
  • 网络solution preparation
  1. SIPE溶液配制工艺的优化和品质控制

    Process optimization and quality control of SIPE solution preparation

  2. P-环糊精可以提高疏水缔合聚合物溶解速度,使得其可以更好地满足海上油田聚合物溶液配制需求。

    The rate at which polymer dissolved could speed up with theP-cyclodextrins make it ift the requirement of polymer solution preparation in offshore fields better .

  3. 易水解无机盐SnCl2、BiCl3水溶液配制方法的改进

    The improvement of the easy hydrolysis inorganic salt SnCl_2 、 BiCl_3 water solution compound means

  4. 硫化氢标准溶液配制代替硫化钠标准溶液配制法的探讨高效液相色谱法考察大黄素在HBSS溶液中的溶解度及其稳定性

    The Research of Using Hydrogen Sulfide Standard Solution to Replace Sodium Sulfide Standard Solution ; Solubility and stability of using high performance liquid chromatography

  5. 石脑油加氢脱砷剂解决了制备过程中的Mo-Ni共浸渍溶液配制的难题,具备了工业生产和工业应用的条件,可以应用于炼油厂催化重整石脑油脱砷生产装置。

    We solved naphtha hydrogenation catalyst for de-arsenic Mo-Ni co-impregnation solution preparation process problems , so industrial production and commercial application of this catalyst for de-arsenic will become a reality , it can be used on catalytic reforming naphtha de-arsenic unit in refining plant .

  6. 1.3配伍稳定性考察的样品溶液配制分别取上述三家药厂生产的注射用哌拉西林钠他唑巴坦钠,用0.9%氯化钠注射液配制成10mg/ml哌拉西林钠,1.25mg/ml他唑巴坦钠溶液。

    1.3 Preparation for Sample solutions for compatible stability investigation Piperacillin Sodium And Tazobactam Sodium For Injection from the above three manufactures were dispensed by 0.9 % sodium chloride respectively , then 10mg / ml piperacillin sodium , 1.25mg/ml tazobactam sodium can obtained . 2 .

  7. 镉标准溶液配制结果的不确定度评定

    Uncertainty Evaluation for the Results from the Preparation of Cadmium Standard Solution

  8. 聚合物溶液配制及稀释操作不当。

    And inadequate procedures of polymer solution preparation and thinning .

  9. 33%硫酸镁溶液配制的改进

    Improvement on the dispensing of 33 % magnesium Sulfate

  10. 化学镀银工艺的溶液配制及应用

    The Compounding and Applications of Solution in Chemical Silvering

  11. 化学分析和溶液配制调整;

    Chemistry analysis and process solution prepare and adjust ;

  12. 抗坏血酸溶液配制方法的改进

    Improvement about Ascorbic Acid Solution Make-up Method

  13. 7种易水解无机盐水溶液配制需酸最低量试验

    Experiment on Minimum Amount of Acid for Water Solution of Seven Water Solvable Inorganic Salt

  14. 缓冲溶液配制软件的开发

    Development of buffer preparation software

  15. 着重从溶液配制、取样、滴定操作三方面的细节入手,对气样中硫化氢含量分析进行相应阐述。

    Expounded are details of compounding solution , sampling and titration operation to accord with precision requirements in national standards .

  16. 本文从溶液配制、氧化规范到操作程序,详细介绍了碱性发兰处理的全过程及其注意事项。

    Illustrated in detail the whole process and cautions of basic bluing treatment from solution preparation , oxidization to operation procedure .

  17. 详细介绍了枪黑电镀工艺全过程,包括配方、溶液配制、工艺规程及操作注意事项等。

    The whole processes of gun black electroplating , including solution constitution and preparation , processing regulations and performing cautions , were discussed in detail .

  18. 分析了不确定度的重要来源,包括样品制备、标准溶液配制、标准曲线拟合和仪器测量过程等引入的不确定度分量。

    The main sources of measurement uncertainties were from sub-uncertainties of sample preparation , calibration solution preparation , calibration curve fitting and instrument measurements , etc.

  19. 根据《化学分析中不确定度的评估指南》(CNAL/AG07:2002)评定了此方法与传统溶液配制方法的不确定度。

    Based on Guide to Uncertainty Evaluation in Chemistry Analysis ( CNAL / AG07:2002 ), the uncertainties from the new and traditional methods were evaluated .

  20. 冷水或常温分配管路有时用于需要大量水的生产步骤如培养基和缓冲溶液配制。

    Cold or ambient distribution loops are sometimes employed when large volumes of water are needed for production steps such as media and buffer preparation .

  21. 钼酸铵溶液配制方法的改进L-1醋酸铵缓冲溶液(含0.05%的甲酸)(55∶45,v/v)为流动相;

    Improvement of Making up Molybdic Acid Ammonium Solution The flow rate of the mobile phase was 1 ml · min ~ ( - 1 ) .

  22. 介绍了对煤灰成分中三氧化二铝标准溶液配制方法进行的改进,改进后的方法缩短了配制时间,准确度不受影响。

    The improvement of preparation method of standard aluminium oxide solution in coal ash analysis is introduced , which shortens the preparation time and doesn 't influence the accuracy .

  23. 研制了一种简易液体试剂标准加样容器,可用于纯液体试剂的标准溶液配制及微量液体试剂的加标干扰实验。

    A sef-made simple vessel for addition of liquid reagent is described . The vessel can be used for the preparation of Standard solution of pure liquid reagent and for the standard addition interference experiment of trace liquid reagent .

  24. 结论尿碘测定中消化剂过硫酸铵溶液配制后置冰箱(4℃)避光保存,至少稳定1个月。

    Conclusion As a digestant in determination of urinary iodine , the solution of ammonium persulfate ought to be kept in refrigerator of 4 ℃ and in an avoidance of sunlight , which at least keeps its stability for a month .

  25. 分别考察了盐酸浓度,高效液相色谱条件,标准溶液配制条件等因素的影响,并采用精密度、加标回收及标准物质测定来考察方法的准确性。

    The effect of hydrochloric acid concentration , high performance liquid chromatography conditions , standard solution preparation conditions and other factors were discussed , and the relative standard deviation ( RSD )、 spike recovery and determination of reference materials were used to detect the accuracy of this method .

  26. ppb级汞标准溶液的配制和保存

    The preparation and storage of standard solutions of mercury at the ppb level

  27. 采用溶胶凝胶浸渍镀膜的方法制备Sb掺杂SnO2薄膜,在镀膜溶液的配制过程中引入SnO2纳米颗粒悬浮液,经陈化后最终得到镀膜溶液。

    Tin oxide nano-particles prepared were well dispersed into the antimony-doped tin oxide coating solutions , and transparent conductive films were prepared from the solution by sol-gel dip coating method .

  28. 结果表明:共沉淀前驱体溶液的配制过程中,硝酸铋水解生成的硝酸氧铋不利于层状钙钛矿结构BLT相的合成。

    It reveals that the bismuth oxynitrate derived from bismuth nitrate hydrolysis are not favorable for the formation of BLT phase with Bi & layer perovskite structure .

  29. 介绍了FTIR在测定氧压机附件及输氧管线脱脂后残留油含量的应用原理、样品的采取方法、标准溶液的配制、标准曲线的制作、定量计算方法,指出了应用FTIR的注意事项。

    Principle of application , methodology of sampling , configuration of standard solution , fabrication of standard curve , quantitative calculation are introduced in determination of residual oil content by FTIR after oxygen compressor accessories and pipelines are degreased , attentions are pointed out in applying FTIR .

  30. 该方法与标准法相比,省略了稳定性较差的Na2S2O3溶液的配制和标定操作,不用易挥发损失的I2溶液,缩短了分析时间,降低了分析成本。

    Comparing with standard methods , the new way does not need to prepare and standardize the unstable Na 2S 2O 3 solution and use volatile I 2 . As a result , the analytical time is shortened and the cost is reduced .