
  • 网络target evaluation;goal evaluation
  1. 论建立动态勘探目标评价体系的迫切必要性

    Urgent to Build A Dynamic Exploration Target Evaluation System

  2. 煤层气勘探目标评价方法&以滇东黔西地区为例

    Exploration target evaluation of coalbed methane in East yunnan & west Guizhou region

  3. 多目标评价中的一个重要因素是考虑目标权系数的选取。

    In this paper , a combination method that allots multi-objective weights is proposed .

  4. 基于Web的数字化产品设计多目标评价系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of Multi-Target Web Evaluation System Based on Digital Product Design

  5. 本文探讨能够综合评估IGCC系统热力、经济和环保性能的统一量化多目标评价准则,提出采用综合性能指标(CPI)作为评价准则来评估IGCC系统的综合性能。

    This paper discusses the multi-objective and unified scale evaluation criterion that can synthetically evaluate the thermal , economical and environmental performance of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle ( IGCC ) system . The Comprehensive Performance Index ( CPI ) is put forward as a new criterion .

  6. 在K-S函数的迭代简化形式的基础上,进一步的拓宽代理的概念,在迭代点上用代理目标评价函数代替K-S函数,提出了一种新的评价函数方法MOP。

    With the simplified formality of K-S coherence function , the conception of proxy is broadened by substituting K-S function with proxy objective assessment function given in this thesis . In addition , a new kind of proxy method named MOP based on proxy objective function is also given .

  7. 社区水平森林可持续经营的社会目标评价

    Evaluation of social goals of sustainable forest management at community level

  8. 灰色关联投影法及其在多目标评价中的应用

    A Gray Related Projection Method and Its Application to Multi-Objective Evaluation

  9. 汽车驾驶人机系统目标评价树的建立及应用

    The Application of Objective Tree for Man-Machine System in Vehicle Driving

  10. 海平面上升适应性战略多目标评价

    Adaptation strategy evaluation with multi-attribute approach for potential sea level rise

  11. 多目标评价指标的定性定量规范化研究

    Study of Qualitative Quantitative Normalization of Targets in Multi objective Evaluation

  12. 社会养老保险混合多目标评价指标体系研究

    On Hybrid Multi-objective Evaluation Index System of Social Pension Insurance

  13. 发动机总体方案评价是一个多目标评价问题。

    The scheme evaluation of engine total system is a multi-object problem .

  14. 先进制造技术的多目标评价研究述评

    Review of Study on Multiattribute Evaluation of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

  15. 油气充注定量分析技术在南黄海盆地目标评价中的应用

    Application of hydrocarbon discharge quantitative analysis in target evaluation of South Yellow Sea Basin

  16. 中学生数学学习伴随性目标评价体系的构建

    Thinking about Re-construct System of Mathematics Learning Assessment

  17. 基于小面元匹配原则的热红外假目标评价方法

    Evaluating Method for Effect of Decoy in Infrared Band Based on Small Patches Registration

  18. 多学科多目标评价及其在电静液作动系统中的应用

    Comprehensive assessment method using multi-disciplinary & multi-objective functions with its application to EHA systems

  19. 2005年城市社区卫生服务发展目标评价方案的初步研究

    Primary Study on Evaluation Project to Development Target of Urban Community Health Service by 2005

  20. 目标评价体系和阶段划分是本论文的主要创新点。

    The target evaluation system and the phases are the innovative arguments of this thesis .

  21. 对环境系统的治理水平和质量的评价,应是综合性的多目标评价。

    The harness level and quality assessment of environmental system should be comprehensive and multi-objective .

  22. 主要针对多目标评价问题中,构成评价指标体系的最低层指标均为统计型(数值)指标的问题进行了讨论,给出了系统的研究方法。

    A systematic method is provided for a hierarchical problem which all the lowest indices are statistic ones .

  23. 文卫濮结合部沙二下亚段滚动勘探目标评价

    Rolling Exploratory Target Evaluation for the Second Sand Formation Down Reservoir in Wen , Wei , Pu Combination Zone

  24. 利用熵权多目标评价方法对辽宁经济管理干部学院继续教育绩效进行了评价。

    Use entropy weight multiple objective evaluation method evaluate the Further education performance evaluate of Liaoning economic management cadre college .

  25. 层次分析法应用于多目标评价决策,是一种十分有效的定性与定量分析有机结合的方法。

    AHP is a very effective method which combines qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis , used multiple target evaluation decision .

  26. 首次使用熵权多目标评价方法对继续教育绩效进行了评价,得到切实的结论。

    The first time use entropy weight multiple objective evaluation method evaluate the performance of Further education . Get practical conclusion .

  27. 在工业设计数字化背景之下,多目标评价成为提高设计质量的一个重要环节。

    In the background of Industrial Design Digitization , Multi - Target Evaluation becomes an important stage of promoting the design qualities .

  28. 提出了一类非经济型复杂目标评价指标体系的最佳决策方案确定方法;

    In this paper a method that can help us obtain the optimal decision scheme in the non-commercial multi-criteria evaluation system is proposed .

  29. 濮卫环洼带西翼沙二上~1特低孔渗油藏滚动目标评价

    The second sand upper ~ 1 low pore and permeable reservoir rolling object evaluated in PU-WEI Loop low lying strip 's western wing

  30. 目标评价体系根据控制参数及控制法则实现对具体选筋结果的最优评价。

    For the objection appraising system , the appraising of the steel bar designs is achieved based on the controlling parameters and rules .