
  • 网络recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis;RLNP;URLNP
  1. 结果喉返神经麻痹后,CT检查可出现一系列相应表现:杓会厌皱襞、杓状软骨及环杓关节前内侧移位,同侧梨状窝扩张、松弛27例(84.4%);

    Results CT findings of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis included : oblique of aryepiglottic fold , dislocation of arytenoids cartilage and cricoarytenoid joint , dilation and relaxation of piriform sinus for 27 cases ( 84.4 % );

  2. 应用纤维支气管镜诊断喉返神经麻痹102例临床分析

    Use of fiberoptic bronchoscopy to diagnose recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis

  3. 血清AKP亦显著降低(P<0.01)。1例发生一过性喉返神经麻痹。

    Serum AKP decreased also significantly ( P < 0 . 01 ) Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy was observed in 1 case .

  4. 术后无病例出现永久性甲状旁腺功能减退和喉返神经麻痹等严重并发症。

    There was no hypoparathyroidism and recurrent nerve paralysis occurred postoperatively .

  5. 无一例发生喉返神经麻痹。

    No recurrent nerve paralysis occurred in this group .

  6. 单侧喉返神经麻痹声学指标的研究

    A parameters investigation of the acoustic target of the unilateral relapse laryngeal palsy

  7. 无喉返神经麻痹等严重并发症。

    No occurrence of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis .

  8. 术后暂时性单侧喉返神经麻痹8例,双侧喉返神经损伤2例;

    Postoperative transient unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis occurred in 8 cases , bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve injury in 2 cases .

  9. 方法利用纤维支气管镜对102例病因不明的喉返神经麻痹患者同时行喉及气管、支气管、肺部检查。

    Methods All 102 patients with cryptogenic recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis received an examination on trachea , bronchia and lung by fiberoptic bronchoscopy .

  10. 结果本组住院死亡2例;8例出现合并症,主要为霍纳综合征和喉返神经麻痹。

    Results After operation , 2 patients died in hospitalization and 8 experienced such complications as Horner ′ s syndrome or laryngeal recurrent nerve paralysis .

  11. 甲状腺腺瘤1例和结节性甲状腺肿并喉返神经麻痹1例,均行甲状腺肿物切除喉返神经减压。

    One case of thyroid adenoma and 1 case of nodular goiter with unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis were treated with tumor resection and nerve decompression respectively .

  12. 结果:术后长期并发症发生率为1.79%。其中持续性喉返神经麻痹7例(1.14%);

    Results : Long term complication rate was 1.79 % , incidence of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis was 1 . 14 % and hypothyreosis was 0 . 65 % .

  13. 结果发现:46例均为单侧喉返神经麻痹,其中完全麻痹12例占26.09%,部分麻痹34例占73.91%。

    The result shows that 12 cases of 46 ( 26.09 % ) are complete unilateral recurrent nerve paralysis , the rest ( 73 . 91 % ) is partial one .

  14. 副作用:本组所有病例中有1例发生局麻药中毒反应,1例出现膈神经阻滞,2例出现喉返神经麻痹。

    Reaction : 1 case was fail because of toxic reaction of local anesthetic , 1 case was because of phrenic nerve paralysis , 2 cases were because of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis .

  15. 方法:对54例(共65侧)喉返神经麻痹患者的甲构肌、环构后肌行肌电图检查,记录最大纤颤电位波幅。

    Method : Fifty-four patients ( 65 sides ) with recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis were examined and only the maximum fibrillation potential amplitudes were recorded in the posterior cricoarytenoid muscles and thyroarytenoid muscles .

  16. 术后残余分流4例,开胸结扎残余分流导管3例,喉返神经麻痹3例,5例转为开胸结扎。

    After the operation , 4 children had residual shunt and 3 of them needed thoracoscopy to ligate the residual shunt . Furthermore , 3 children had recurrent nerve paralysis and 5 needed ligation of PDA through thoracostomy .

  17. 这样出现短暂双侧喉返神经麻痹并发症的1例,占17%,在抗炎治疗和语言矫正后,短暂的喉返神经麻痹症状在术后3个月内均得到恢复。

    This temporary paralysis of bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve complications 17 % , in the language of anti-inflammatory treatment and after the correction , short-term symptoms of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis in the three months after the restoration of both .

  18. 因此,单侧喉返神经完全麻痹和部分麻痹均可致杓状软骨固定。

    Therefore the arytenoid ankylosis may occur in both complete and partial recurrent nerve paralyses .

  19. 目的探讨单侧喉返神经损伤声带麻痹时喉返神经探查减压术和喉返神经端端吻合术的疗效及适应证。

    Objectives To explore therapeutic effect , indication and timing of nerve decompression for traumatic recurrent laryngeal nerve injury inducing vocal cord paralysis .

  20. 术后发生颈部吻合口瘘2例(9.5%),喉返神经暂时性麻痹2例(9.5%)。

    The cervical fistula occurred in 2 cases ﹙ 9.5 % ﹚ and temporally recurrent nerve injury in 2 cases ﹙ 9.5 % ﹚ after operation .

  21. 结果全组患者均获切除,无手术死亡,术后发生颈部吻合口瘘3例(5.9%),喉返神经暂时性麻痹5例(9.6%)。

    Results No patients was died due to operation . The cervical fistula occurred in 3 cases ( 5.9 % ) and temporally recurrent nerve injury in 5 cases ( 9.6 % ) after operation .

  22. 方法病程半年以内外伤性喉返神经损伤声带麻痹患者42例,分为神经减压组15例、喉返神经端端吻合组6例、保守治疗组21例。

    Methods A total of 42 patients with recurrent laryngeal nerve injury inducing vocal cord paralysis within six months , were divided into nerve decompression group ( 15 cases ), end to end anastomosis of recurrent laryngeal nerve group ( six cases ) and nonsurgical treatment ( 21 cases ) .

  23. 方法甲状腺手术喉返神经损伤单侧声带麻痹87例,其中行喉返神经探查65例,非手术治疗22例。

    Methods In this study there were 87 patients with recurrent laryngeal nerve injury , including 65 for nerve exploration and 22 for nonsurgical treatment .

  24. 方法2002年10月&2005年6月间,行喉返神经减压术治疗单侧喉返神经麻痹9例,声门闭合不全4例。

    Methods From October 2002 to June 2005 , 9 cases of unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis and 4 cases of glottic insufficiency were treated with recurrent laryngeal nerve decompression .

  25. 结论绝大多数声门闭合不全患者的原因不明,且存在喉上或/和喉返神经的不全麻痹。

    Conclusion The etiology of glottic incompetence is unclear in quite a number of the patients and there are incomplete paralysis in superior or / and recurrent laryngeal nerves .

  26. 喉肌电图与喉肌诱发电位在颈前路术后喉返神经麻痹中的评价作用

    Clinical application value of laryngeal electromyography and laryngeal somatosensory evoked potential in patients with recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis by anterior elective cervical surgery