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  • 网络pine nut
  1. 松子仁是世界上最大的加工集散中心。

    Pine nut kernels is the world 's largest processing and distribution center .

  2. 洋葱碎,蒜茸面包丁,橄榄,烟肉碎,松子仁,核桃仁,芝士粉。

    Chopped Onion , Garlic Croutons , Olives , Chopped bacon , pine nuts , walnuts , Parmesan cheese .

  3. 超临界CO2从松子仁中萃取亚麻酸油的工艺研究

    Extraction of linolenic acid oil from pine ? nutlet by supercritical CO_2

  4. 松子仁油中磷脂成份的研究

    Studies on the Content and Composition of Phospholipids from Pinus ssp Kernel Oil

  5. 用剩下的油爆香红辣椒,下鸡肉炒熟,加入西芹、甘笋及芡汁,炒匀至热透,拌入松子仁。

    Saute red chili in remaining oil . Add chicken and stir-fry until done . Add celery , carrot , sauce mix and heat through . Stir in pine nuts .

  6. 最近,她还曝了给孩子吃的东西——罗密欧15岁,克鲁兹12岁,和6岁的哈珀——葵花籽和松子仁配上液体氨基酸就是孩子们放学后的零食。

    She also recently revealed she feeds the kids - Romeo , 15 , Cruz , 12 , and six-year-old daughter Harper - sunflower seeds and pine nuts slathered in liquid amino acids for an after-school snack .