
  • Draft;talent show;NBA
  1. 多诺万·米切尔是2017年的NBA选秀中的意外之财。

    Donovan Mitchell was a huge steal in the 2017 NBA Draft .

  2. 在2009年的NBA选秀大会上,格里芬被快船队用状元签选中。

    Griffin was drafted first overall by the Clippers in the 2009 NBA draft .

  3. Smize的意思是“用眼睛微笑”。这个词是美国超模泰拉·班克斯在第13期美国超级模特选秀大赛中独创的。

    Smize means " smile with your eyes , " as coined by supermodel Tyra Banks on the thirteenth cycle of America 's Next Top Model .

  4. 无论是节目制作方还是社会,都应该努力向青少年们呈现出选秀成功背后经历的磨难,打破他们“一夜成名”的幻想。

    Both society and the producers of these programs should make more effort to highlight the difficulties that successful people have overcome and break the illusion3 of overnight fame .

  5. 现在的选秀节目形形色色,很多年轻人在看到台上优秀的选手成功后,会产生“成功有捷径”的想法。

    Young people might think there is a shortcut2 to success after watching the many talent shows on television and they could feel less motivated to study hard as a result .

  6. 对于Diversity来说,催化剂是参加英国达人秀的电视选秀节目。

    For Diversity , the catalyst was entering for a television talent show , Britains Got Talent .

  7. 米洛排名下滑一部分得归咎于她亮相《XFactor》选秀节目时的装扮,当时她穿了一件花边紧身连衣裤。

    Minogue 's slide was partly blamed on her appearance on television talent show the X Factor wearing a figure-hugging lace catsuit .

  8. 为了看选秀,我自己买了一些“超女”的CD,又跟朋友借了一些。

    In order to watch it , I bought some CDs of the show and borrowed some from my friends .

  9. 她们都想看选秀比赛的DVD

    who wanna watch the talent show DVD ,

  10. 选秀落选2010年7月21日从哈佛大学毕业后,林书豪参加了2010年NBA选秀,但未得到球队合同。

    After graduating from Harvard University , Lin went undrafted in the 2010 NBA Draft .

  11. 他在NBA年度选秀中是第36位入选者。

    He was chosen as the th pick in the annual draft of the NBA .

  12. 西斯稀里进入NBA选秀,并于2006年首先选择了多伦多猛龙队这个团队。

    Bargnani entered the2006 NBA Draft and was selected first overall by the Toronto Raptors .

  13. 让我们为还没看过的读者解释一下,这位男士在台湾选秀节目“超级星光大道”上高歌“我永远爱你”(IWillAlwaysLoveYou)的视频吸引众多眼球有以下几个原因。

    In case you haven 't already seen it , this video of a man singing'I Will Always Love You'on the Taiwanese talent show'Super Star Avenue'is outstanding for a few reasons .

  14. NBA采用1985年引入的抽签形式决定其选秀顺序。

    To determine the draft order the NBA uses a draft lottery , introduced in 1985 .

  15. 在1999年NBA选秀大会上,王以第36位被达拉斯小牛队选中。

    Wang was picked by the Dallas Mavericks in the 1999 NBA Draft , chosen 36th overall .

  16. NBA选秀只有两轮,共有58名运动员供选。

    The NBA draft consists of only two rounds , with a total of 58 players chosen .

  17. 江苏卫视曾希望下个月能够播出的歌唱选秀节目全能星战(CelebrityBattle)是被叫停的节目之一。

    Celebrity Battle , a singing competition show that Jiangsu had hoped to run next month , is among those halted .

  18. 上周日,波以尔在英伦选秀节目theXFactor中演唱了自己在新专辑中翻唱滚石乐队的WildHorses。

    Boyle launched her album with a performance on The X Factor on Sunday during which she sang her version of The Rolling Stones song Wild Horses .

  19. 祝贺你在1998年NBA选秀大会中在第五顺位被选中,文斯·卡特!

    Happy Birthday to the 5th pick of the 1998 \# NBA Draft , Vince Carter ! \# NBABDAY

  20. 江苏卫视曾希望下个月能够播出的歌唱选秀节目“全能星战”(CelebrityBattle)是被叫停的节目之一。

    Celebrity Battle , a singing competition show that Jiangsu had hoped to run next month , is among those halted . '

  21. 对NBA来说,当务之急是今后与中国的关系及选秀问题。

    At stake for the league is the future of its relationship with the Chinese and the NBA draft .

  22. 舞蹈组合Diversity电视选秀节目《英国达人》的获胜者向杰克逊致敬;粉丝们穿戴着杰克逊风格的男式软呢帽、手套和夹克衫。

    The dance troupe Diversity winner of the television competition " Britain ` s Got Talent " performed a tribute ; and fans wore Jackson-inspired fedoras , gloves and jackets .

  23. 毫无疑问,2007年选秀没有人像易建联这样影响巨大(Yi发音如“Ee”,和“BigE”中的E一致)。

    It can be argued that no player in the2007 draft was as big as Yi ( pronounced " Ee ", as in " Big E ") .

  24. 他大一就进入了首发阵容,一直待到他宣布参加NBA选秀。

    He stepped into the starting lineup as a freshman and didn 't leave until he declared for the NBA Draft .

  25. 这位身高2.26米的上海人自2002年在NBA选秀夺得状元后,已经打了8个赛季的比赛了,这位小巨人已经饱受伤痛之苦。

    The2.26-meter Shanghai native , who played for eight seasons in the NBA , has been troubled with a series of injuries .

  26. 东契奇在皇马效力最后四个赛季中场均得到14.5分,之后在去年6月参加NBA选秀。

    Doncic averaged 14.5 points in his final of four seasons for Real Madrid , before entering the NBA draft last June .

  27. 科比充满荣誉的高中生涯使他在1996年的NBA选秀中被夏洛特黄蜂队选中。

    Kobe 's highly decorated high school career made him the 13th overall choice by the Charlotte Hornets in the 1996 NBA draft .

  28. 上榜的其他名人包括美国豪门女星、社交名媛帕里斯•希尔顿(第六位)及英国选秀节目“TheXFactor”冠军莉欧娜•刘易斯(第九位)。

    Other celebrities on the list included U.S. heiress and socialite Paris Hilton ( sixth ) and Leona Lewis , a winner of Britain 's " The X Factor " television talent show ( ninth ) .

  29. 这个价码看起来很合适,因为塔克应该比罗斯更适应3D角色,而萨林杰完全无关紧要,同时猛龙保留了他们自己的2017年一轮选秀权

    That price looks excellent given that Tucker should fit more neatly in a three-and-d role than Ross , Sullinger is a total non-factor , and the Raptors kept their own 2017 first-round pick .

  30. 库克,他们正计划进入NBA选秀,是完全蒙上了勒布朗,谁控制了该营地。

    Cooke , who was planning to enter the NBA draft , was completely overshadowed by LeBron , who took control of the camp .