
  1. 在目的地层面上,旅游目的地营销系统要整合和协调所有旅游供应商,要为游客提供完整的目的地产品容量情况以供选择,同时支持综合的目的地管理。

    Tourism destination marketing system should combine and coordinate all travel suppliers , offer the relevant information for tourists to choose , support the destination management at the same time .

  2. 公司会议组织部门、采购部门以及公司以外的PR公司、会议组织商、目的地管理公司在组织会议的过程中分别是怎样操作的。

    Who does what when it comes to managing meetings ? The roles of the in-house organiser , the procurement department , the PR agency , the PCO , and the DMC .

  3. 在目的地管理上,结合区内人才供给状况和当前金融危机背景,建立人才培养机制与危机应对体系等。

    We can also set up a training personnel mechanism in the condition of personnel supply in Dongcheng District and a coping mechanism with business crisis for destination administration .

  4. 游客管理是旅游目的地管理者使用现代管理手段,通过游客体验与游客责任管理,实现游客满意与目的地满意的过程。

    Visitor management , as one of the basic parts of all kinds of tourist destinations , is a process to achieve visitor satisfaction and destination satisfaction by modern management approach .

  5. 国外旅游目的地游客管理研究进展

    A study summary of visitor management in tourist destinations abroad

  6. 基于旅游者认知的旅游目的地印象管理

    Impression Management of Tourism Destination based on Tourist Cognition

  7. 敏感型旅游目的地游客管理的机理与原则探讨

    A Study on the Mechanism and Principles of Visitor Management at Resource-sensitive Tourism Destinations

  8. 因此,本文也旨在为新兴旅游目的地战略管理基础理论研究提供一些实证参考。

    Therefore , this also aims to provide consultation for emerging tourist destinations in strategic management empirical studies .

  9. 与其他生境适宜性评价研究相比,本研究构建的模型能够确定野生植物对各生态环境因子的适宜范围,管理保护者可以此为依据更加有针对性和目的性地管理和保护野生植物。

    Compared with other habitat suitability evaluation model , the model built in this study can determine the appropriate range of each eco-environmental factor .

  10. 几何关系的目标信息分坐标处理原理敏感型旅游目的地游客管理的机理与原则探讨

    Research on a Method of the Coordinates Fusion Based on the Geometry Relation A Study on the Mechanism and Principles of Visitor Management at Resource-sensitive Tourism Destinations

  11. 这条原则的主要目的是集中地管理主数据,从而降低数据管理成本并提高数据的精确性和完整性。

    The primary motivation for this principle is to centralize the management of master data to reduce data management costs and improve the accuracy and completeness of that data .

  12. 为期五年、价值3.50亿美元的全球老虎恢复方案的目的是更好地管理老虎栖息地,加强走私路线上的执行力度,提高对偷猎者的惩罚力度和定罪率。

    Five-year , $ 350 million Global Tiger Recovery Program to better manage tiger habitats , step up enforcement along smuggling routes , and increase penalties and conviction rates for poachers .

  13. 论文从公共营销主体、客体及投入&产出角度对公共营销进行了系统地宏观研究,旨在开辟旅游营销研究新视角,为广大旅游目的地公共营销管理者和研究者提供基本思路。

    The thesis has carried on the systematically macroscopic research of public marketing from the organizer , content and input-output aspects , aiming at opening up a new sight of tourist marketing , offering the basic thinking to public marketing administrator and researcher .

  14. 系统研究旅游目的地品牌建设、管理、维护等品牌经营过程成为本文的主旨。

    The essences of this article focus on systemic research on the establishment 、 management and Maintenance of brand in tourist destination .

  15. 随着国内自驾游的迅速发展,自驾游相关产业、目的地开发和游客管理实践都亟待理论与经验指引。

    With the rapid development of domestic self-driving travel , its relevant industries , destination development and tourists'management are urgently needed for the guidance of experiences and theories .

  16. 以住房保障功能为主要目的的传统宅基地管理制度,具有重公法上的行政管理而轻私法上的权利保护的明显特点。

    The traditional managerial system of rural land for the purpose of function as house security / safeguard is the obvious characteristics which emphasize on administration , while despise the protection of private rights .

  17. 研究结果对我国旅游目的地的经营与管理有着重要启示,并对推动我国旅游目的地形象及旅游消费行为的定量研究有着重要意义。

    The result has an important implication to the management and administration of tourist destinations in China , and has an important meaning to promote the qualitative research on tourist destination image and tourist consumer behaviour in China .

  18. 旅游目的地形象,是衡量旅游目的地营销、管理水平的重要指标之一。

    Tourism destination image is one of indicators to measure marketing and management level of tourism destination .

  19. 作为时代发展和旅游发展的产物,旅游形象不仅影响着目的地的市场竞争力,也成为目的地可持续发展战略管理的关键所在。

    As the produce of the development of tourism and society , tourism image not only affects the market competitiveness of the destination , but also has become the key to strategic management of the sustainable development in tourism destination .

  20. 本文解释了与目的地有关的一些概念,并介绍了几个关于目的地管理和市场策略的理论模型。

    This paper explains the destination concept and attempts to synthesise several models for strategic marketing and management of destinations .

  21. 希望能够为目的地在品牌营销的过程中提供有效指导。在论文的第五章,首次将旅游目的地品牌营销问题的探讨深入到旅游目的地品牌管理问题上来。

    At the chapter five , this paper approach to the management of tourist destination brand .