
mù lù jié ɡòu
  • directory structure
  1. 例如,架构A可以通过使用相对目录结构引用架构B。

    For example , Schema A can reference Schema B by using a relative directory structure .

  2. ManageCustomer应用程序的目录结构遵循图4中相同的模式。

    The directory structure of the Manage Customer application follows the same pattern shown in Figure 4 .

  3. 使用VB读取LotusWordPro文档中的目录结构

    Read the Catalogue Structure of Lotus Word Pro Document from VB

  4. 在基于Web服务应用程序中通过在客户端引入树型目录结构,可以使用户直观了解Web站点的服务关联结构、内容及资源信息。

    Based on web service application , users can visually understand web correlation structure and information resource by introducing tree catalogue structure .

  5. 实例包括目录结构、HTML结构、以及合法的登录点。

    Examples include directory structures , HTML structures , and legal entry points .

  6. 与Java技术相比,Ruby对名称和目录结构的要求宽松多了。

    Ruby has much less strict requirements for names and directory structures than Java technology .

  7. 这会在apps下为应用程序创建目录结构。

    This creates a directory structure under apps for your application .

  8. 您会发现,与Java语言相比,Ruby不太关心目录结构。

    You will find that Ruby cares much less about this than the Java programming language .

  9. 参数值为true时,调试模式只会尝试重新创建目标目录结构,但不会复制任何文档。

    When equal to true , debug mode only attempts to recreate the target directory structure , but won 't copy any documents .

  10. Rails框架自动生成该项目的目录结构。

    Rails framework generates the project 's directory structure automatically .

  11. Web服务器可以接收请求,并使用所提供的信息在由Web服务器控制的目录结构中检索所请求的文档。

    The Web server could receive the request and use the information provided to retrieve the requested document in the directory structure controlled by the Web server .

  12. 这是一个库存linguisticsgem,被修改来扁平化目录结构。

    This is the stock linguistics gem , modified to flatten out the directory structure .

  13. 在Java环境中,数字证书被存储在密钥库中,它们是以目录结构中的平面文件存储的。

    In the Java environment , digital certificates are stored in keystores , which resolve to flat files in the directory structure .

  14. 这样在需要的时候就可以恢复原始LifecycleManager目录结构和文件。

    This will allow the original Lifecycle Manager directory structure and files to be restored should the need arise .

  15. 本文的示例provider类使用一个简单的目录结构来管理用户、组和事务授权。

    This sample provider class uses a simple directory structure to manage user , group , and transaction authorization .

  16. 在目前UNIX的目录结构中,对目录项的搜索是线性的。

    At present directory structure of UNIX , the searching for its directory entries is linear .

  17. 就其本身而言,tar是一种非常有用的工具,可用于复制文件和目录结构。

    On its own , tar is a very useful tool for copying files and directory structures .

  18. 这会创建一个目录结构,其中包含多个AIX技术级别所需的文件集。

    This creates a directory structure that contains the required filesets for several AIX technology levels .

  19. 应用程序配置指的是企业存档(EAR)文件的应用程序目录结构中自包含的设置。

    Application configuration refers to those settings that are self-contained within the application directory structure of the enterprise archive ( EAR ) file .

  20. 生成的目录结构与一个典型的Grails应用程序一致。

    The resulting directory structure is identical to a typical Grails application .

  21. 要遍历源目录结构,需要使用Python模块os中的walk()方法。

    To do the traversal of the source directory structure you use the walk () method in the Python os module .

  22. 实现这种级别的可用性的方法之一是定义目录结构式的URI。

    One way to achieve this level of usability is to define directory structure-like URIs .

  23. 一种面向分层访问的目录结构在RDBMS中的存储方法

    An Approach to Layered-access Storage for Directory Structures in RDBMS

  24. 存储在固定内容设备上的文档的注释就存储在这个staging区域目录结构中。

    Annotations for documents stored on the fixed content device are stored in this staging area directory structure .

  25. 要想复制整个目录结构,可以使用-r选项递归地把整个目录结构从一个位置复制到另一个位置:$cp-rsourcedestination。

    To copy an entire directory structure you can use the-r option to recursively copy an entire directory structure from one place to another : $ cp-r source destination .

  26. 创建FTP目录结构

    Creating the FTP directory structure

  27. 如果使用TivoliDirectoryServerAdministrationTool,那么可以通过导入MDMLADP.ldif文件来创建目录结构(参见下载)。

    Using the Tivoli Directory Server Administration Tool , you can import the MDM_LADP.ldif file provided to create the directory structure ( see Downloads ) .

  28. 您可以使用WTP的一组工具创建这样一个动态Web应用程序,它将为J2EEWeb应用程序自动创建适当的目录结构。

    You can create one using the WTP set of tools , and it will automatically create the correct directory structure for J2EE Web applications .

  29. 这个命令的工作方式基本上与DOS中的move命令一样,不过它可以移动整个目录结构及所有文件。

    It works essentially the same as the DOS move command , except that it will move entire directory structures as well as files .

  30. Maven的WAR插件确保部署的Global能包含这些类,目录结构与Warsaw的保持一致。

    Maven WAR plugin guarantees that deployed Global project will contain all these classes in the same directory structure as in Warsaw project .