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  • bounced check
  1. 有一些原计划上市的IPO股已经决定推迟上市,而且可能将再次跳票。

    Some scheduled IPOs have already been delayed and may be put off yet again .

  2. 而由威瑞森通讯(Verizon)、美国电话电报公司(AT&T)和T-Mobile开发的钱包服务也一样经历着困顿。起初是因为这项服务一直跳票,随后又因为那个倒霉的名字:Isis。

    That service , which is backed by Verizon , AT & T , and T-Mobile , struggled as well , first because it was plagued by delays , and later , because of its ill-fated name : Isis .

  3. 哦,糟糕,我开给城市超市的支票跳票了。

    O , no , my check to city supper market belts .

  4. 喔,糟了!我开给城市超市的支票跳票了!

    Oh no ! My check to City Supermarket bounced !

  5. 吉姆这会儿对房东糗了,因为他付给房东支票跳票了。

    His check bounced , leaving Jim behind the eight ball with his landlord .

  6. 我开给城市超市的支票跳票了!

    My check to City Supermarket bounced !

  7. 难道银行跳票了?

    Did the bank 's cheque bounce ?

  8. 如果我不裁员,下一次付给你们的支票就要被银行跳票了。

    If I don 't cut back on staff , the next round of paychecks are gonna bounce .

  9. 但情况完全不同,轮胎完全扛得住比赛,本来我们等着看的好戏跳票了。

    But it was completely different , the tyres were fine for the race and what we thought would happen , never happened .

  10. 透支保障安全网,以保护好你对跳票但是如果你不小心就会变成拐棍,鼓励金融不负责任的行为。

    Overdraft protection is a good safety net to protect you against bouncing checks , but if you 're not careful it can become a crutch that encourages irresponsible financial behavior .

  11. 787的跳票说明新的飞机制造模式的确存在一些问题,但无论是波音还是空客都不可能回到原先制造飞机的老路上去。

    The new distributed model has had some problems , as the delays to the787 show , but neither Boeing nor Airbus would dream of going back to the old way of making planes .