
  • Pendant;Necklace
  1. 淡水珍珠吊坠,18K金,光泽亮,欢迎订购。

    Freshwater pearl pendant , 18K gold , shiny bright , welcome to order .

  2. 确凿的证据似乎是斯泰尔斯的纸飞机吊坠项链,他们交往期间斯威夫特被拍到戴着它,并且在《脱离困境》和《Style》这两首歌的歌词中都出现过。

    The smoking gun appears to be a paper aeroplane pendant necklace belonging to Styles , that Swift was pictured wearing during their relationship and features in lyrics to songs including Out of the Woods and Style .

  3. 大吊坠耳环、厚重的手镯、大块的吊坠都是常见的“宣言珠宝”。

    Chandelier earrings , thick bangles , and bulky pendants are common adornments .

  4. 在保加利亚洞穴中发现的吊坠外形与尼安德特人制作的吊坠相似,这表明现代人类和尼安德特人有过思想上的交流。

    Pendants from the Bulgarian cave resemble those made by Neanderthals , suggesting we exchanged ideas .

  5. 薛米琪穿着乳白色蕾丝迷你裙,戴着guess水钻吊坠,架着一副在上海极为流行的黑框无镜片眼镜。

    Miki Xue wears Ivory Lace miniskirt , guess Rhinestone pendant and - all the rage in Shanghai - heavy black glasses without lenses .

  6. 39岁的德霍曼-克里斯托长发齐肩,颈背较厚,穿着白色运动鞋、黑色紧身裤、印有BadAttitude(态度差)字样的深色T恤,脖子上挂着一件Y型吊坠。

    De Homem-Christo , 39 , has shoulder-length hair and heavier scruff and is wearing white sneakers , tight black pants , a dark T-shirt that says ' Bad Attitude ' and a wishbone pendant around his neck .

  7. 时尚品牌汤丽柏琦(ToryBurch)也与Fitbit携手设计了与可穿戴技术创业公司MisfitWearables的无线运动跟踪器ShineTracker类似的吊坠与手镯。

    Tory Burch partnered with Fitbit to design pendants and bracelets akin to the Shine Tracker by Misfit Wearables .

  8. 目前她已经把这吊坠放到了e-bay上了。

    She 's put the jewelry up for sale on E-Bay .

  9. 本活动最近喜获一位学院之友,捐出一件18K白金钻石金珍珠吊坠,作当天拍卖之用。

    We are happy to announce that we have received a piece of18K white gold diamond golden pearl pendant from a friend of the institute for auction purpose .

  10. 在她的2016年春夏季时装中,布哈与法国时尚品牌Lemaire合作,用艳丽保守的风格设计护腕、吊坠与耳环。

    For SS16 , Buhai applies her bold , sparing style to cuffs , pendants and earrings in collaboration with the French design house Lemaire .

  11. 它可被用来作为吊坠或手链的魅力。

    It can be used as a pendant or bracelet charm .

  12. 有关钻石吊坠的详情,请按此。

    For more information about the pendant , please click here .

  13. 这是美丽的戒指,项鍊和吊坠。

    It is beautiful in rings , necklaces , and pendants .

  14. 吊坠材质:施华洛世奇水晶,纯银,锦缎。

    Pendant Material : Swarovski crystal , Silver , Brocade .

  15. 我刚在你们商店买了这个吊坠。

    I bought the pendant in your shop just before .

  16. 有许多类型的美丽的钻石吊坠项鍊。

    There are many types of beautiful diamond pendant necklaces .

  17. 奇型纽扣吊坠,各种款式,欢迎订货。

    Odd-type button pendants , a variety of styles , welcome to order .

  18. 吊坠材质:纯银,珍珠,水晶。

    Pendant Material : Silver , Pearl , Crystal .

  19. 那个姑娘的小吊坠,是你拿的,对吧?

    That girl 's locket -- you took it , didn 't you ?

  20. 吊坠材质:纯银,锆石,黑玛瑙。

    Pendant Material : Silver , Zircon , Agate .

  21. 桥吊坠箱事故树分析电缆分接箱

    Fault tree analysis on container falling by port crane operation Cable Branch Box

  22. 银制项链的下方挂着一枚吊坠,在背心宽敞的领口上方晃来晃去。

    a silver necklace with an anchor dangled over ample d é colletage .

  23. 这只不过是一根普通的带有银质吊坠的吊绳项链。

    It 's a simple solid-silver piece at the end of that cord necklace .

  24. 她问起山茱萸吊坠了吗?

    Did she ask about the dogwood charm ?

  25. 嗯,脖子是个挂项链吊坠或打领带的好地方。

    Well , it 's a good place to hang a pendant or a tie .

  26. 我觉得可以考虑做一辑配饰,像手镯、吊坠、耳环之类。

    One thought I had was enamel . um , bangles , pendants , earrings .

  27. 这是正常的坦桑石吊坠在广泛的形状和风格。

    It is normal to see tanzanite pendants in wide range of shapes and styles .

  28. 淡水珍珠饰品,异型吊坠,小号,普通银包裹,欢迎批发!

    Freshwater pearl jewelry , special-shaped pendant , trumpet , silver ordinary parcels , welcome wholesale !

  29. 你没有…你偷那个吊坠不是为了自己戴吧?

    You 're not , um ... You 're not wearing that locket , are you ?

  30. 我已经看到了美丽的蓝玛瑙吊坠,博洛关系,头发棍棒和火玛瑙手镯。

    I 've seen beautiful blue agate pendants , bolo ties , hair sticks and fire agate bracelets .