
  • 网络Winterfell
  1. 我打算在临冬城稍事停留。

    I plan to stop at Winterfell on the way south .

  2. 波顿家的族徽从片头的临冬城上消失。

    The Bolton sigil was removed from Winterfell in the opening credits .

  3. 凯特琳人在临冬城,离此数百里之遥。

    Catelyn is at Winterfell , hundreds of leagues from here .

  4. 我要送你们俩回临冬城.什么?

    I 'm sending you both back to Winterfell . What ?

  5. 我在临冬城见到葛雷乔伊家的小儿子了.

    I saw the youngest of the Greyjoy lads at Winterfell .

  6. 不可能,培提尔根本没去临冬城。

    It made no sense . Petyr had not been at Winterfell .

  7. 贝里席大人,我是临冬城史塔克家族的人。

    Lord Baelish , I am a Stark of Winterfell .

  8. 我很遗憾没在临冬城见到您.

    I was sorry to have missed you at Winterfell .

  9. 不。无论如何,临冬城都要有史塔克家的人当家。

    No. There must always be a Stark in Winterfell .

  10. 我会返回临冬城处理此事.

    I will return to Winterfell and set matters straight .

  11. 只要是守夜人的兄弟临冬城都欢迎.

    Any man of The Night 's Watch is welcome at Winterfell .

  12. 你是临冬城史塔克家的一员.你知道我们的箴言.

    You 're a Stark of Winterfell . You know our words .

  13. 我希望你即刻返回临冬城。

    I want you to return to Winterfell at once .

  14. 但很快,他发觉自己谈到了临冬城。

    Before long he found himself talking of Winterfell .

  15. 临冬城已烧成废墟,再也没有安全的地方了。

    Winterfell is burned and broken and there are no more safe places .

  16. 我妻子在临冬城.是吗?

    My wife is in Winterfell . Is she ?

  17. 我是琼恩·雪诺,临冬城公爵奈德·史塔克的私生子。

    I 'm Jon Snow , Ned Stark 's bastard , of Winterfell .

  18. 临冬城公爵北境守护宣判你死刑

    Lord of Winterfell and warden of the north sentence you to die .

  19. 占领临冬城,派一个忠诚的人当城主…

    Seize Winterfell and install someone loyal to the realm

  20. 如果她已经逃离了君临。临冬城怕是最合情合理的去处。

    If she 's escaped the capital , Winterfell seems the logical destination .

  21. 缝衣针是临冬城灰色的墙垒,是城中众人的欢乐。

    Needle was Winterfell 's grey walls , and the laughter of its people .

  22. 穿着裙子的可是你这里可不是临冬城孩子

    You 're the one in skirts . This isn 't Winterfell , boy .

  23. 带上罗德利克爵士,启程回临冬城去罢。

    Take Ser Rodrik and ride for Winterfell .

  24. 她是临冬城总管的女儿,也是珊莎最要好的朋友。

    She was the daughter of Winterfell 's steward and Sansa 's dearest friend .

  25. 今天早上从临冬城来了只渡鸦.

    A raven from Winterfell this morning .

  26. 你不能返回临冬城。

    You can 't go to Winterfell .

  27. 并协助我将他带回临冬城

    and help me return him to Winterfell

  28. 我们准备回临冬城。

    We shall be returning to Winterfell .

  29. 我是临冬城的布兰登史塔克.

    I 'm Brandon Stark of Winterfell .

  30. 珊莎还记得约恩·罗伊斯伯爵,他两年前到过临冬城作客。

    Sansa remembered Lord Yohn Royce , who had guested at Winterfell two years before .