
  • 网络Dieter
  1. 节食者会有激烈的情绪波动。

    Dieters suffer from violent mood swings .

  2. Bale认为设计出针对这些应激通路的药物也许能帮到节食者,让他们辛辛苦苦减去的体重不再回来。

    Bale thinks that designing medications to target these stress pathways may help dieters keep off the weight that they worked so hard to lose .

  3. 如果用道尔顿(dalton)来跟踪节食者与锻炼爱好者的体重减少,这些人可能会对他们的进展更为满意。

    Dieters and exercise buffs might feel better about their progress if they tracked their weight loss in daltons .

  4. Oprah或许是美国最著名的节食者,她在演出中分享她的苦恼。

    Perhaps America 's most famous yoyo dieter over the last 20 years , Oprah shared her struggles on her show .

  5. 饮食业巨子Unilever最近的季度利润没达到预估值,因为其“速瘦”系列的销售不尽如人意。减肥困难的节食者更青睐于低碳水化合物食品。

    Food giant Unilever recently missed its quarterly profit forecast because of poor sales at its Slimfast range . The problem , dieters preferred low-carb foods instead .

  6. 为了减肥用许多低脂食物替代糖,不能帮助节食者减少食量,Kessler和华盛顿大学的研究者得出结论。

    Many low-fat foods substitute sugar for the removed fat , doing nothing to help dieters eat less , Kessler and University of Washington researchers concluded .

  7. Davy说,出现这种现象是因为水占据胃的空间,而且热量为零。还有可能就是水取代了节食者们可能会喝的其它甜味饮料。

    Davy says that this phenomenon could occur because water is filling and has , of course , zero calories . It could also be displacing other , sweeter drinks that the might consume .

  8. 这项研究可能开始于21世纪中期,研究发现,肥胖的成年人吃3份6盎司(170g)脱脂酸奶作为减少卡路里饮食的一部分,比那些靠单纯减少卡路里摄入的节食者减重效果要好的多。

    This one might have gotten started in the mid-2000s , when a study found that obese adults , who ate three 6-ounce ( 170-gram ) servings of fat-free yogurt as part of a reduced-calorie diet , lost 22 percent more weight than dieters who simply cut calories .

  9. 长期以来节食者们一直信誓旦旦地宣称葡萄柚有助减肥。

    Dieters have long sworn that grapefruit helps them lose weight .

  10. 吃零食是节食者会犯的最大错误。

    Snacking is perhaps the biggest sin a dieter can commit .

  11. 多数节食者整天挨饿却在晚上放纵。

    Most dieters starve all day to indulge at night .

  12. 这对那些希望得到更多补充热量的节食者来说尤其有效。

    This is particularly helpful for dieters who want more filling calories .

  13. 然而,这仍然是节食者的好消息。

    However , this could be wonderful news for dieters .

  14. 这种忏悔式的微博也许能让节食者保持坦率。

    Such confessional Tweeting may help dieters stay honest .

  15. 午餐:一些节食者试图不吃午餐来减少卡路里摄入。

    Lunch : Some dieters try to cut calories by skipping this meal .

  16. 或许节食者们都在梦中追求平时望而却步的满汉全席。

    Perhaps dieters are seeking out their shunned treats in regular nightly escapes .

  17. 还有可能就是水取代了节食者们可能会喝的其它甜味饮料。

    It could also be displacing other sweeter drinks that the dieters might consume .

  18. 它甜美的口感刺激着你的味蕾,使得节食者也趋之若鹜。

    Its sweet creaminess tantalizes taste buds and sends dieters running from the scale .

  19. 多数节食者发现到随着时间推移,自己的饿觉在减少。

    Most people on diets notice that their hunger pangs seem to diminish over time .

  20. 节食者也许还会发现某种他们最喜欢的巧克力味道甚至会抑制自己的食欲。

    Dieters may also find that the mere taste of one of their favourite treats curbs their appetite .

  21. 所以节食者如果少吃脂肪,即使吃同样份量的其他事物,也能减轻体重。

    Thus dieters can consume the same amount of food but still lose weight if they eat less fat .

  22. 对于节食者或避免高果糖玉米糖浆的人来说,这即将导致的不仅仅是一个简单的错误。

    For dieters or those avoiding high-fructose corn syrup , this is resulting in more than just a simple mistake .

  23. 牛奶、奶酪和冰激凌对许多节食者而言是禁忌的,但不吃乳制品可能会适得其反。

    Milk , cheese , and ice cream are taboo for many dieters , but ditching dairy foods may be counterproductive .

  24. 为避免糖分中过多的热量,节食者通常会在饮料和食物中添加零热量替代物将其变甜,比如说糖精。

    To avoid the calories in sugar , dieters often sweeten foods and drinks with no-calorie substitutes , such as saccharin .

  25. 然而,研究表明,不管是否锻炼,所有节食者的静息代谢率都会显著减缓。

    Research , however , shows that the resting metabolic rate in all dieters slows significantly , regardless of whether they exercise .

  26. 节食者可以从这一组零食选择,这些零食中的糖分和脂肪已经由人工合成的、低热量的替代品代替。

    Dieters can choose from an array of snacktackular options in which sugars and fats are replaced by artificial , low-calorie substitutes .

  27. 营养学家说,主要问题是,大部分人都把节食者看作是外力所施加的暂时性束缚。

    A major problem , say nutrition experts , is that most people perceive their diets as temporary restrictions imposed from outside .

  28. 节食者会避开任何含有脂肪的食物,但是在健康脂肪和转化脂肪之间存在着很大的差异。

    Dieters shy away from anything that contains fat , but there is a huge difference between healthy fat and trans fats .

  29. 调查显示,45岁至64岁之间的节食者意志最坚定,其中近四分之一的人坚持了一年。

    The most determined of dieters are aged between 45 and 64 , with almost a quarter spending up to a year slimming .

  30. 结果出来后,科学家们把节食者分为两组:拥有自制力的和没有自制力的。

    When the results were in , the scientists divided the dieters into two groups : those who had self-control and those who didn 't.