
  • 网络French Open
  1. 在法国公开赛和温布尔顿赛上,她输给了世界头号选手玛蒂娜?辛吉斯。

    She lost to world number one Martina Hingis at the French Open and at Wimbledon .

  2. 目前,有4大网球赛事:澳大利亚公开赛、法国公开赛、温布尔登以及美国公开赛。

    There are 4 major tennis tournaments . Australian Open , French Open , Wimbledon and the US Open .

  3. 达文波特也想在法国公开赛上获得其大满贯。

    Who also will look to complete her personal Grand Slam at this year 's French open .

  4. 玛蒂娜?辛吉斯被命名为法国公开赛的种子选手,法国公开赛是今年第二重要网球赛事。

    MATINA Hingis was named the top seed for the French open , the second major tournament this year .

  5. 世界1号选手辛吉斯今年输的唯一一场比赛是在法国公开赛决赛中败给了伊娃·玛约莉。

    The only match that the world number one Hingis has lost this year was against Iva Majoli in the final of the French Open .

  6. 在罗兰加洛红土球场举办的法国公开赛,迄今仍是他满桌大满贯赛冠军杯中唯一的遗憾。

    The French Open championship on the clay courts of Roland Garros is still the only Grand Slam title to have stayed beyond his grasp .

  7. 自从三周前纳达尔在法国公开赛中受伤以来,人们一直对他的健康状况持有疑问。原本他是当之无愧的冠军。

    There had been doubts about Nadal 's fitness ever since his shock defeat three weeks ago in the French Open which he 'd been the firm favorite to win .

  8. 黎嗯啊在中国非常受欢迎多久,她赢得了周六的法国公开赛决赛,成为首位亚洲网球选手举起一个大满贯单打冠军。

    Li Na was hugely popular in China long before she won Saturday 's French Open final , becoming the first Asian tennis player to lift a grand slam singles title .

  9. 塞尔维亚的德约科维奇目的,是美国的罗比吉内普里期间为法国公开赛的罗兰加洛斯球场在巴黎网球公开赛第四轮比赛,星期一2010年5月31日。

    Serbia 's Novak Djokovic serves to USA 's Robby Ginepri during their fourth round match for the French Open tennis tournament at the Roland Garros stadium in Paris , Monday May31,2010 .

  10. 星期三,奖金达600万美元的大满贯杯网球赛第一轮比赛在德国慕尼黑继续举行,现届温布尔顿冠军、美国公开赛冠军和法国公开赛冠军都参加了比赛。

    Round one of the six million dollar ( US ) tennis Grand Slam Cup continued in Munich , Germany on Wednesday , with the current Wimbledon , US Open and French Open Champions all in action .

  11. CNN主播娜塔莉·艾伦:中国的李娜是周六法国网球公开赛女单决赛的赢家,成为首位夺下大满贯赛单打冠军的亚洲选手。

    NATALIE ALLEN , CNN ANCHOR : China 's Li Na is the winner of Saturday 's French player to clinch a grand-slam singles title .

  12. MP&Silva成立于大约十年前,该公司赚的钱有80%来自于出售足球比赛的转播权,不过该公司还在欧洲出售法国网球公开赛(FrenchOpen)的转播权,在中东出售一级方程式赛车(FormulaOne)的转播权。

    MP & Silva was established about a decade ago and makes 80 per cent of its money from selling football rights , but also sells the French Open in Europe and Formula One in the Middle East .

  13. 巴西Thomaz贝鲁奇次312010年5月返回他在巴黎期间,男子对西班牙的纳达尔在第四轮的法国网球公开赛在罗兰加洛斯球场网球锦标赛比赛。

    Brazil 's Thomaz Bellucci plays a return during his men 's fourth round match against Spain 's Rafael Nadal in the French Open tennis championship at the Roland Garros stadium , on May31,2010 in Paris .

  14. 她不会赢得法国网球公开赛桂冠,但谁又在意呢?

    She won 't win The French Open , but who cares ?

  15. 法国网球公开赛费德勒夺冠原因分析

    The Analysis of Causes for Federal 's French Open Championship

  16. 在赢得英国温布尔登比赛之前,塞丽娜已在法国网球公开赛上获得了冠军。

    Serena had already won the French Open tennis championship before her win in england .

  17. 不出所料,这位法国网球公开赛冠军的卖萌推特很快在周四传开。

    Unsurprisingly , the French Open champion 's hilarious tweet on Thursday soon went viral .

  18. 但可惜的是他一直未能在法国网球公开赛上称雄。

    But he was never able to complete a career slam by winning the French open .

  19. 2008年法国网球公开赛女单主要技战术分析

    The analysis of tactics adopted in women 's singles in the french open tennis championships in 2008

  20. 2011年法国网球公开赛女单冠军李娜:当然很令人兴奋。

    LI NA , 2011 FRENCH OPEN WOMEN 'S CHAMPION : Wow , of course it was exciting .

  21. 随着中国金花李娜在法国网球公开赛上的杰出表现,人们对中国网球网的关注度也随之升温。

    The all-time single day & five-day period records toppled mightily for Li Na 's historic performance at the French Open .

  22. 2011年法国网球公开赛女单冠军李娜:2011年法国网球公开赛女单冠军李娜我当然知道这场比赛很难打。

    LI NA , 2011 FRENCH OPEN WOMEN 'S CHAMPION : I know it was a tough match , of course .

  23. 本周一,中国羽毛球运动员王义涵在全中国人的法国羽毛球公开赛决赛中战胜了队友李雪芮。这是王两周内连续第二次夺冠。

    Chinese shuttlers Wang Yihan beat her teammate Li Xuerui in the all-Chinese final at the French Open Super Series on Monday .

  24. 西班牙网球选手纳达尔击败劲敌瑞典选手费德勒,赢得法国网球公开赛冠军。

    The Spanish player Rafael Nadal has won the French Open tennis tournament , beating his fierce rival Roger Federer of Switzerland .

  25. 李娜首次获得大满贯冠军是在2011年的法国网球公开赛上,当时她连续击败四名世界排名前10位的对手,最终捧杯。

    Her first Grand Slam trophy came at the 2011 French Open , where she defeated four top-10 opponents along the way .

  26. 西德的斯特菲·拉芙在法国网球公开赛中第二年又获得了女子冠军。

    Steffi Graf of West Germany has won the woman 's championship at the French Open Tennis Competition for the second year .

  27. 一个月前,李娜在法国网球公开赛中赢得了大满贯。

    A month ago , Li Na won the French Open and became the first Chinese player to win a Grand Slam single title .

  28. 今年6月份的法国网球公开赛期间,两人第一次在公开场合共同出现,不过他们的初识却是在2009年两人在电影《滑稽戏童话》中演对手戏的时候。

    They were first seen publicly together this June at the French Open but they first met when starring opposite each other in Burlesque Fairytales in 2009 .

  29. 法国高尔夫球公开赛的组织者们被迫将星期四的首轮比赛推迟,有一大半场地不能开球。

    Organisers of the French Open Golf were forced to suspend play in Thursday 's opening round with more than half the field still to tee off .

  30. 从一个人看他的雨伞下时在法国网球公开赛在罗兰加洛斯在巴黎,星期四,2010年5月27日在大球场网球赛第二轮比赛因雨中断。

    A man looks out from underneath his umbrella during a rain delay in second round play at the French Open tennis tournament at the Roland Garros stadium in Paris , Thursday , May27,2010 .