
  1. 从我无意中听到的一些谈话片断可以推断,他们在这里达成了交易,敲定了收购——就像维斯特洛南部富庶的首都君临城(King'sLanding)中诡计多端的廷臣的现代版。

    From snatches of conversation I overhear , deals are done here , and takeovers hatched - a modern take on the scheming courtiers of King 's Landing , the affluent , southern capital of Westeros .

  2. 你知道坦格利安家孩子们的下场吗…当君临城陷的时候?

    Do you know what happened to the Targaryen children when the Mad King fell ?

  3. 当这群人问二丫她要去哪儿时,她回答君临城。

    When the men ask Arya where she 's headed , she tells them King 's Landing .

  4. 君临城来了一只渡鸦.快移出去.给我倒杯酒,雪诺,

    a raven from King 's Landing . Come on , move ' em out . Bring me a horn of ale , Snow ,

  5. 他不仅煽动狼家和狮家的对立,还在君临城背叛了奈德。

    Not only was he the one who flared the rivalry between the Starks and Lannisters , but he betrayed Ned in King 's Landing .

  6. 第三集可能不会围绕北境展开,因为龙石岛和君临城出现了两个各自为政的女王,这一集会更关注这里发生的事。

    Episode three will likely take the action away from the North and focus more on what is going on in Dragonstone and King 's Landing , as the two queens each rule over their people .

  7. 他在《权力的游戏》中客串的角色只有两句台词——“这是首新歌,”说的是麦茜?威廉姆斯饰演的艾莉亚?史塔克听到他唱的那首歌,还有就是“世界最糟的地方”,指的是君临城。

    His role in Game Of Thrones involved just two lines - " It 's a new one , " in reference to a song that Maisie Williams 's character Arya Stark heard him singing , and " Worst place in the world , " about King 's Landing .

  8. 尽管请愿中没有提及对具体情节的抱怨,但“龙妈”丹妮莉丝·坦格利安(艾米莉亚·克拉克饰演)用烈焰处死瓦里斯勋爵,进而在投降的钟声敲响后,仍然屠杀整个君临城,男女老幼皆不放过,这样的剧情让粉丝们非常失望。

    While the petition doesn 't detail specific plot grievances , many fans were notably upset when Daenerys Targaryen ( Emilia Clarke ) executed Lord Varys by Dragon 's fire , then proceeded to storm King 's Landing and kill men , women and children even after the bells of surrender sounded .

  9. 不出所料,人物在这个网络中的影响力与书中体现的几乎一模一样。丹妮莉丝独霸东方,珊莎和提利昂与瑟曦、詹姆、泰温等人在君临城南端,琼恩·雪诺远在北方,那时还活着的凯特琳和罗伯处于河间地西部。

    Unsurprisingly , the network spread the influence of characters pretty much where they were based in the books - Daenerys , isolated off in the East , Sansa and Tyrion down in the south in Kings Landing ( among the likes of Cersei , Jamie , and Tywin ) , Jon Snow far to the north ,

  10. 如果她已经逃离了君临。临冬城怕是最合情合理的去处。

    If she 's escaped the capital , Winterfell seems the logical destination .