
  • 网络selectable gene
  1. 结论选择基因水平HLADR相容具有临床可行性、对首次尸肾移植长期存活具有显著影响。

    Conclusion Genomic HLA DR compatibility had a significant impact on long term survival of first cadaver kidney transplantation .

  2. 至今,已有一些研究表明选择基因型分析能有效进行QTL定位。

    Several studies have shown that selective genotyping is an efficient method to locate major QTL .

  3. 菌株质植中GUS基因为标记基因,NPTⅡ基因为选择基因。

    GUS gene is as marker gene and NPT ⅱ gene is as selecting gene .

  4. 但是比较选择基因型分析与全群体作图方法对QTL检测功效的研究较少。

    However , there are few studies on the relative efficiency of selective genotyping compared with the entire population approaches .

  5. 在所有真实群体中,双尾选择基因型检测QTL的一致性远高于单尾选择基因型。

    In all actual populations , QTL detected by two-tail selective genotyping is more consistent with entire-population approaches than those by one-tail selective genotyping . 5 .

  6. 本研究表明,将分池法与选择基因型分析相结合,可以利用F2代群体定位效应较小的QTL位点。

    This study demonstrated the feasibility of using bulk-based approach coupled with selective genotyping in identifying markers for QTL with moderate effects in the F_2 generation .

  7. 众多研究表明VEGF与BMP可通过联合方式促进骨组织的再生与修复,但是其相互协同作用机制尚不十分明确,因选择基因载体的差异而导致转染效率也不尽相同。

    Number of studies have shown that VEGF can be combined with the BMP to promote bone tissue regeneration and repair , but the synergy between the mechanism is not yet clear , due to selection caused by differences in gene vector transfection efficiency is not the same .

  8. 油菜高效转基因平台及无选择基因转化

    High-efficient transgenic platform and nonselective transformation of Brassica napus

  9. 很多人担心父母不是出于健康原因去为自己的孩子选择基因。

    A lot of people are worried that parents will want to choose their baby 's genes for non-medical reasons .

  10. 换言之,雌性动物能从雄性配偶那里获得的只是它的基因,雌性动物会选择基因好的雄性动物。

    In other words , all a female gets from a mate are his genes , and females select for males with good genes .

  11. 根据尾分析法中的标准选择基因型分析法的原理,分别按照哈氏单位和蛋壳强度取群体两尾各5%左右的个体组成两尾极端小群。

    Five percent individuals at each tail of the whole population were selected to establish two extrem groups for Haugh Unit and shell strength , and standard selective genotyping were performed .

  12. P-选择素基因多态性与可溶性P选择素浓度、心房颤动血栓栓塞的相关性研究

    The association of soluble P-selectin gene polymorphisms with soluble P-selectin levels and thromboembolic events induced by atrial fibrillation

  13. E选择素基因多态性与广西壮族系统性红斑狼疮的相关性研究

    Association of the E-selectin polymorphism with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in the Ethnic Zhuang population from Guangxi Province

  14. 选择部分基因进一步用半定量RT一PCR的方法鉴定其在相应类型标本中的表达。

    Several differentially expressed genes were confirmed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR in the relevant tissues .

  15. 目前,正结合进行田间分离纯合和DNA分子鉴定,培育去除选择标记基因的转基因抗虫玉米自交系。

    At present , inbred lines of transgenic insect resistant maize with selective marker gene removed are in separating and inbreeding program assisted by DNA marker detection .

  16. 利用DNA免疫法制备植物选择标记基因hpt表达蛋白抗体的研究

    Study on the preparing of polyclonal antibodies against plant-selected maker gene hpt expression protein by DNA immunization

  17. 提出一种PLS系数选择特征基因的方法。

    The PLS coefficient method is proposed .

  18. 用hMT-Ia基因作选择标记基因在BPV载体中表达HBsAg的研究

    Using bMT-Ia Gene as Selective Marker to Express HBsAg in a BPV Vector

  19. 植物选择标记基因hpt在大肠杆菌中的融合表达、纯化及活性测定

    Fusion Expression , Purification and Bioactivity Assay of Plant Selectable Marker Gene hpt in E. coli

  20. 结果E-选择素基因第2外显子等位基因G、T频率在壮族与汉族正常人群中分别为94.8%、5.2%和95.3%、4.7%;

    Results The allele frequencies of G , T for E selectin polymorphism in the exon 2 were 94.8 % and 5 2 % in Zhuangs , 95.3 % and 4.7 % in Hans , respectively ;

  21. Bar基因是转基因商品化作物中应用最多的目标基因,也是水稻遗传转化中应用较多的选择标记基因,因此,建立以Bar基因为选择标记的通用和高效的遗传转化体系非常必要。

    Bar gene is widely used in commercialized transgenic crops as a selective marker and also used in rice transformation . Therefore , the establishment of a kind of common and efficiency genetic transformation system is necessary .

  22. 在此基础上,选择RANTES基因启动子区的两个多态位点,重点研究其多态性对基因功能的影响。

    Meanwhile , we further investigated two polymorphism sites of RANTES and their effects on the function of the genes .

  23. 对小麦遗传转化上常用的选择标记基因NPTⅡ的选择剂及GUS基因在幼胚愈伤组织中的转移进行了研究。

    The selectable marker gene ( NPT ⅱ ) that is usually used for wheat transformation was tested for the optimal selector .

  24. 为彻底消除选择标记基因的负面影响,目前已经发展了多种去除选择标记基因的植物转化系统,如共转化系统、位点特异性重组系统、转座子系统及MAT载体系统等。

    Presently many plant transformation systems have been developed in order to remove selectable marker genes such as co-transformation system , site-specific recombination system , transposable element system and MAT vector system etc.

  25. 在此基础上,找到了合适的Basta筛选压,为以bar基因作为选择标记基因的水稻遗传转化奠定了基础。

    On the basis of this result , optimal selection pressure of basta was determined , thus laying a foundation for the transformation of rice with bar gene serving as selection marker gene .

  26. 目的研究E选择素基因第4外显子S128R多态性在湖北地区健康汉族人群中的分布。

    Objective To study the single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP ) in the exon 4 of E-selectin at position 128 in the healthy Chinese Han Population of Hubei .

  27. 同时,还发现,gypsy绝缘子能增强选择标记基因的表达,从而有利于转基因植株的筛选。

    The gypsy insulator was also able to improve the expression of a selectable marker gene outside the insulated region , which facilitated the screen of transgenic plants .

  28. 结果:中国湖北地区人群P-选择素基因启动子-2123位点各基因型频率CC型8.20%,CG型37.60%,GG型54.10%。

    Results : In Hans crowd of the area Hubei , China , the frequency of P-selectin genotype GG is 8.20 % , GC is 37.60 % , CC is 54.10 % , respectively .

  29. 目的:制备抗潮霉素B磷酸转移酶(HPT)的单克隆抗体(McAb),建立一种快速检测转基因作物中该选择标记基因HPT编码蛋白的方法。

    Objective : To produce monoclonal antibodies ( McAb ) against hygromycin B phosphotransferase ( HPT ) and to establish a rapid method for the measurement of HPT antigen in the genetically modified crops ( GMC ) .

  30. 而基于自然选择和基因遗传学原理的遗传算法(GA),具有很强的全局搜索能力,将二者结合起来形成了一种训练神经网络的混合算法&遗传神经网络(GA-BP)。

    Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) based on natural selection theory and genetics has good global search property . Combining the neural network with the genetic algorithm is to be a mix algorithm-genetic neural network ( GA-BP ) .