
shuāng biān dài
  • double-sideband
双边带[shuāng biān dài]
  1. 二是在锁相环中采用无电感正交环形振荡器和两路无电感双边带混频器实现单边带混频器,进一步降低了电路的复杂度、版图面积和总功耗。

    The second is that a non-inductive quadrature ring oscillator and two-pass non-inductive double-sideband mixer , which form one single-sideband mixer , are adopted in the phase-locked loop to further reduce the circuit complexity , layout area and power consumption .

  2. GB/T4461-1992热双金属带材抑制载波的双边带调制

    Thermostatic bimetal strips double-sideband suppressed-carrier modulation

  3. 用MATLAB对双边带抑制载波调制解调器的仿真分析

    Emulation Analyses of Copy Really to Both Webbing Restrain Carrier Modem by Using MATLAB

  4. 在分析双边带和单边带调制的性能后,采用移相法实现RF脉冲的单边带幅度调制,并给出了具体的实现算法和仿真。

    After comparing with the performance of double sideband modulation and single sideband modulation , Single sideband modulation based on phasing was used for RF pulse modulation , which can cut down the peak power of RF pulse transmitter and achieve a precise phase .

  5. 分析了RoF系统中双边带调制对系统带来的影响,以及单边带滤波对窄带光纤光栅反射光谱和反射率的要求。

    The effect of double sideband on the performance of radio over fiber system is theoretically analyzed , and the requirements of single sideband filtering to reflective spectrum and reflectivity of narrow-band fiber Bragg grating are discussed .

  6. 在幅度调制中,根据已调信号的频谱分量不同,分为普通调幅(标准调幅AM)、抑制载波的双边带调幅(DSB)、抑制载波的单边带调幅(SSB)等。

    In the modulation of amplitude , there are ordinary amplitude modulation ( the standard amplitude modulation AM ), restraint signal carrier Double Side Band ( DSB ) and restraint carrier Single Side Band ( SSB ) according to the numbers of frequency spectra of the selected modulated signals .

  7. 这一效应对双边带接收机尤为严重。

    This effect is especially serious for the double sideband receiver .

  8. 基于超结构光纤光栅的双边带编/解码器

    Double Band En / Decoder Based on Super Structured Fiber Bragg Gratings

  9. 微波辐射的双边带接收

    Double Side - band Reception of Microwave Radiation

  10. 反相对称基本原理在双边带通信系统中的应用

    The Application of Phase-Inversion Symmetric Modulation ( PISM ) in the DSB Communication System

  11. 双频双边带传输系统

    Double frequency both side band transmission

  12. 抑制载波双边带通信

    Carrier suppressed DSB communication

  13. 双边带抑制载波调制器

    Double-sideband suppressed carrier modulator

  14. 消光比对双边带传输和单边带传输的影响是不一样的。

    The effect of the finite extinction ratio on optical single sideband transmission system is also considered in detail .

  15. 针对这一难点,本文引入了双边带滤波算法,该算法有保边去噪的作用。

    In response to this difficulty , this paper introduces bilateral filter algorithm , which has the role of edge-preserving and denoising .

  16. 对于模拟调制方式,基于决策论的算法可以识别调幅、调频、单边带和双边带等调制类型。

    The analogue modulation recognizer utilized the decision-theoretic approach that a set of decision criteria for identifying different types of modulations is developed .

  17. 本文研究单边带、双边带、残留边带信号传输系统的一个统一的数学模型,这种模型具有较为精练而明确的形式。

    A.signal transmission system model compatible with single sideband ( SSB ) system , double sideband ( DSB ) system and vestigial sideband ( VSB ) system is obtained in this paper .

  18. 然而,由于传统的强度调制或相位调制的模拟光链路一般都采用双边带调制,所以光纤的色散效应将导致输出信号的功率发生周期性衰减。

    However , chromatic dispersion ( CD ) of the optical fiber would lead to spectrally periodical power fading because a conventional intensity or phase modulated APL employs double sideband ( DSB ) modulation .

  19. 分别讨论了在理想假设和实际情况下超外差接收机的双边带噪声系数和单边带噪声系数,给出了单边带接收机的某些设计方案。

    This paper discussed the double sideband noise figures and single side band noise figures of the superheterodyne receivers in a ideal hypothesis and the practical case respectively . It also gave some considerations designing the single side band receiver .

  20. 本文对混频器的噪声系数定义提出了一点改进方案,明确区分了信号频率处和镜像频率处的双边带噪声系数。

    An improvement is given in this paper on the definition of the DSB noise figure of mixers , in which the Double Side Band ( DSB ) noise figure among signal frequency is distinguished from the one among image frequency .

  21. 针对所搭建的双边带抑制载波的上行系统通过比较光信噪比、调制信号强度、激光器谱线宽度和频率漂移对系统性能的影响,寻找出上行系统的最佳参数配置。

    Based on the built double-sideband suppression upstream system , optimum system parameters are found by comparing the relationship between OSNR ( Optical Signal to Noise Ratio ), modulated signal intensity , laser spectrum line width , frequency offset and system performance .

  22. 为解决微波毫米波幅相接收机的频率偏移超过中频带宽的问题,提出了一种低中频正交接收机结合双边带抑载的优化结构。

    To solve the problem of frequency offset out of intermediate frequency ( IF ) bandwidth for microwave and millimeter wave amplitude and phase receivers , an optimal architecture of low-IF quadrature receiver combining with double-sideband suppressed-carrier ( DSBSC ) was presented .

  23. 振幅调制是信号处理中的关键步骤,它直接决定了输出发射器的工作效率和质量,可采用的振幅调制方案有双边带振幅调制、单边带振幅调制以及正交振幅调制等。

    Amplitude modulator is a committed step in the signal processing , it has determined to output working efficiency and quality of the launcher directly . Adoptable amplitude modulate scheme have double sideband amplitude modulator , single sideband amplitude modulator and quadrature amplitude modulator etc.

  24. 在双边带相位监测方法的基础上,对系统结构进行了改进,提出了一种用于非归零码光纤通信系统累积色散实时监测的新方法,并进行了详细的理论推导和仿真计算。

    An improved method on the structure of double sideband phase detection in optical fiber communication system with non return to zero data is described for real-time accumulated dispersion monitoring , the theory of this method is deduced and the numerical simulation is presented .

  25. 提出了独特的基于双边带和单边带调制下的数字预失真线性化查找表更新算法。

    In this part , a unique digital pre-distortion linearization method that based on the LUT table algorithm is proposed to meet the two different modulation methods required in RFID system , the double-side-band ( DSB ) modulation and the signal-side-band ( SSB ) modulation .

  26. 为了克服色散导致的基带信号码元失真,我们提出了解决方案,利用外部强度调制器产生载波抑制双边带光载毫米波,而基带信号只调制在其中一个边带上。

    We have proposed a scheme to overcome the dispersion affection and extend the transmission distance , in which an external intensity modulator is employed to generate the DSB signal with suppression central carrier , while the baseband data are modulated only onto one of the two optical carriers .