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fǎ shī
  • Master, a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest;Master,a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest
法师 [fǎ shī]
  • [Master,a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest] 精通佛典之高僧

法师[fǎ shī]
  1. 法师向敌人释放出一片电火花的风暴

    This caster unleashes a storm of electric discharge on the enemy .

  2. 亡灵法师向对手射出一道带着黑暗能量的影束

    The necromancer hurls a bolt of dark energies against his enemies .

  3. 敌法师用守护魔法来抵御负面法术的攻击。

    Magina channels a powerful warding magic damping the negative effects of spells .

  4. 能良好地对抗法师队。因为它能加强你其他装备以及你的大绝,而且能额外提供廉价的MR。

    Great versus caster teams as it synergizes with your other items and your ult , and offers some extra MR at a low cost .

  5. 据都市传说记载,李总理拜访了一位风水大师,也就是当时光明山普觉禅寺的住持:宏船法师(ReverendHongChuan)。

    According to urban legend , Prime Minister Lee visited a feng shui master named Reverend Hong Chuan .

  6. 引用:GC,你说不会在一些好帖子里留言以免破坏气氛,我认为这就是这么个帖子。感谢你对法师的关注。

    Thanks for reading GC , and I would like to say , from all the Mages , thanks for looking into a resolution for us .

  7. 在第二场大规模单人游戏遭遇中,Chris使用了一个高等级的法师和他的队友一起保卫一段城墙。

    In the second massive single-player encounter , Chris was leading a high level mage and his party in the defense of fortress walls .

  8. 比如,吉米迪安香肠公司(theJimmyDeansauagecompany)需要为他们的新的猪肉产品找一个代言人,于是,他们雇佣一个拉比法师(?没搞清楚的)或者一个农民去做代言。

    For example , the Jimmy Dean company needs a spokesman for its new line of pork products , so they hire Rabbi Shlomo Rosenfield . Or , so they hire a farmer .

  9. 据最先报道此消息的《好莱坞报道者》报道,Rifkin将会扮演一个让人印象深刻的犹太法师Isaac的角色。

    As first reported by The Hollywood Reporter , Rifkin will play Isaac , an imposing rabbi .

  10. 如果法师像一个猴子一样跳来跳去用1级的奥暴,我会用强化的CS(脚踢?)

    If he jumps around like a monkey and spam level 1 AOE I am forced to use CS or improved kick to start , it is a much harder fight .

  11. 目前E3上揭示了这些种族的3个可选职业是萨满、战士和法师。

    The first three classes for these races were also revealed at E3 , and we saw a Shaman , a Warrior , and a Mage .

  12. 冰霜新星:冻结大量卓越学科领域和所有法师技能最高的DMG,此技能是非常致命的。

    Frost Nova : massive aoe freeze and the highest dmg of all mage skills , this skill is very deadly .

  13. 这段话只有说法师不能施放法术在近战中的部队。

    Wizards cannot cast spell at units engaged in close combat .

  14. 61一个因法师而闻名的矮人部落突然消失了。

    61 A dwarf clan famous for its wizards suddenly vanishes .

  15. 难道你不知道大法师会给你勇气?

    Don 't you know the wizard will give you courage ?

  16. 当你看到法师的近战命中率远低于你的。

    When u see mages having a lower melee miss rate .

  17. 法师训练师增加一个新等级的寒冰护体。

    Added a new rank of Ice Barrier to mage trainers .

  18. 正如我所料,伟大的法师回来了。

    The great warlock returns , as I knew he would .

  19. 法师在团队中是非常重要而有帮助的成员。

    The Mage is a very important and helpful party member .

  20. 红袍法师?你是说麦克里斯,那贤者?

    Red wizard ? Do you mean mekarius , the sage ?

  21. 法师周:法师产量加倍。

    Week of magi : double growth for mage and archmages .

  22. 大法师摩迪沙尔·永夜:力量的诱惑确实是难以抵挡。

    Archmage Mordent Evenshade : The lure of power is great .

  23. 你怎么会看法师弹电子吉他呢?

    How come you 're watching a rabbi play electric guitar ?

  24. 正常的眼魔都可以成为法师或术士。

    A normal beholder can become a wizard or sorcerer .

  25. 驱魔的法师呢?有人选吗?

    What about the exorcist ? Have you any ideas ?

  26. 修正血魔法师飓风学习图标的位置。

    Adjust the position of bloodmage 's cyclone icon in research menu .

  27. 他们感到必须去请一位驱除邪魔的法师来。

    They felt they had to call in an exorcist .

  28. 教徒法师也被他们自己的混乱所折磨。

    Cult mages also fall prey to their own chaos .

  29. 法师,人们称他作魔手&修。

    He is known as Hugh the Hand , Magicka .

  30. 法师和牧师不再拥有武器格档技能了!

    Mages and priests no longer receive the parry skill .