
  1. 此方法操作简便而且具有较好的重现性,为定量比较不同条件下CO2还原醇类产物的法拉第效率提供了保障。

    This method was convenient and reproducible , and provided an insurance for quantitative comparison of faradic efficiency of alcohols in the reduced products prepared under different conditions . 3 .

  2. 结果常压下,温度为273K,电解电位-1.5V,产生的CO法拉第效率最大,为16.1%;

    Result Under normal ambient pressure , the temperature of 273 K and the electric potential of - 1.5 V , the faradaic efficiency of CO reached a maximum value of 16.1 % .

  3. 温度为273K,电解电位为-1.4V,常压时产生尿素的法拉第效率最大,为50.7%。

    Under normal ambient pressure , the temperature of 273 K and the potential of-1.4 V , the faradaic efficiency reached the highest value of 50.7 % .

  4. 结果压力为0.7MPa,电解电位为-1.7V,常温时产生尿素的法拉第效率最大,为35.7%;

    Results Under normal ambient temperature , the pressure of 0.7 MPa and the electric potential of-1.7 V , the faradaic efficiency of urea formation reached a maximum value of 35.7 % .

  5. 结果表明:阴极扩散层碳粉载量(即厚度)增加,电池系统水损失量减少,甲醇法拉第效率和能量效率提高;

    The results show that the increased carbon loadings of cathode GDL is helpful to reduce water loss and enhance methanol efficiency .

  6. 该电堆在连续5个放电周期内保持了较稳定的性能,电堆间歇放电的法拉第效率为43.5%。

    The stack displays good continuous operating performance in 5 cycles . The Faradic efficiency is 43.5 % when the stack is under intermittent discharge mode .

  7. 采用该方法对被动式单电池在长时间放电过程中燃料腔内的甲醇浓度的变化进行了检测,通过实验对此系统的法拉第效率进行了估算,结果表明该被动式直接甲醇燃料电池的法拉第效率可以达到44%。

    Then this method was applied to detect the methanol concentration change in the fuel container during the cell 's long term discharge . Rough calculation shows that Faradic efficiency of our passive cell system is about 44 % .

  8. 为了解决这一问题,我们通过电沉积的方法在多孔铜表面负载上一层纯铜而又不至于堵塞多孔结构,从而提高了醇类产物的法拉第效率。

    To solve this problem , a thin layer of pure copper was electrodeposited on the surface of the porous copper without blocking the block the porous structure . As a result , the Faraday efficiency of the alcohol products was improved .

  9. 实验发现不同的铜材料经过合金/去合金化后得到的多孔铜中锌的残留量有差别,锌的残留量越多,醇类产物的法拉第效率越低。

    It was found that residual zinc amounts in porous copper was not same if different copper materials were treated after the alloy / dealloying process . The more the zinc amounts left , the lower Faraday efficiency of the alcohol products was .

  10. 废水的原始COD越高,法拉第电流效率就越高,最大电耗就越小。

    Higher the original COD in wastewater is , higher the Faradic current efficiency is , whereas smaller the maximum electrical consumption is .