
sōnɡ chí kònɡ zhì
  • relaxed control;released control
  1. 基于CPS标准的AGC变论域模糊松弛控制方法

    Fuzzy Control with Variable Universe and Its Application to AGC Relax Control Based on CPS

  2. 指出控制李雅普诺夫函数(源于松弛控制)正是零状态可检测性的一种刻画,并由此区别两类镇定控制:无源性控制和Sontag型控制。

    The notion of control Lyapunov functions ( CLF ) , originated from relaxed Controls , is newly understood as the characterization of zero-state detectability property , thus the difference between the Sontag-type control and the passivity-based controller is clarified accordingly .

  3. 在对材料渗透较小的反应类介质中,化学松弛控制着整个表观松弛。

    In an plastic-reactive medium system in which the permeation is weaker the chemical relaxation behaviour would control the whole process of apparent relaxation .

  4. 当前一些单位内部存在管理松弛,控制弱化,会计信息失真问题。

    At present there are some problems such as management looseness , control feebleness and the distortion of the accountant information .

  5. 但目前中国企业内部控制尚处在较低级的阶段,管理松弛、控制弱化,致使中国企业内部控制普遍薄弱。

    But Chinese enterprise 's internal management is relax and it 's control is weakness so the systems are mostly weakness and in inferior stage at present .

  6. 军队预算松弛现象及其控制策略

    Troops budgetary slack and the control tactics

  7. 以分析涤纶短丝后加工松弛热定型温度控制的原理和过程为基础,提出了控制系统的调整和优化的方法,解决了在使用特殊控制阀时控制系统不稳定的问题。

    Based on the principle and process of analyzing dryer temperature control in terylene short silk , the method of adjustment and optimization for control system is presented . It solved the unstable problem of original control system .