
  • Dairy Queen;DQ;The Snow Queen
  1. 软冰激凌品牌冰雪皇后(DairyQueen)已在中国各地设立了500多家连锁店。

    Soft-serve chain Dairy Queen International has opened over 500 stores across China .

  2. 冰雪皇后门口,然后进去买冰淇淋了

    outside a Dairy Queen and went in to get some soft-serve .

  3. 冷若冰霜的“冰雪皇后”索菲、甜蜜的“甜心”娜塔莎、“女老板”瑞秋……这位28岁的艺术家再现了过去的恋情,再现了那些意义深远又转瞬即逝的情感。

    From the frosty ' Ice Queen ' Sophie to the sweet ' Honey ' Natasha and ' The Boss ' Rachel , the 28-year-old recreates those past relationships -- some meaningful , and some fleeting flings .

  4. 冰雪精灵的服务员身着蓝色制服,带红色围裙,这几乎就是冰雪皇后服务员的翻版。

    Dairy Fairy employees are donned in blue uniforms with red aprons ─ nearly a mirror image of Dairy Queen employees .

  5. 冰雪精灵的冰激凌杯都印有红蓝两种颜色的“DF”字样,这和冰雪皇后及其缩写DQ所使用的颜色类似。

    Cups are marked with " DF " in red and blue , resembling the colors Dairy Queen uses and its " DQ " nickname .