
  • 网络Solvent Recovery;Recycling;recovery of solvent
  1. 天然有机溶剂回收聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料的研究

    Study on Recycling of Foamed Polystyrene by Natural Organic Solvents

  2. 随着溶剂回收利用次数的_增加,所制备的聚合物微球粒径大小略有增大,粒径分布逐渐变宽。

    The size of polymer microspheres and the coefficient of variation increased slightly with increasing the times of recycling solvent .

  3. 橡胶厂SBS溶剂回收工艺流程改造设计

    Transforming and Designing of SBS Solvent Recycle Process in Rubber Plant

  4. PTA装置溶剂回收工段精馏塔再沸器设计探讨

    Discussion on Design of Reboiler of Distillation Tower in Solvent Recovery Section of PTA Plant

  5. PTA溶剂回收及脱水系统简析

    PTA solvent recovery and dehydration system

  6. 提出了DMF溶剂回收过程的工艺流程改造方案。

    A new scheme about the revamping of DMF solvent recovery system is provided .

  7. 介绍了ACF在废水处理、溶剂回收、空气净化等方面的应用。

    The application of ACF has been introduced in the fields of waste water disposal , recovery of solvent , purification of air etc.

  8. 研究沉淀法回收聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(EPS)的工艺,利用石油裂解副产物为溶剂回收废旧聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料,以废治废,回收利用。

    Processes of recycling the waste foamed polystyrene plastics by precipitation method were studied . The solvent from petroleum cracking by-product is utilized to recycle EPS in order to control pollution .

  9. RH-1趔有毒溶剂回收装置的研制

    Development of Model RH-1 Recoverer for poisonous solvents

  10. 最后,通过减压蒸馏和水洗法进行溶剂回收和产品精制,最终得到亮黄色的CLAs产品,纯度为97.4%。

    Furfural was recycled by vacuum distillation and the product was washed by water . Finally , bright yellow CLAs product with the purity of 97.4 % was obtained .

  11. 其中,溶剂回收单元的脱水塔和共沸剂回收塔分别选用了NRTL-HOC和NRTL-RK模型对气液相非理想性进行校正。

    Due to the non-ideal gas-liquid behavior , NRTL-HOC and NRTL-RK model are used in solvent dehydration tower and entrainer recovery tower .

  12. 介绍了干法腈纶生产中纤维干燥过程产生的含DMF废气的特点、处理难度;分析了原引进技术中溶剂回收系统存在的缺陷;

    This paper analyzes the characteristics of the exhaust gas containing DMF produced from the process of fiber drying during the manufacturing of the dry-spun acrylic fiber , and its difficulty to recycle as well as the faults of the original solvent recycle system that was introduced technique ;

  13. 超滤技术及其在脱蜡溶剂回收中的应用

    Development of ultrafiltration and its application in recovery of dewaxing solvent

  14. 最后,对某化工溶剂回收系统进行了建模及仿真,通过分析仿真结果得出控制决策。

    According to the simulating result , control rule is concluded .

  15. 通过实验确定了适合本实验的催化剂和溶剂回收方法;

    The recovery of catalyst and solvent are settled through experiment ;

  16. 溶剂回收的新型设备&折流式超重力旋转床

    Distillation Apparatus of Solvent Recovering Process & Rotating Zigzag Bed

  17. 磺化沥青生产中低沸点溶剂回收的研究

    Study on recover of low-boil solvent in preparing sulfonated asphalt

  18. 二甲基甲酰胺溶剂回收装置焦油塔减压改造方案

    Revamping method of vacuum tar column in the DMF solvent recovery system

  19. 聚砜/聚丙烯酰胺合金膜及其在有机溶剂回收中的应用

    Polysulfone / polyacrylamide alloy membrane and its application in organic solvent recovery

  20. 萃取和溶剂回收系统的全系统优化设计方法

    A Method for Global Optimization Design of Extraction and Solvent Recovery Systems

  21. 溶剂回收结晶沉降效果的控制

    Control of crystallization and sedimentation effect of solvent recovery unit

  22. 顺酐回收新工艺Ⅱ.非水溶剂回收顺酐法

    New Technology for Recovery of Maleic Anhydride with Non-Aqueous Solvent

  23. 甘氨酸生产中溶剂回收工序的技术改进

    A technical improvement of solvent recovery process in producing glycine

  24. 润滑油生产溶剂回收系统的混合优化策略

    A combined optimized strategy for solvent recovering system in lubricating oil production

  25. 涂装车间清洗溶剂回收在线利用的研究

    Study on the Collection and Reuse of Cleaning Solvent from Coating Plant

  26. 溶剂回收系统要求较低与流化床干燥机。

    Requirements for solvent recovery systems are lower compared with fluid bed dryers .

  27. 酶解水相萃取大豆油的两相分离及溶剂回收

    Biphase Separation and Solvent Recovery in Aqueous Enzymatic Extraction of Oil From Soybean

  28. 溶剂回收技术与实验室环境保护

    The solvent recycle technique and lab environmental protection

  29. 溶剂回收热集成精馏工艺

    Heat - integrated Distillation for Solvent Recovering Process

  30. 有机溶剂回收技术的研究

    Research of Technologies for Recovery of Organic Solvents