
  • 网络critical energy;Ecr
  1. 针对冻土材料的非线性特点,讨论了非线性临界应变能释放率GC的测试原理和方法,推导了相应的计算公式和参数确定的方法;

    The measured technique and principle of nonlinearity GC were discussed , and an algorithm to estimate parameters of frozen soil was formulated .

  2. 燃料云雾的临界起爆能和爆轰胞格尺寸均与当量比成一U形曲线关系,并且云雾爆轰最敏感点并不是对应于等化学当量的混合物而是偏向于富燃料;

    Results demonstrate that the relationship of critical initiation energy and equivalence ratio shows an " U " shape curve , the cell size is also .

  3. 实验结果证明了IPN的临界起爆能与燃料当量比成U形曲线关系;

    Experimental results showed that a " U " shape curve existed between the critical initiation energy and IPN equivalence ratio .

  4. 结果:夹带甲醇(流速0.4mL.min-1)的超临界CO2能有效地提取六味地黄丸中的丹皮酚。

    Result : The methanol modified supercritical CO_ ( 2 )( 0.4 mL · min ~ ( - 1 )) can effectively extract paeonol from Liuwei Dihuang pill .

  5. 利用已有的立式激波管对PO、C5~C6、戊二烯等几种燃料的临界起爆能、爆速、爆压等爆轰参数进行了测定。

    Main contents as follows : ( 1 ) Making use of the vertical shock tube , the detonation parameters of several fuel are measured , such as critical initiation energy , detonation velocity , detonation pressure .

  6. 测量了CaCO3含量为10wt%~40wt%复合材料试样的冲击强度、G(?)(临界应变能释放速率)和K(?)

    The impact strength , Gc ( critical strain energy releasing rate ) and Kc ( critical stress strength factor ) of the samples containing CaCO_3 from 1O wt % to 40 wt % were measured .

  7. 几种燃料云雾爆轰临界起爆能的研究

    Study on Critical Initiation Energy of Several Fuel - air Mixture

  8. 某些碳氢燃料和空气混合物临界起爆能的实验研究

    Study on the Critical Energy of Some Hydrocarbon Fuel and Air Mixtures

  9. 这些充分说明超临界流体能原位萃取裂解过程形成的焦炭前驱体,从而对焦炭的产生起抑制作用。

    It concludes that the supercritical liquid can extract coke precursors during cracking .

  10. 碳氢燃料空气混合物无约束起爆临界起爆能估算

    Prediction of The Critical Initiation Energy for Unconfined Detonation of Hydrocarbon Air Mixtures

  11. 球形腔内冰芽形成的临界自由能与临界半径公式

    Formula Derivation for the Free Energy and Radius of Critical Embryo in the Nucleation Process

  12. 最后根据实验结果,给出了临界穿孔能的评定公式。

    An evaluation formula for the critical energy of perforation was developed from the experimental data .

  13. 采用升降法和烟迹技术在立式激波管内测定了燃料云雾爆轰直接起爆的临界起爆能和爆轰胞格尺寸。

    Critical initiation energy is measured by up and down method and on soot foil in vertical detonation tube .

  14. 根据现场检验结果表明采用理论方法确定的临界值能有效地判断突出危险性。

    The site test and measurement results showed that the critical value set by the theoretic method could efficiently judge the outburst danger .

  15. 用胞格尺寸来衡量这几种燃料云雾爆轰相对感度的结果与临界起爆能的结论是一致的。

    The comparison of detonation sensitivity among these fuels was studied with cell size . The result by cell size is similar to the conclusion of the critical initiation .

  16. 在立式激波管中采用升降法和烟迹技术实测了几种碳氢燃料空气混合物直接起爆的临界起爆能和云雾爆轰波胞格尺寸。

    The critical initiation energy of hydrocarbon-air mixtures was measured by the up and down method , and cell size was studied by smoked metallic foil under the conditions of direct initiation in vertical shock wave tube .

  17. 超临界流体分级能方便地通过调节温度和压力对溶解度进行控制。获得相对分子质量分布较窄的PS级分;

    PS fraction having relative narrow molecular distribution could be acquired conveniently through supercritical fluid fractionation , which was implemented by controlling solubility via adjustment of temperature and pressure .

  18. 采用泛函积分方法研究了Dicke模型中的临界温度和能隙方程,计算了模型中的零温度能隙;

    The critical temperature and energy gap equations in the Dicke model are studied by means of functional integrals method . The zero temperature gap is also calculated ;

  19. 主轴工作转速远离其临界转速,能有效避开共振区。

    It can avoid the region of sympathetic vibration effectively .

  20. 用~6Li半导体谱仪测量临界装置中子能谱

    Neutron spectra measurement in a fast critical assembly with ~ 6li-semiconductor sandwich spectrometer

  21. 比例方程式形式用来生成雷射临界点、能态数反转与调变反应的概念。

    The rate equation formalism is used to develop the concepts of laser threshold , population inversion and modulation response .

  22. 超临界水氧化能彻底分解废水中的有机物,是一种非常有前途的废水处理新技术。

    Supercritical water oxidation ( SCWO ) is a new technique of wastewater treatment , which can thoroughly decompose the organic compound in wastewater .

  23. 内部损伤状态变量的演化由材料的临界断裂应变能释放率控制。

    The evolution of the internal damage status variable is controlled by the critical fracture strain energy release rate of composite material , which is one of the composite material properties .

  24. 利用aspenplus软件构建了改进超临界压缩空气储能系统模型,揭示了关键参数对系统性能的影响规律。

    The thermodynamic models of the modified supercritical compressed air energy storage systems is built in Aspen Plus software .

  25. 本文给出了B-到Z-DNA的结构转变模型,研究了盐浓度和外力矩对B-Z结构转变特性的影响,得到了折叠角的几率分布、B-Z转变的临界扭矩和转变能随盐浓度的变化规律。

    We give a model of B-to Z-DNA transition , and discuss the effects of salt concentration and external torque on the structure transition of B-Z , and obtain the probability distribution curve and the critical torque of B-Z transition at various salt concentrations .

  26. 激光中线定位器(LGI)是极为精确的远距离可视着舰系统,特别在夜间和临界天气时,能帮助飞机安全着舰。

    The laser centerline localizer ( LCL ) is extremely precise long range visual landing aid for aircraft carrier fight operations , particularly at night and in marginal weather , to aid in the safe recovery of the aircraft .

  27. 岩体动力失稳;两体系统;临界条件;弹性能释放量;

    Rock dynamic destabilization ; Two rocks system ; Critical condition ; Elastic energy release ;

  28. 临界坡度分级法能较好地满足用户的应用目的,但经常忽视了坡度图制图效果;

    Critical classification methods can satisfy users ' application aims well , but mapping effect are often ignored .

  29. 临界点干燥法能观察到自然干燥法观察不到的花粉三顶距、萌发孔等特征。

    Meanwhile , the aperture and the three apical aperture distance can be observed with the critical point drying method .

  30. 从屈曲状态,临界弯矩,应变能,恢复力曲线等方面对单根卷尺弹簧的折叠,展开,及自锁性能做了详细的分析。

    This paper has a detailed analysis of a single tape spring 's buckling properties , critical moment , strain energy and resilience .