
  • 网络crane girder;a crane beam
  1. 破损钢吊车梁的修复与加固试验研究

    Repairing and strengthening experimental study of damaged steel crane girders

  2. 钢结构吊车梁疲劳动态可靠度研究

    Fatigue dynamic reliability analysis for steel crane girders trends

  3. 吊车梁K型对接焊缝焊角尺寸疲劳性能试验研究

    Fatigue performance test research of fillet weld size of K-type butt weld of huge crane beam

  4. TIG重熔技术对吊车梁焊接接头性能影响

    Influence of TIG remelting technigue on welded joint performance of crane girder

  5. 焊接20m超大型吊车梁精度控制工艺

    Controlling procedure of accuracy for 20m welded beam of huge crane

  6. 23·4m跨度吊车梁的设计与分析

    The design and Analysis on crane girder with 23.4 m span

  7. 新型多功能天车6m钢吊车梁设计实例

    Hoist of New and Many Functions-example of Design for 6 m Steel Hoist Beem

  8. 36m吊车梁焊接变形的控制和矫正

    On Controlling and Rectifying the Welding Deformation of 36m Crane Beam

  9. 本文采用拉格朗日乘子法进行了小水电站吊车梁的优化设计,文中给出了优化设计吊车梁的QuickBASIC计算机程序,使吊车梁的优化设计简单、实用、易于推广。

    The optimization of crane beam was carried out by using Lagrangian Multiplier , and a Quick BASIC computer program for optimizing the design of crane beam was presented . The design-optimization of crane beam was very simple , practical and easy to be popularized .

  10. 通过对初选方案的对比与优选,结合使用要求,确定采用黏贴碳纤维布(CFRP)方案对吊车梁实施加固。

    Through comparing and analyzing the initial treatment schemes , and combining the demands of use , the sticking carbon fiber reinforced polymer ( CFRP ) was chosen to strengthen crane girders .

  11. 在50t吊车梁组焊施工中,通过采用严格的焊接工艺,使吊车梁各项质量指标均符合要求。

    In the assemble joint of 50 tone crane girder , which every quality index conforms to the requisition of standard by strict joint process .

  12. 天钢3500mm中厚板工程超大型吊车梁制作技术

    Manufacturing Technique of Super-large Crane Beam for TISC 3,500 mm Plate Rolling Mill

  13. 研究了重型吊车梁用D36低合金高强钢的焊接性。

    The paper investigates the weldability of D36 HSLA steel used for heavy crane beams .

  14. 对某工程中60m跨度重级工作制吊车梁的设计进行介绍。该吊车梁同时作为屋盖结构的托梁,所以更换起来比较困难。

    The design of a 60m span and heavy duty crane beam in a structure is introduced , which is also treated as the support to the roof structure , so it is difficult to be replaced .

  15. 基于实测的钢筋混凝土吊车梁疲劳荷载谱,经过适当的简化得到试验用随机变幅疲劳荷载谱,并通过MTS疲劳试验机实现了该随机变幅疲劳荷载谱作用下部分预应力混凝土梁的疲劳试验。

    C. crane beams , established through a practical survey , a random-amplitude fatigue loading spectrum for conducting tests is obtained through appropriate simplifications . Fatigue tests of prestressed concrete beams under the random-amplitude fatigue loading spectrum are conducted by using MTS fatigue machines .

  16. 以江苏省沙钢集团5000mm宽厚轧机工程为例,重点介绍超大箱形钢结构吊车梁(长62.5m,宽3m,高5.8m)不同于一般吊车梁的施工方法。

    Taking the project of Shagang 5000 mm plate mill for example , it is specially introduced the construction method of super box steel crane girder ( 62.5m × 3.0m × 5.8m ), which is different from those of ordinary crane beams .

  17. 某动力公司出海口基地码头的一高4000mm、宽1700mm的钢箱型吊车梁,截面之大、重量之重在国内很罕见,其制作工艺较为复杂。

    A steel box-section crane girder with 4m high and 1.7m width are manufactured for a launch out dock . The large section and height and the complex fabrication technics of it are infrequent in the engineering of China .

  18. 包钢4号高炉环形吊车梁的设计

    Ring crane girder design of No. 4 blast furnace of Baogang

  19. 焊接钢吊车梁裂缝发展机理的试验研究

    Experimental study on the development mechanism of crack in steel crane-girders

  20. 钢吊车梁的校核分析及预应力加固研究杂多钨酸及其盐对碳钢的缓蚀作用

    Study for Checkout and Prestress Strengthening of the Steel Crane Girder

  21. 某装配车间特大吨位吊车梁系统设计

    Design of especially tonnage crane beam system in an assembly workshop

  22. 重型厂房吊车梁钢混代换施工

    The Steel-replacing-concrete Construction of Crane Beams of a Heavy Factory Building

  23. 岩锚吊车梁设计计算方法研究

    Study on calculating method for rock - bolt crane girder design

  24. 冶金工厂钢吊车梁残余寿命的预测

    Estimation of residual life of steel crane Girdes in metallurgical plant

  25. 钢坯库厂房吊车梁系统疲劳破坏分析

    Fatigue wreck analysis on the crane girder system of billet warehouse

  26. 钢吊车梁疲劳性能分析新探

    New Study of the Fatigue Property for the Steel Crane Beam

  27. 吊车梁的轮压荷载支承长度计算

    The supporting length calculation of wheel pressure load of crane beam

  28. 大跨度箱形吊车梁的强度分析及结构改进

    Intensity Analysis and Structure Improve for a Tramroad Girder for Crane

  29. 可见,连续吊车梁具有实际应用价值。

    It is clear that continuous crane beams have practical applications .

  30. 在役钢吊车梁破损原因分析及其对可靠度的影响

    Damaged reason analysis and reliability influence about using steel crane girder