
  • 网络Ice trolls
  1. 冰霜巨魔通常有相当浓密的头发。

    Ice trolls typically have thick manes of hair .

  2. 冰霜巨魔是一种生活在寒冷气候中的巨魔亚种。

    Ice trolls are a subspecies of troll that lives in cold climates .

  3. 冰霜巨魔的施法者则站在后方,施展法术。

    Ice troll spellcasters stay behind to cast spells .

  4. 同样和其他巨魔一样,冰霜巨魔致力于复兴他们失落的帝国。

    Also like other trolls , ice trolls seek to reclaim their lost empires .

  5. 冰霜巨魔被认为居住在一种圆顶雪房或是简易帐篷中。

    Ice Trolls have been observed to live in both igloo-like structures and simple tents .

  6. 一些冰霜巨魔跟着地精商人到达过洛丹伦和卡利姆多。

    Some ice troll mercenaries and slaves reach Lordaeron and Kalimdor through the goblin merchant empire .

  7. 一些冰霜巨魔督军拥有很强大的能力和头脑,让其他战士作出很有战略性的行动。

    Some ice troll warlords are charismatic and savvy enough to impose more sophisticated tactics on their warriors .

  8. 现在,卡兹莫丹的残余冰霜巨魔依然在和他们远古的敌人对抗着。

    Ice trolls in Khaz Modan take advantage of the current chaos there to strike against their ancient enemies .

  9. 达卡莱&达卡莱是生活在诺森德东面,祖尔德拉克里的一支冰霜巨魔部族。

    Drakkari Tribe-The Drakkari are a tribe of ice trolls that founded the nation of Zul'Drak in eastern Northrend .

  10. 冰霜巨魔是一种狂暴的生物,他们有苍白的皮肤,同时在体形上也比他们的南方同胞巨大。

    Ice trolls are massive barbaric creatures of pale skin and more than twice the girth of their southern counterparts .

  11. 和其他巨魔类似,冰霜巨魔信奉巫毒,他们更多的是采取一种祭祀的巫毒,而不是萨满教形式的。

    Like other trolls , the ice trolls follow the Voodoo traditions , with a focus on priestly rather than shamanistic Voodoo .

  12. 冰霜巨魔爱好杀戮,如果他们的雇主要他们这样做,他们将做的相当出色。

    Ice trolls enjoy killing , and as long as their employers allow them to keep doing so , they serve well .

  13. 冰霜巨魔对铁炉堡的矮人有着特别的仇恨,因为他们相信是这些矮人在早期将他们赶出了他们自己的领土。

    They have a particular hatred for Ironforge dwarves , who they believe drove them out of their lands in ages past .

  14. 最近,在他们延续和矮人的圣战中,冰霜巨魔开始乐于驱使穴居人去消磨矮人。

    Recently in their ongoing ancestral holy-war against the Dwarves , they have been content to let the Troggs wear down their enemies for them .

  15. 在上古时代,冰霜巨魔被赶入荒凉的诺森德,在那里,他们创造出了千万个社会文明。

    Driven into the desolate wastes of Northrend in ancient times , the ice trolls carved out a meager society for themselves amongst the cold stone and lifeless plains .

  16. 事实上,冰霜巨魔因为他们天生反常的高度嗜血欲望,以及残暴,是最先被赞达拉部族放逐的一支巨魔。

    Ice trolls were actually the first to be exiled by the original Zandalar tribe due to their highly unnatural bloodlust and brutality which included a hatred for their own kind .

  17. 在丹莫罗的冰霜巨魔属于霜鬃部族,他们正在和矮人进行游击战。目前他们居住在一些洞穴中,以及涌冰湖边上的一些小营地里。

    The ice trolls of Dun Morogh-the Frostmane Tribe-who are currently fighting a guerilla war against the Dwarves , have been forced to live in caves and small encampments surrounding Iceflow Lake .