
shuānɡ yì jī
  • biplane
  1. 十一月十四日晨,伊利的柯蒂斯推进式双翼机被吊上船。

    Early on14 November Ely Curtiss 's pusher biplane was hoisted aboard .

  2. 飞行这个主题无处不在——宫崎骏的作品从不缺乏飞行这个主题,不论是滑翔机、魔法扫帚、一战时期的双翼机,或是一些隐形的飞行元素。

    Flight is a ubiquitous theme - Miyazaki has never done a film that doesn 't involve flying of some kind , whether with gliders , magic brooms , World War I biplanes or with no visible means at all .