
  • 网络laryngocele;laryngoceles
  1. 目的探讨喉气囊肿的临床和MRI表现。

    Objective To discuss the MRI findings of laryngocele .

  2. 喉气囊肿的MRI诊断

    MRI Diagnosis in Laryngocele

  3. 理论上一个喉气囊肿可以通过CT或MR诊断,因为囊肿的内容物在这些影像上表现很直观。

    Ideally a laryngocele can be diagnosed by CT or MR imaging , because the content of the cyst ( i.e.air or fluid ) is apparent in these imaging modalities .

  4. 定位及囊内容物是确定喉气囊肿类型的最好的线索。

    The location and the cystic content give the best clues in determining the type of laryngocele .

  5. 资料与方法搜集喉气囊肿2例,均为男性,年龄分别为23岁和50岁。

    Materials and Methods 2 cases with laryngocele were in male which were proved by surgical and pathological results .

  6. 因此喉气囊肿的病人常出现在男性吹玻璃工人、喇叭手、超过50岁的慢性咳嗽患者。

    Therefore patients with a laryngocele are typically male glass blowers , trumpet players or chronic coughers above the age of50 .