV array were compared .

  22. SO2污染状况调查的目的是为了控制工作场所的空气质量,提醒各类职业人君密切注意职业卫生安全作业,在作业过程中加强防范意识。

    The aim of investigating SO2 pollution state is to remind professional groups to keep watch out of safe operation and professional sanitation , and to enhance protection consciousness .

  23. 为确保产品的高质量,我们严格贯彻实施国际ISO9001标准,产品君获得电工产品认证委员会的产品安全认证书。

    To ensure that excellent quality levels are maintained , we have implemented a QC system that is in strict conformance with international ISO9001 standards .

  24. 在最佳实验条件下,采用DPV对莱克多巴胺以及异克舒令、利托君和非诺特罗进行了定量测定。

    Under the optimum conditions , quantitative determination for ractopamine , isoxsuprine , ritodrine and fenoterol was carried out by DPV .

  25. 下面,就跟随世纪君的同事DarnellGardnerJr.一起来看这个秋季有哪些音乐值得乐迷们收藏。

    Here , 21st Century 's Darnell Gardner Jr. previews what the change in seasons has in store for music fans this time around .

  26. 某些医生转入地下,继续使用非法供应之MDMA从事违法治疗。“此化合物之制造实属易事,”舒尔金君道。

    Some therapists went underground , continuing MDMA treatment illegally , using illicit supplies . " It 's a very simple compound to make ," remarks Mr Shulgin .

  27. 米多君(midodrine)是一种新型肾上腺素α1受体激动药,口服后呈线性药动学特征,生物利用度高,安全性、耐受性好。

    Midodrine , a new adrenergic α 1 receptor agonist , takes on features of linear pharmacokinetic , high bioavailability and safety , well tolerance after oral administration .

  28. J君有感于其情之盛,慨然允诺说:“现在他们对你太冷落了,就是不公平!我一定要写一篇推荐你的作品的文章,登到大报上,你的作品的优点是……”

    Mr. J. was quite moved by Mr. L. " s hospitality and promised right away , " It 's not fair that you have been so ignored ! I must write an article for a key newspaper to recommend your works . The merits of your works are ...

  29. 胎儿平均体重(242±049)kg,平均Apgar评分≥8分。结论在抑制宫缩治疗中利托君介导的孕妇心率增加可作为评价药物疗效的指标之一。

    Average fetal weight was ( 2 42 ± 0 49 ) kg , and the average Apgar 's score was ≥ 8.Conclusion In the treatment of inhibiting uterine contractions , the increasing of maternal heart rate caused by ritodrine can be used as an indicator of therapeutic effect .

  30. 盐酸米多君、多巴胺合用相关的前列腺部位疼痛

    Pain of prostate region associated with combination of midodrine and dopamine