
sōng jǐn
  • elasticity;degree of tightness
松紧 [sōng jǐn]
  • (1) [degree of tightness]∶松或紧

  • (2) [elasticity]∶灵活性,伸缩性

松紧[sōng jǐn]
  1. 关于织物组织松紧程度的探讨

    Investigation on the degree of tightness of weave

  2. 元素第二周期性与电子云松紧效应

    The Second Periodicity of Element and the Effect of Electron Cloud 's Degree of Tightness

  3. 腰间的松紧带使衣服正好紧紧贴在身上。

    The elastic at the waist gives a nice snug fit .

  4. 这条裙子需要换一根松紧腰带。

    This skirt needs some new elastic in the waist .

  5. 这个孩子把松紧带拉到一码长。

    The child drew out the piece of elastic till it measured a yard .

  6. 本机适于粘扣带,松紧带,塑胶拉练,纸带,塑胶带,排线,套管

    Suitable for cutting hook & Loop fastener , elastics , plastic zipper paper , plastics .

  7. 一根确定长度、松紧和密度的弦只能发出某某音

    For a string of specified length , tautness and density only certain notes can be generated .

  8. 对螯合反应的pH,碳18柱的尺寸和填充松紧度,洗脱液中甲醇含量及洗脱液流速等进行了优化选择。

    The optimized experimental parameters including pH , C 18 column , concentration of methol in elute and the velocity of elute were investigated .

  9. 此外,还能用松紧带将iPad像照片一样悬挂起来。

    Alternatively , the elastic can be used to hang the iPad like a picture .

  10. 根据铁路客车地毯清洗干燥机的工艺特点,研制了一种用PLC和摆式松紧架实现的同步控制装置。

    According to the features of the carpet washes drying machine , a synchronous speed controls system based on PLC and the swinging arm compensator was introduced .

  11. 用户以J值判定油、套管螺纹连接松紧程度是否合格是不科学的。

    Therefore , it is unscientific that for user to judge slack level of threaded connection of tubing or casing by J-value .

  12. 基于带外协平均松紧时间法的SFC系统的实现

    Realization of SFC System Based on the Average Elastic Time Method with the External Cooperation

  13. 女性对于连衣裙局部和整体裙型最偏爱的为:较低的领口、半圆袖、中腰、一般腰部松紧、裙长到膝盖、中等裙摆大小以及X型的整体裙型。

    Women most preferences for the part and the whole : the lower semicircle sleeve , collar , waist , waist skirt to the knee , in general , medium skirt size and X whole skirt . 4 .

  14. 进而显示了K-T条件中的互补松驰性与对偶线性规划的互补松紧定理之间的联系。

    Futhemore , the relation between complementary slackness in Kuhn-Tucker Condition and complementary slack theorem on dual linear programming has been showed .

  15. 本文研究了土壤的某些物理、化学性质对钢铁在土壤中的电极电位的影响。试验结果表明,土壤水分、土壤松紧度、土壤盐分、土壤pH对钢铁电极电位影响十分明显。

    The effects of some physical and chemical properties of soil on the electrode potential of steel in soils were studied Results demonstrate that the soil moisture , soil compactness , soil salts and soil pH affect the electrode potential of steel in soils apparently .

  16. 本设计主要由一条粘有MEMS加速度传感器的并且可以调整松紧的宽布带和一个小型的底座盒组成,盒中放置了系统的电路板,按键和液晶位于底座盒的表面。

    This design is composed of the MEMS accelerometer with an adjustable elastic tape and a small base box in which there is circuit board of the system , and the key and the LCD is on the surface of the base box .

  17. 有些jeggings会有假的拉链和裤兜设计,有些则带松紧腰带,没有裤兜。

    Some jeggings have faux zip-flies and pockets , while others just have an elastic waistband and no pockets .

  18. 留2.5cm余量剪断松紧带。你一做完这,就剪断电线。

    Cut the elastic , leaving a 2.5 cm ( 1 inch ) tail . The moment you 've done that , you scissor off the wire .

  19. 水泵在保养时,应检查转向泵皮带的松紧度,看是否有断口,如有应及时更换,松紧度应以手指按下1cm左右为宜;

    Pump maintenance should check the steering pump belt tightness , to see if there are fracture , if the replacement should be timely , tightness in the fingers should be about1cm better press ;

  20. 通过对传统的平均松紧时间算法的改进,提出了一种更接近生产实际的SFC系统,试图解决小批量、多品种、满负荷有逆顺序加工件的车间计划制定问题。

    This article put out a SFC system more close to the production reality by improving the traditional average elastic time method . It tries to solve the problem of working out shop-schedule for small-batch , multi-bread , full-load and with converse sequence processed objects .

  21. 介绍了LQD-900多刀纵裁机的性能,气动式滚切刀裁断,被动卷取的三大优点:平整、不变形、松紧均匀,自动跟踪式导开系统。

    : Introduced the property of LQD-900 multi-knife slitting machine , air operating roll cutting , they have three advanced points : flat without deformation 、 tighten uniformly and auto-tracking let off system .

  22. 原子模型的松紧规律及应用

    The Alternation Rule of looseness and tightness for the Atomic Model

  23. 减少松紧度或张力的装置。

    A device for reducing slack or taking up lost motion .

  24. Ⅲ72增力松紧式索道的研究

    Studies on ⅲ 72 Increasing Force-Loose and Tight Type of Cableway

  25. 本研究设定的捆绑的松紧度是适且的。

    The degree of binding enacted in our study is suitable .

  26. 所用的松紧线,用毛线针把它穿过围巾中央的“脊椎”

    The elastic thread used for this scarf and threading it through

  27. 其他共同特征还有,褶皱、锥形裤腿以及松紧腰带。

    Other common features include pleats , tapered legs and elastic waistbands .

  28. 他把松紧带尽量拉长。

    He stretched the elastic out as far as it would go .

  29. 我要在这件裙子的腰带上加松紧带。

    Hey , yeah , I 'm from the waistband of Wyoming .

  30. 两边有松紧带的一种到脚踝的鞋。

    An ankle-high shoe with elastic gores in the sides .