
  • 网络Ice storage technology;Ice thermal storage technology
  1. 就采用全热交换器和冰蓄冷技术以改善超市室内空气品质进行分析和探讨;

    Furthermore , the total heat recovery ventilators and ice thermal storage technology used to improve the indoor air quality in the super-markets were discussed in the paper .

  2. 动态冰蓄冷技术是目前蓄能技术重要的研究方向之一,其中冰浆制取方式是研究的关键课题。

    Nowadays , dynamic ice thermal storage technology is one of the important research directions in energy storage technology , and the way how to realize dynamic ice-making is the key issue .

  3. 冰蓄冷技术相关固液相变传热现象的研究进展

    Advancement of solid-liquid phase change heat transfer in ice storage technology

  4. 冰蓄冷技术在西安地区应用的经济分析

    Economical analysis of technique of ice-storage applied in region of Xi'an

  5. 利用冰蓄冷技术提高燃气轮机的发电功率和效率

    Improving power and efficiency of gas turbine generators by ice storage technology

  6. 冰蓄冷技术在化工生产上的应用探讨

    Application of ice storage technology in chemical plant

  7. 新型暖冰蓄冷技术及其蓄冷空调应用方式

    New Type Warm-Ice Cool Storage Technology and Its Application Mode in Air Conditioning Systems

  8. 三工况热泵机组利用冰蓄冷技术进行空调运行的经济性评价方法

    Economic Analysis Method of Air-Conditioning System Using Three-operating Condition Heat-Pump Unit and Ice-thermal Storage Technique

  9. 在这种能源背景下,一些地区开始推行冰蓄冷技术。

    Under this background , ice storage technology is now being phased in within some area .

  10. 冰蓄冷技术在粮食储存中的应用及发展研究

    The Application and Development Research of Ice - storage Technology in Low Temperature Storage of Grain

  11. 冰蓄冷技术发展初探

    Progress in ice storage technology

  12. 文章试图将冰蓄冷技术应用到空调设备中,并对此问题进行探讨。

    This article tries to apply ice storage in air conditioning equipment and has probed into it .

  13. 降低空调能耗,合理利用电能,将冰蓄冷技术用于空调工程是新的趋势。

    It is the new trends in air condition engineering to apply ice cold storage technology to decrease the energy consumption .

  14. 冰蓄冷技术正是利用了低谷电,平衡了电网的负荷,国家采取的很多措施更促进了冰蓄冷技术的快速发展。

    The government carry out many measures to promote development of ice storage technology making use of off-peak electricity to balance network load .

  15. 为了解决电力紧张及峰谷电力不平衡的的问题,冰蓄冷技术的应用得到了推广。

    In order to balance the use of electricity energy in the day and night , ice - storage application of technology popularize .

  16. 介绍了冰蓄冷技术在国内外的发展状况及天津市推广应用冰蓄冷空调现状。

    This paper introduces a present status of the application and development of ice storage air-conditioning in Tianjin as well as at home and abroad .

  17. 结果表明,冰蓄冷技术不但能有效地增加燃气轮机功率输出,且经济效益显著。

    The results show that the said technology not only can effectively increase the power output of a gas turbine , but the economic benefits also to be obvious .

  18. 动态制冰系统因其在制冰过程中的高热力学效率,制得冰晶的可流动性等方面都优于传统的静态制冰,这种制冰方式现已成为国内外冰蓄冷技术的研究重点。

    For dynamic ice making system is more efficient than static ice making system during the ice formation process and the ice generated is flowable , it gradually become the hot spot .

  19. 分析比较了燃气轮机进口空气冷却的各种方法,计算出采用冰蓄冷技术所需的设备容量,并进行了投资分析。

    Various methods of inlet air cooling for gas turbines have been analysed , the capacity of equipment needed for using ice cool-accumulating technology having been calculated and the capital investment analysed .

  20. 在建筑物中应用冰蓄冷技术是缓解电力供需矛盾,改善电力负荷形状的最有效措施之一。

    Application of ice storage technology in the building is a key and most efficient method to alleviate the contradiction between the supply and need of power and improve the shape of power load .

  21. 分析了冰蓄冷技术应用于潜艇空调的可能性,计算表明通过对现有常规潜艇空调的局部改造可将蓄冷技术应用于潜艇以减少水下空调能耗,从而提高潜艇续航力。

    Research suggest that after partly refitting currently air condition , ice storage technique can be applied to submarine to reduce the energy consumption by air condition , then improve the capability of continuously sailing .

  22. 近些年来,随着低温送风技术和区域供冷技术的发展和应用,人们对冰蓄冷技术提供的低温冷源和冷量的远距离输送提出了更高的要求。

    Nowadays , with the development of Cold Air Distribution Technique and the District Cooling Technique , people pay more attention on the quality of the cooling source and the long distance transportation of the cooling capacity .

  23. 结果表明,低温送风空调与冰蓄冷技术相结合,可降低整个系统的初投资和运行费;同时室内相对湿度的降低,可以提高人体舒适感,改善室内空气品质。

    The results show that when combined with ice thermal storage , the cold air distribution can lower the original investments and operation costs of the air conditioning system and reduced relative humidity can improve human body comfort and indoor air quality .

  24. 分析结果表明,低温送风空调方式与冰蓄冷技术相结合,可降低整个系统的初投资和年运行费用,节省建筑空间,提高建筑物的有效使用面积,具有推广使用的实用价值。

    The result shows that when combined with ice thermal storage system , the cold air distribution system can lower the original investment and annual operational costs save architectural rooms , and raise the available of room of buildings , so it is worthy of being widely used .

  25. 探讨冰蓄冷空调技术在地铁车站空调中的应用

    On application of ice-storage air-conditioning technique in the air-conditioning of metro station

  26. 冰蓄冷空调技术应用与经济分析

    Utilization and economic analysis of ice-storage air conditioning technology

  27. 冰蓄冷空调技术应用于北京某工程的经济性分析

    Economical analysis of ice storage air-conditioning technology applied into one project in Beijing

  28. 冰浆蓄冷技术及其应用

    Technology and Application of Ice Slurry Cold Storage

  29. 区域供冷供热冷热源方案的寿命周期成本分析冰蓄冷空调技术在区域供冷系统中的应用

    Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Cooling and Heating Source Scheme for DHC System Ice Thermal Storage Technology in DHC

  30. 冰蓄冷空调技术在区域供冷系统中的应用基于蒸发冷却辐射供冷/热空调系统实验研究

    Ice Thermal Storage Technology in DHC Experimental Research on Combined Air-conditioning System Based on Radiant Heating and Cooling with Evaporative Cooling