
xuǎn tí
  • selected topic;select topic;selection of a subject
选题 [xuǎn tí]
  • [select topic] 选择题目

  • [selected topic] 拟定的题目

选题[xuǎn tí]
  1. 本文以H公司机加车间调整改造为背景,首先介绍了论文的选题背景、论文研究现状及意义、研究内容及框架。

    With the background of adjustment and reconstruction of H Company machining workshop , this paper firstly presents the background of selected topic , research status and significance , research content and framework .

  2. 论文选题来源于国防科工委预研项目雷达目标RCS测量研究的子课题雷达目标特征提取与识别。

    The paper selected topic originates from the national defense science and industry committee advanced research project " the radar target RCS survey research " the sub - topic " the radar target feature extraction and recognition " .

  3. 他用骰子决定多选题答案。

    He used the dice to decide his answers in the multiple choice questions .

  4. 本文用VISUALBASIC和SQLsever编制了一个基于网络的CAT,采用了c-分层选题方法,使用改良多项式进行内容平衡,不定长终止规则。

    In this thesis a CAT based on network is programmed with Visual Basic and SQL Sever . The item selection method used in this CAT is a-stratified with content-blocking . The Modified Multinomial Model is used to balance the content and the stopping rule of variable length is used .

  5. 这也使本选题具有较强的现实意义。

    This also makes the topics with a strong practical significance .

  6. 生物信息学方向毕业设计选题初探

    The Selection of Graduation Design Titles for Students of Bio-informatics

  7. 研究生论文选题中教学实验与指导的思考

    Consideration of Teaching Experiment and Guidance in Dissertation Selection of Graduate Students

  8. 论高校学报选题的标准

    On the standard of Subject - Selecting of College Journal

  9. 在此基础上提出本文的选题依据。

    The selected topics basis is proposed based on it .

  10. 最后是针对前面的论述对本文的选题背景和主要工作做了阐述。

    At last explain the background of the subject and main work .

  11. 论英语作文的选题、结构与方法

    On Topic Choice , Structure Arrangement and Methods Use in English Writing

  12. 编辑与选题策划

    The Role and Requirement of the Editors on the Theme-selection and Planning

  13. 前言是关于选题的意义和研究现状。

    Introduction is on the significance and research situation of the topic .

  14. 绪论部分主要论述论文的选题背景,选题意义。

    Mainly discusses the topic to choose a background paper , meaning .

  15. 这也是本文选题的重要原因。

    This is also an important reason for this choice .

  16. 相关研究综述及论文选题。

    Summarize of correlative study and the selective subject of the thesis .

  17. 管理科学科研选题及其研究方法探析

    Study on Research Subject and Methodology of Management Science

  18. 制约研究生科研选题的几点因素

    Some Factors of Restricting the Selection of Scientific Research Subject of a Postgraduate

  19. 在有机化学实验课程中开设文献实验,能提高学生基础素质和综合能力,养成终身学习的习惯。在实验过程中选题是保证实验成功的前提;

    Documentary experiment course in organic chemistry experiment corse can improve the students '

  20. 机电一体化专业毕业设计的选题原则

    The principle of selecting graduation design topic for major of machinery and electronics

  21. 明确了重要论文的选题和作物分布。

    The distribution of research fields and crops of these papers are illustrated .

  22. 第一部分主要阐明了作者选题的目的和意义。

    The first part sets out the purpose and significance of the topic .

  23. 第一部分交代了选题缘由。

    The first part explained the topics ' reasons .

  24. 因此,本文选题具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。

    Accordingly , this paper possesses quite significant sense in both theory and realism .

  25. 基于B/S模式的毕业设计双向选题管理系统设计

    Design of Bidirectional Subject-Selection System for Graduation Thesis based on Browser / Server Mode

  26. 运动医学专业硕士研究生论文选题述评

    Discussion of master degree theses on sports medicine

  27. 这一部分主要对蒙古族传统礼仪教育的选题意义进行了阐述。

    This section focuses on topics of Mongolian traditional etiquette education meaning is described .

  28. 在这一章节中,主要阐述了本论文选题的背景和研究意义,并对国内目前的相关研究进行了综述和评论,提出了本文研究的主要内容和研究方法。

    It expounds the background of this topic and the significance of the research .

  29. 前言部分主要说明了选题的意义和作者的写作意图。

    The foreword partial mainly showed the selected topic significance and author 's writing intention .

  30. 首先,本文介绍了选题背景、意义和国内外研究现状。

    Firstly , the paper describes the background , significance and status of international research .