
  • 网络Pine Furniture
  1. 松木家具我们备货不多。

    We don 't carry a large stock of pine furniture .

  2. 两个房间里都有仿古松木家具。

    Both rooms have antiqued pine furniture .

  3. 浅谈松木家具制造过程中含水率的控制

    Moisture Content Control in the Manufacture of Pine Solid Wood Furniture

  4. 松木家具硝基漆涂饰工艺分析

    The technique of painting pine furniture with pyroxylin lacquer

  5. 松木家具产品设计技术

    The Design of Pine Wood Furniture Products

  6. 松木家具把自然邀入家中

    Pinewood Furniture Invites Nature Home

  7. 今天,更多的往往不是唯一提示的松树是通过香味蜡烛或松木家具。

    Today , more often than not , the only hint of pine is through scented candles or pine furniture .

  8. 松木家具零部件尺寸标准化可以缩短加工时间,保证零部件的加工精度。

    The criterion of the dimension in components of the pine furniture can shorten the processing time and ensure the processing precision .

  9. 松木家具常见涂装质量缺陷应该从松木材性特征对涂料的适应性、涂料成份、涂装环境对松木基材的影响等方面进行预防。

    Common quality defects of pine furniture should be prevented from the pine wood feature , paint components and the polishing environment which affects the pine wood .

  10. 松木家具生产加工工艺路线设计应该主要考虑到松木加工过程中吸湿返潮非常快的特点,一般将其生产加工周期控制在3天以内。

    The design of pine furniture production processing line should be mainly taken into account of the characteristics of its absorbing moisture preferly ; processing cycle should be controlled in less than three days .

  11. 讨论了木材的基本性质和硝基漆涂料主要成分,研究了涂饰的基本工艺,探讨了硝基漆涂饰松木家具获得良好表面质量的方法。

    This paper discusses the basic properties of wood and main components of the painting , analyses the relevant concrete painting technique , and explores how to obtain good surface quality of pine furniture when it is painted by pyroxylin lacquer .

  12. 去年我买了一套松木的室外家具。

    Last year I bought a set of pine garden furniture .

  13. 几年前,我和妻子科妮莉亚买了一套扁平型、松木镶面的家具,价格便宜。

    Some years ago , my wife , Cornelia , and I bought a piece of cheap , flat packed , pine veneered furniture .