
duō chǐ pèi tǐ
  • Polydentate ligand;multidentate ligand
  1. 报道了含1个溶剂DMF的多齿配体2,5-二羟基-1,4-苯醌缩氨基脲的合成和晶体结构。

    The synthesis and crystal structure of multidentate ligand 4 - ( 2 , 5-dihydroxy-1 , 4-benzoquinonyl ) - semicarbazide are reported in this paper .

  2. 两种新的N、O多齿配体的合成

    Synthesis of two novel multiply dentate ligands containing N 、 O donor atoms

  3. 本文论述了N,N二(2苯并咪唑亚甲基)胺与二硫化碳在氢氧化钠的存在下合成新型多齿配体N,N二(2苯并咪唑亚甲基)二硫代氨基甲酸钠的方法。

    The paper discusses the synthesis method of a new polydentate ligand , sodium N , N-bis ( 2-benzimidazolylmethylene ) dithiocarbamate , using N , N-bis ( 2-benzimidazylomethyl ) amine with carbon disulfide in the presence of sodium hydroxide .

  4. 含氮杂环-联吡啶、联嘧啶和连氮等杂环化合物及其衍生物-是最常见的多齿配体之一,这些配体与金属Cu(Ⅰ)能形成一维、二维和三维结构的配合物。

    In particular , the nitrogen-containing heterocycle ligands , such as bipyridine , pyrimidine and azine and their derivatives , are most widely used . As their complexes can generate one - , two-and three-dimensional structures .

  5. 多齿配体改性的氧化锆色谱固定相表面吸附方式的研究

    Adsorption Mode of Di-dentate Ligand Modified Zirconia Stationary Phase Surface

  6. 多齿配体二(2-苯并咪唑亚甲基)胺的分子结构与构象研究

    Molecular Structures and Conformations of Multi-Dentate Ligand Bis ( 2-benzimidazolymethyl ) amine

  7. 对苯二亚甲基桥联多齿配体的合成、表征及其配合物的稳定性研究

    Synthesis of polydentate ligand bridged by phenylenedimethylene and investigation of its complexes

  8. 多齿配体钒配合物的合成、表征及性能研究

    Study on Synthesis , Characterization and Properties of Vanadium Complexes

  9. 多齿配体在配位化学的发展过程中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Multidentate ligands play an important role in the development of coordination chemistry .

  10. 多齿配体的合成


  11. 在此基础上,探讨了新型多齿配体用于合成线性金属链配合物的可能配位模式。

    The possibly coordination pattern of complexes containing metal chain supported by those ligands was discussed .

  12. 多齿配体的合成具有多齿配位基的硅单体

    Organosilicon monomers with multidentate ligands

  13. 氧齿配体锝配合物Ⅰ.氧多齿配体锝(Ⅴ)配合物的结构及其性质

    Oxygen atom coordinated technetium complexes ⅰ the structure and properties of technetium (ⅴ) compounds with oxygen multidentate ligands

  14. 金属有机多齿配体配位化学&双核化合物的形成促使铁卡宾键的稳定化

    Coordination Chemistry of Organometallic Polydentate Ligand & Formation of Binuclear Complexes for the Stabilization of Carbene-Iron ( 0 ) Compound

  15. 含氮、氧多齿配体铅配合物孤对电子与超分子作用的协同行为以及荧光性质的初步研究

    Lone Pair , Supramolecular Interaction and Photoluminescence Studies of a Series of Lead ( II ) Complexes with N-O Donor Ligands

  16. 按照已有的酶活性中心的金属-氨基酸侧链配位和空间关系,设计合成多齿配体,并使配体和金属离子通过配位作用形成配合物。

    They are designed according to the special relations and coordination of metal-amino acid side chain in the active centre in known enzymes .

  17. 多齿配体是指含有两个或者两个以上的配位原子可以与同一个中心的原子形成两个或两个以上配位键的配体。

    Polydentate ligand which point to contain two or more coordination atoms can with the same center of atoms form two or more coordination bond .

  18. 在此序列和五配位四方锥构型基础上,解释了各氧多齿配体与TcO3+的结合性质。

    The coordination characters of TcO 3 + with multidentate oxygen donor ligands are rationalized by that sequence and the square pyramidal geometry of TcO 3 + complexes .

  19. 通过选择、设计合适的多齿配体与金属离子反应,合成结构和性能优良的金属-有机配合物成为当今配位化学研究的核心问题。

    It has been the essential issue of modern coordination chemistry to select or design suitable multidentate ligands , and then let them react with metal ions to synthesize metal-organic coordination compounds with desired structures and excellent properties .

  20. 考虑到一些因素对合成这类材料的影响,如金属离子、配体、溶剂和温度等,我们主要研究了刚性多齿配体(或混合配体)与金属锌离子反应来构筑新颖的配位聚合物。

    Considering the synthetical factors on such materials , such as metal ion , ligand , solvent , temperature and so on , we investigated the reactions between the rigid multi-carboxylate ligands / mixed-ligand and Zn (ⅱ) ions to construct novel coordination polymers .

  21. 手性氨基醇衍生物,虽然已经成功地用于多种不对称催化反应中,但是以氨基酸为原料的手性多齿配体的合成和应用研究文献报道较少。

    Although chiral amino-alcohol ligands have been successfully applied to various kinds of catalytic asymmetric reactions , few examples of the synthesis of chiral multi-dentate ligands , such as tri - or tetra-dentate from amino acids , and their application to asymmetric reactions have been reported .

  22. 含多齿膦配体的过渡金属配合物的合成及表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of Complexes of Multi-phosphines with Transition Metals

  23. 一种含三嗪单元多齿手性配体的合成

    Synthesis of a Chiral Ligand Containing 1,3,5-Triazine Unit

  24. 金属有机配位聚合物是通过含给电子基团的双齿或多齿有机配体()一种或几种中心金属离子()过配位键自组装而形成的。

    Metal-Organic coordination polymer is formed by self-assembly through coordination bond between bidentate or multbentate organic ligand and central metal ion .

  25. 纳米孔洞金属-有机骨架是一种由过渡金属离子与含氧、氮等多齿有机配体通过自组装而形成的,具有特定拓扑结构的配位聚合物。

    Nano-porous metal-organic framework is the coordination polymer with intriguing structural motifs which can be self-assembled by transition metal ions and multi-dental organic ligands containing oxygen and nitrogen .

  26. 本研究以多齿NHCs为配体,通过金属交换反应合成了一系列稳定的偶联反应金属催化剂。

    We have synthesized a series of air-stable metal catalysts for cross-coupling reactions . These metal complexes based on multidentate NHC ligands were synthesized by carbene transfer reactions .

  27. 该探针由铽的荧光发光中心以及两个单功能铂基团组成,其中多功能的多齿配体作为桥联基团。

    The probe consists of a luminescent terbium ( III ) center and two monofunctional platinum (ⅱ) moieties with a multifunctional polydentate ligand as the linker .

  28. 本课题选择结构和性能独特的多金属氧酸根(POMs)和多齿有机配体作为构件,以金属离子作为模板合成出新型多金属氧酸盐无机-有机杂化化合物。

    In this paper , two novel Organic - Inorganic Hybrid Compounds Containing POMs were achieved by selecting POMs with unique structure and properties and organic ligands with bipyridyl groups as building blocks and transition mental cation as templating through hydrothermal reaction .