
  • 网络fibrolaryngoscope;fiberoptic laryngoscope;fibro laryngoscope
  1. 结论纤维喉镜下治疗声带息肉、声带小结方法确切,具有反应轻,痛苦小,恢复快等特点。

    Conclusion The method of resection vocal fold polyp and nodule by fibrolaryngoscope might be appropriate .

  2. 结论:纤维喉镜诊治喉咽部隐匿性及可疑异物创伤小,成功率高。

    Conclusion : Fibrolaryngoscope has the advantages of smaller trauma and high success rate in diagnosis and treatment of concealed or suspicious foreign body of laryngopharynx .

  3. 结果CT仿真内窥镜显示喉内正常解剖结构与纤维喉镜所见一致;

    Results CT virtual endoscopy showed the normal anatomical structure of larynx as actual laryngoscopy .

  4. 结果纤维喉镜和螺旋CT均可显示喉内正常解剖及肿块形态;

    Results The visualization of normal anatomical structure in larynx on CT was the same as that of fiberoptic laryngoscopy .

  5. 动态喉镜及纤维喉镜诊断早期声带癌价值比较CO2激光治疗早期声门型喉癌疗效分析

    Efficacy of Videostroboscopy and Flexible Laryngoscope in the Diagnosis of Early Vocal Cord Cancer Carbon dioxide laser microsurgery for early glottic carcinoma

  6. 纤维喉镜下声带粘膜病变Nd∶YAG激光手术并发症12例分析

    The Complications of Nd ∶ YAG Laser Treatment of Vocal Cord Mucosal Diseases Under Fibrolaryngoscope & 12 Cases Analysis

  7. 结论高频超声对喉癌分期的准确性高于纤维喉镜和CT检查,高频超声检查对喉癌治疗方案的选择和预后的判断有重要参考价值。

    Conclusions High frequency ultrasonography is superior to CT and laryngoscopy in the staging of laryngeal carcinoma and is of great value in choosing the therapeutical protocol .

  8. 目的:观察在纤维喉镜介导NdYAG激光治疗喉气管壁粘膜顽固性出血的治疗。

    Objective : To research the curative effect of Nd : YAG laser through fibre-laryngoscope in bleeding of trachea and throat mucosas membrane .

  9. 方法:29例喉部病变进行螺旋CT扫描、多平面三维重建及CT仿真内窥镜成像,并与纤维喉镜及病理对照研究。

    Methods : Helical CT scan , multiplanar three-dimensional reconstruction and CT virtual endoscopy 29 were performed in patients with larynx lesions . Their results were compared with fiber-optic laryngoscopy and pathological findings .

  10. 方法选择34例Tis和T1期声带癌患者接受表面麻醉,Nd∶YAG激光经纤维喉镜引导,对喉肿瘤进行汽化切割治疗。

    Methods 34 patients with glottic Tis or T1 squamous cell carcinoma were treated with Nd ∶ YAG laser vaporization by fiber-laryngoscopy .

  11. 目的探讨应用Nd∶YAG激光,经纤维喉镜微创治疗喉原位癌(Tis)和T1期声门癌的疗效及其对机体细胞免疫功能的影响。

    Objective To explore the therapeutic effectiveness of mini-invasive Nd ∶ YAG laser vaporization on glottic Tis and T1 tumors and its effect on cellular immune function .

  12. 纤维喉镜下气管食管穿刺术及Provox发音钮植入的体会

    Tracheoesophageal puncture and Provox valve insertion under endoscopic guidance

  13. CTVL是纤维喉镜的很好补充手段。

    CTVL is a good complementary method of laryngoscopy .

  14. 肢端肥大患者应用Bonfils纤维喉镜行气管插管的临床评价

    Clinical evaluation of bronchial intubation of Bonfils intubation fiberscope in acromegaly patients

  15. 方法:80例声带息肉患者分为两组,分别用CO2激光与纤维喉镜治疗,治疗2月后,以声带运动、边缘光滑、发音质量为指标进行评价。

    Methods : Eighty patients were divided into two groups and were treated by CO 2 laser and fibro laryngoscope . After two months , the cure rate in term of vocal cord movement , margin smooth , and voice quanlity was analyzed .

  16. 结果:CTVE和纤维喉镜检查对喉部息肉、喉部乳头状瘤及喉癌的诊断无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    Results : There were not statistical differences of diagnosis for polyps of larynx , papilloma of larynx , carcinoma of larynx between CTVE and fibropic laryngoscopy ( P > 0.05 ) .

  17. 目的评价Bonfils纤维喉镜用于困难气道病人插管的效果。计算得出了五种不同情况下住宅冷凝器附近的温度场、速度场,并且对五种情况在制冷效率(COP)进行了比较。

    Objective To evaluate the efficiency of Bonfils intubation fiberscope in patients with predicted difficult airway . The predicted on-coil temperature data was used to evaluate the energy performance of these five selected cases .

  18. 导光纤维喉镜引导咽鼓管插管治疗中耳疾病

    Cannula in pharyngotympanic tube by fiberoptic laryngoscope in middle ear diseases

  19. 纤维喉镜下激光治疗喉部良性疾患21例体会

    Treatment of benign laryngeal changes by laser under fibrotic laryngoscope

  20. 纤维喉镜观察下气管切开术后拔管护理

    Nursing of Decannulation for Patients after Tracheotomy Under Fiberoptic Laryngoscope

  21. 纤维喉镜下Nd:YAG激光治疗声带疾病

    Nd : YAG laser treatment of singers ' disease under fiber laryngoscope

  22. 纤维喉镜;鼻内镜;上颌窦囊肿。

    Fiber laryngoscope ; Nasal endoscopy ; Maxillary sinus cyst .

  23. 健康教育在纤维喉镜下声带手术中的应用

    Application of Health Education to Vocal Cord Surgery Under Laryngofiberscope

  24. 声带息肉;局麻;监视器;纤维喉镜。

    Vocal polyps ; Local anesthesia ; Fiber resection of ; Laryngoscop .

  25. 目的探讨纤维喉镜与鼻内镜联合应用治疗上颌窦囊肿的临床效果。

    Objective To study the fiberoptic laryngoscope and endoscopic treatment of Maxillary cysts .

  26. 378例声带疾患纤维喉镜分析

    Analysis of laryngofiberscopy results of hoarseness in 378 cases

  27. 纤维喉镜与显微喉镜手术治疗声带良性病变的疗效比较

    Compare of Fiber Laryngoscope with Micro-Post-Laryngoscope in Treatment of Benign Vocal Cords Lesions

  28. 纤维喉镜检查在声音嘶哑疾病诊断中的应用

    Fiberoptic laryngoscope is used in the diagnosis of hoarseness

  29. 纤维喉镜声带手术后并发声带瘢痕的预防及其可行性探讨

    Preventive study of vocal scar after laryngofiberscope surgery

  30. 电视纤维喉镜下治疗声带小结、声带息肉的疗效观察

    Observation of treatment of vocal nodules and vocal polyp using fiber laryngoscope under TV