
  1. 用V字领吊带连衣裙营造身体曲线来柔化中性化的体型,或是选择分层有褶皱的裙子。

    Create curves to soften a slim , boyish figure with a V-neck halter dress , or try layers of ruffles to create a soft shape .

  2. 然后,玛丽亚·莎拉波娃(MariaSharapova)穿了一件桃红色耐克吊带连衣裙,后背是透明网眼;锦织圭穿的是优衣库橘色运动装;

    Then there was Maria Sharapova 's peach-melba Nike halter dress with sheer mesh insert in back ;

  3. 当晚的着装要求是要么带猥琐性质的伴娘装,要么带诋毁性质的伴郎装。但是塔克自己却不顾这个要求,当晚她身穿着一条漂亮的海蓝色吊带连衣裙,脚穿一双著名的卢博婷四英寸跟的红色漆皮单鞋。

    The dress code was " slutty bridesmaid or slurring groomsman , " but Tucker had ignored her own injunction , and was dressed in a flattering strapless dress the color of sea foam and red patent-leather Louboutin pumps with four-inch heels .

  4. 主要经营针织服装中东,非洲,韩女装、主要生产女式T恤,吊带衫,连衣裙,打底衫,雪纺衫,裙子,裤子等。

    Mainly engaged in knitted garment Middle East , Africa , South Korea Women , the main production of women 's T-shirt , halter top , dress , bottoming shirt , chiffon shirts , skirts , pants and so on .