
  • 网络fiber core;fibre core
  1. 困难主要在于纤维芯比较小。

    The difficulty lies primarily in the fact that the fiber core is relatively small .

  2. 纤维皮层厚度的增大会使纤维芯层内表面笛卡儿线的出射角增大,但对纤维皮层内表面笛卡儿线的影响不大。

    The increase of fiber cortex thickness can make the Descartes ray angle of fiber core increase , but has less influence to the angle of fiber cortex Descartes ray .

  3. 玻璃纤维芯铅丝增强橡胶复合材料阻尼性能研究

    Damping Property of Glass-fiber - cored Lead - wire Reinforced Rubber Composite

  4. 以纤维芯钢丝绳为对象,研究其粘弹性力学性能。

    The viscoelastic properties of fibre-core cable used in mine hoist are studied .

  5. 塑料光导纤维芯材聚合物耐热性能研究

    Study on the heat resistance of the core polymer of plastic optical fibers

  6. 玻璃纤维芯铅丝(网)/橡胶动态性能影响因素研究

    Factors Influencing Dynamic Properties of Glass-Fiber Cored Lead Wire ( Net ) Reinforced Rubber Composites

  7. 化学气相沉积法SiC连续纤维炭芯的研究Ⅰ.加压齐聚反应调制可纺中间相沥青

    STUDY ON CARBON CORE FOR SiC CONTINUED FILAMENT BY CVD ⅰ . Preparation of Mesophase Pitch by Oligomerization Reaction under Pressure

  8. 芯纱使用PVA短纤细纱,皮层采用棉纤维,芯纱的毛羽和皮层的棉纤维形成一定程度的交错,对退维后空心纱中空部分的定形有一定的帮助。

    The PVA yam as the core and the cotton fiber as the sheath are interlaced , which is helpful to set the boiled hollow yarn .

  9. 用直接补偿法可以测定纤维皮芯双折射率的分布.最后对这种皮芯双折射差异对纤维热定型之后PET工业用丝的模量、干热收缩及强度和耐疲劳性能的影响进行了讨论。

    Thus there is a difference of the birefringence between sheath and core which can be measured by direct compensation method , the effects of which on the property of PET industrial filament after heat treatment are discussed .

  10. 椭圆截面多芯超导线材轧制变形行为的研究碳纤维复合芯(ACCC)导线在上海电网应用分析

    Deformation behaviors of multi-filamentary superconducting wire with elliptical section during rolling Application of ACCC in electric power network of Shanghai

  11. 炭纤维鞘芯结构的研究

    An investigation of the sheath and core structures of carbon fibers

  12. 碳纤维复合芯铝导线国产金具的研制与应用

    Study and Application of Domestic Carbon Fiber Compound Core Conductor Fittings

  13. 复合芳香纤维皮芯层材料的流变性能研究

    Study on the Rheological Properties of Conjugate Fragrant Fibers Sculpture on Skin

  14. 纤维绳芯钢丝绳断丝有效长度

    Effective Length of Fractured Wire in A Wire Rope With Fibrous Core

  15. 介绍一种固体火箭发动机燃烧室壳体纤维缠绕芯模的设计。

    Dynamic modeling and model reduction order of controllable flow solid ducted rockets ;

  16. 异形聚酯纤维束芯吸效应的分析

    Analysis of wicking effect of profiled polyester fiber tow

  17. 环锭细纱机短纤维包芯纱的研制

    Production for Staple Core / Wrap Ring Spun Yarn

  18. 丙纶/玻璃纤维包芯纱的研制

    Investigation of polypropylene / glass core spun yarn

  19. 新型碳纤维复合芯铝合金导线的特性研究

    Investigation on the characteristics of a new aluminum conductor with carbon fiber reinforced composite core

  20. 预氧化温度对聚丙烯腈纤维皮芯结构形成的影响

    Effect of preoxidation temperature on core / shell structure during the preoxidation procession of PAN fibers

  21. 分析了导湿纤维的芯吸特点,并利用其高吸水性和导水性,探索了一种新型的冷却技术。

    Then it discussed the characteristics of moisture fibers and explored a new type cooling technology .

  22. 并介绍了高强高模的连续芳纶纤维作为芯纱,苎麻芳纶摩擦纺包芯纱的工艺。

    Processing of ramie aramid core-spun yarn which heart yarn is high strength high modulus aramid filament .

  23. 熔纺中空纤维皮芯结构的动力学模拟&冷却条件对皮芯差异的影响

    The Dynamic Simulation of Skin-Core Texture Formation of Melt Spinning Hollow Fibre-The Influence of Cooling on the Skin-Core Texture

  24. 在电子万能试验机上,利用专用的测试装置可连续地测试覆盖纤维相对于芯纱剥离时的阻力;

    With a modified Universal Testing Machine , the stripping resistance of friction spun core yarn can be continuously measured .

  25. 竹浆纤维纱线芯吸行为的研究(英文)金属烧结毡滤芯过滤非牛顿料浆实验研究

    Wicking behavior of bamboo pulp yarns Experimental Research on Filtration of Non-Newtonian Fluid by Filter Element of Sintered Metal Fiber

  26. 高强度碳纤维皮芯结构差异小,高强高模碳纤维皮芯结构差异大。

    The skin-core structure difference in strength carbon fiber was small , but large in high strength and high modulus carbon fiber .

  27. 耐用钢板是一种里面是纤维水泥芯板、两个面板是穿孔的钢片经机械压制和芯板粘结在一起的复合钢板。

    Durasteel , a composite panel composed of a fiber cement core mechanically bonded to pierced steel sheets on both outer surfaces .

  28. 在此基础上,进行了不同放线滑车、包络角和张力等条件下的碳纤维复合芯导线过滑车试验。

    On this basis , sheaves tests of carbon-fiber composite core wire under different conditions of the blocks , angles and tension were did .

  29. 纤维皮芯层折射率差异的增大会使纤维芯层内表面和皮层内表面笛卡儿线的出射角增大。

    The discrepancy increase of refractive index between cortex and core will cause the Descartes ray angle increase of both the internal surface of core and cortex .

  30. 碳纤维复合芯导线以其重量轻、强度高、耐高温等技术优点,在世界范围内得到日益广泛的应用。

    With its technical advantages such as light weight , high strength , high temperature , etc , the carbon-fiber composite core wire has been widely used .