
  • 网络Selection and appointment system;electoral system
  1. 治理转型与乡镇干部选任制改革

    Governance Transition and the System Reform in Selection of County Leaders

  2. 完善审判长选任制实践运作的理性思考

    Rational Deliberate on Perfecting Selection System of the Chief Justice

  3. 本文的第五部分提出了对审判长选任制的改革和展望。

    The fifth part suggests the reform and prospects of the chief judge selection and appointment system .

  4. 要完善选举办法,规范选举程序;逐步扩大公推直选;严格控制选任制领导任期内职务变动。

    To improve the electoral practices , standardize election procedures ; gradually expand the " acclaimed elections "; strict control of elected term of office of leading change .

  5. 在问责对象上,要把选任制公务员明确作为问责的对象,增强问责的针对性和对抗性。

    About the object of accountability , we should take the " elected civil servants " policy as the clear object of accountability to make the accountability more oriented and confrontational .

  6. 本文通过简要阐述审判长选任制的基本内容,分析确定审判长选任制的价值定位,剖析实践中审判长选任制改革存在的问题,肯定了在我国实行审判长选任制的价值。

    This article shortly expound the basic contents of selection system of the chief justice , analyze its value and the question in the practice , and approve this reformation as a result .

  7. 这一群体的内部代理方式的处理则是立法的关键,美国采用宽松的代表制,日本则采用任意担当式的选任制。

    Thus , how to handle the internal procuration of this " group " becomes the crux of the legislation . The USA adopts loose representative system while Japan employs the system of designating litigants .

  8. 第三部分初步阐发了基于胜任力选任模型和特点对高校学生班干部选任制的启示和思考。

    The third part elaborates initially the enlightenment and the ponder , about the selection-appoint model and the characteristic based on competence to the university student class cadre selection-appoint system .