
  • 网络dipping sonar
  1. 基于HLA的直升机吊放声纳搜潜仿真系统

    The Anti-sub Simulation System Using Dipping Sonar Based on HLA

  2. 使用吊放声纳的直升机应召搜潜发现概率

    The Detection Probabilities Of on-call Helicopter Antisubmarine Search Using Dipping Sonar

  3. 潜艇机动规避对抗吊放声纳搜索技术仿真研究

    Simulation Research on Submarine Evasion to Fight against Dipped Sonar Searching

  4. 一种潜艇规避近距离吊放声纳搜索的方法

    A Method of Submarine Evading The Searching of Nearby Dipping Sonar

  5. 影响吊放声纳检查搜潜效能主要因素仿真研究

    Simulative Research on Major Factors Which Affecting the Efficiency of Checking-Antisubmarine

  6. 直升机缆绳吊放声纳系统有限元建模与仿真

    Infinite-element Modeling and Simulation for Helicopter Cable & Dipping Sonar System

  7. 直升机吊放声纳机构用切缆装置研究

    Research of Cable Cutting Machine for Lifter of Sonar Device

  8. 吊放声纳与声纳浮标在应召搜潜中的联合运用

    Joint application of dipping sonar and sonobuoy in answering the call to anti-submarine

  9. 这对潜艇规避对抗吊放声纳搜索具有实际的指导意义。

    It is of practical guiding significance for submarine fighting against dipped sonar .

  10. 吊放声纳搜索效率模型探讨

    Discussion on search efficiency model of dipping sonobuoy

  11. 对潜的吊放声纳应召搜索技术仿真研究

    Simulation Research on Methods of Definite Second Time Search of Dipped Sonar Against Submarine

  12. 建立了反潜机吊放声纳的扩展螺旋线形应召搜潜模型、潜艇运动模型;

    Extended spirality searching model of dipping sonar and submarine moving models were built .

  13. 航空反潜中的吊放声纳系统仿真

    Simulation for dipping sonar system in air anti-submarine

  14. 吊放声纳非探测时间的计算公式

    The Fomulas of Dipping Sonar 's Non-Detecton Time

  15. 使用吊放声纳探测潜艇是直升机反潜的主要样式。

    Detecting submarine by means of dipping sonar is main mode of helicoptersearching and tracking submarine .

  16. 直升机吊放声纳是海军航空兵实施快速、机动反潜的主要战术装备,它装配在军用直升机上,可以及时、准确地搜索指定海域内的敌方潜艇。

    Airborne dipping Sonar is designed for military helicopter to find out enemy 's submarine in appointed sea area quickly .

  17. 从仿真结果可见,与缆绳吊放声纳系统简单分段的线性模型相比,有限元非线性模型能更准确地描述系统的物理特性。

    The results show that the infinite-element nonlinear model can describe the system more accuracy than the simple separating segment linear model do .

  18. 基于先验目标航向的吊放声纳应召搜潜建模与仿真研究吊桥放下时,铁链发出叮当声。

    Building and Simulating Definite Second Time Submarine Search Models of Dipping Sonar Based on Transcendental Target Moving Course The chains clanked as the drawbridge opened .

  19. 在实际使用中,直升机吊放声纳的搜潜范围受水声环境、目标的辐射噪声与回波特性、搜潜装备的性能等多种因素的影响,每一因素的变化都将影响搜潜效果。

    The Performance of detection of the dipping sonar are effected by many reasons , such as underwater acoustic environment , target signal and the performance of detecting equipment .

  20. 航空吊放声纳、声纳浮标向低频、多基地方向发展,要求其声纳基阵的孔径越来越大,提出了体积阵这种新的基阵形式。

    As airborne dipping sonar and sonar buoy developing toward low frequency and multi static , new kind of array such as volumetric array emerged which can provide larger aperture than before .