
  • 网络Conference Call;MPTY;Call Conference
  1. SIP会议系统为人们进行远程多方通话提供了极大的便利,因而越来越受到青睐。

    SIP-based conference system provides great convenience for people to make remote multiparty calls , therefore it becomes more and more popular .

  2. 本文还对个性化KDC代理在多方通话模式中的各种情况的应用进行了分析。

    The thesis has also analysed the application of different situations that the agent of KDC among the conversation modes in many ways .

  3. 结果证明在该模拟器上进行软件开发可以大大提高手机软件开发的效率,可以以极少的代价详尽测试真实运行中像来电、呼叫、多方通话等难以把握情况。

    Re-sults show that simulator can improve programming efficiency greatly and resolve problems within testing cases such as incoming call , outgoing call , multi party call .