
  • 网络Selection
选聘 [xuǎn pìn]
  • [select and engage] 挑选聘用

  • 有权选聘校长和教师

  1. 职业经理人市场中的选聘&层次分析法的应用

    The Selection and Appointment in the Professional Manager Market & Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process

  2. 上市公司独立董事的资格认定及选聘机制研究

    Research on Qualification Recognition of the Independent Directors of Listed Company and Selection and Employment Mechanism

  3. 大学将于选聘期间要求应徵者出示有关第II,III及IV部份所申报之学历证书及工作经验证明文件以供核对。

    Applicants will be required to produce documentary evidence pertaining to the qualifications and working experience ( where appropriate ) in Sections II , III & IV for verification .

  4. 面向市场的职业经理人选聘研究

    The Research on the Choice of Professional Managers Based on Market

  5. 建立规范的独立董事选聘机制;

    Setting up the standard employment and the select mechanism ;

  6. 属性层次模型在课程负责人选聘中的应用

    Application of Attribute Hierarchy-Based Model in Selecting Principal of Discipline

  7. 情境模拟测验在我国人才选聘中的应用规范

    A study on the application of simulations in personnel appraisement of China

  8. 关于重视高知识结构教练选聘问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Importance of Selecting Coaches with High Knowledges

  9. 选聘离退休干部、教师担任大学生辅导员初探

    An Exploration on Employing Retired Faculties as Political Instructors of College Students

  10. 选聘委员会的三名成员每人都浪费了一天的时间。

    Three people on my committee each wasted a day .

  11. 选聘高水平教师,实行教师双向交流制度。

    Invite high qulity of teacher , carry out institution of teachers'two-sided exchanging .

  12. 选聘的首要问题在于绩效预测。

    The chief issue of recruitment is performance forecasting .

  13. 对选聘教练员工作科学评估体系的研究

    Research on Evaluation System of Selecting and Engaging Coaches

  14. 风险投资项目经理选聘与激励机制研究

    Research on the Engagement and Motivation Mechanism of the Risk Investment Project Manager

  15. 高校毕业生村官选聘是地方院校发展的新契机

    A New Opportunity for Local College Development : Graduates Employed as Rural Officials

  16. 这些对于企业选聘和培养职业经理人有着重大的现实意义。

    All of them are very important for enterprises to choose and cultivate professional managers .

  17. 选聘、培训、学习相结合,提高决策情报队伍整体素质。

    Improving the quality of the intelligence agents through selected promotion , training and learning .

  18. 工程施工项目经理的选聘

    Employment of project managers in engineering construction

  19. 胜任力理论指导下的高校辅导员选聘

    Recruiting College Counselors with Competency Theory

  20. 公司应根据自身的实际需要选择合适的独立董事,目的是保证公司在引入独立董事后可以赋予其明确的职能;完善独立董事的选聘机制以保证其独立性;

    Corporation should select independent directors according to its needs and endow them with explicit functions .

  21. 1957年选聘为中国科学院院士。

    In 1957 , he was elected as an academician of the China Academy of Sciences .

  22. 不久前,我曾担任一个委员会的委员,该委员会的任务是选聘一家猎头公司。

    Some time ago I sat on a committee that had the job of hiring a headhunter .

  23. 二要健全配套机制。进一步完善选聘机制、激励机制及管理体制。

    Second is to amplify the supporting mechanism including the appointment mechanism , incentive mechanism and management mechanism .

  24. 因此高职院校的双师型专职教师培养应以选聘产业一线出类拔萃的技术精英为主。

    So training of double-certificate teachers at colleges should be based on outstanding technical elites at the production line .

  25. 完善选聘的管理模式,需要拓展选聘的新途径、新思路。

    Improving the selecting mode of management , it needs to develop new ways , new ideas for hire .

  26. 学校为特聘教授配备科研助手,在人才选聘和队伍建设方面给予政策支持。

    An SMU Specially-Appointed Professor is assigned research assistants and enjoys policy support in selecting team members and developing the team .

  27. 从独立董事资格的认定和选聘机制的建立两个方面对这一问题进行了探讨和论述。

    Two aspects of this system are described : the qualification recognition and the establishment of the selection and employment mechanism .

  28. 分析了职业经理人选聘的背景、存在的主要问题,以及职业经理人才能的结构;

    This paper refers to the background and main issues of professional managers ' selection , and the structure of managerial talents ;

  29. 高校体育教育人力资源在选聘、使用、职后教育、流通等方面,还存在着不尽如人意之处。

    There still exists something unsatisfactory in the selection and engagement , use and circulation of PE human resources in colleges and universities .

  30. 近几年,我国出现企业以招标方式选聘会计师事务所的做法,本文称其为“审计招投标”。

    In recent years , as one of auditor 's appointment means , audit tendering has emerged in the audit market of china .