
  • 网络throat;Vishuddha;vishuddhi
  1. 意识的第五个层面是喉轮。

    The fifth plane of the mind is at the throat .

  2. 喉轮:吉萨大金字塔和埃及的西奈山,耶路撒冷的橄榄山。

    Throat chakra : Great Pyramid of Giza and Mt Sinai , Egypt ;

  3. 当你张嘴说话,说的都是真理时,那你的喉轮已经建立好了。

    When opening your mouth you tell only the truth , your Vishudhi is established .

  4. 当你在场就会使人们快乐,那你的喉轮已经建立好了。

    When you make people happy by your presence only , your Vishudhi is established .

  5. 当你可以容易地与他人谈及霎哈嘉瑜珈,那你的喉轮已经建立好了。

    When you can easily talk to someone about Sahaja Yoga your Vishudhi is established .

  6. 精力专注于喉轮下端的胸腔或是神经中枢,那么则会达到静定平衡。

    By fixing the attention upon the tube or nerve below the throat center , equilibrium is achieved .

  7. 当你适当地著装没有暴露身体任何顶点的部位,那你的喉轮已经建立好了。

    When you dress properly without exposing the ultimate parts of the body , your Vishudhi is established .

  8. 喉咙中心或者敏感的说话区域(喉轮)在咽喉的底部。

    The guttural centre or subtle Sphere of Speech ( VISHUDDHA-CAKRA ) at the base of the throat .

  9. 当你有很多的困难,尽管这样,你还是留在霎哈嘉集体,那你的喉轮已经建立好了。

    When you are having a lot of difficulties , and despite that , you stay in Sahaja collective , your Vishudhi is established .

  10. 喉轮:喉轮的搏动可以引起一种非常轻微的透不过气的感觉,因为它处于很敏感的部位。

    Throat Chakra : The throbbing in it can cause a very mild choking feeling , because of the sensitive area it is in .

  11. 当你有些东西时,你可以没有自我的与你的兄弟姐妹或任何人分享,那你的喉轮已经建立好了。

    When you have something and you can share it with your brother , sister , or anyone without ego , your Vishudhi is established .

  12. 当你看到每一个事件,好的或不好的,就像个旁观者般看着人生中的片段,那你的喉轮已经建立好了。

    When you see every event , good or bad , as a film shot in life , and be spectator , your Vishudhi is established .